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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Not Afraid To Bite {Any}
    The young princess found a window of opportunity to run to the playground. A rumored place for children to meet, but a place mother wouldn't allow her to visit until she was older. Mother says its for her safety, whatever that means, and that she has more to learn. 

    Like any foal, she did not take the warnings to heart, as soon as her parents went on a kingdom visit Sabrina slipped out to the playground. The young filly in her hellhound form (which is much less scary as a puppy). A form that is familiar to her, inherited from her father, but may be chilling for others to see. 

    She does not think of running into another though, she hopes she will, but so far the playground seems rather bare. Perhaps uncle Corban did not tell the truth, she rolls her eyes at the green stallion who told her all the stories of this place. Though it did not live up to her expectations, it would not ruin her fun.

    Her yellow eyes found a nearby butterfly, its wings bigger than her head! Her eyes grew wide and with a laugh the pup gave chase to the big orange and black insect. Sylva was home to many odd creatures, but she certainly never saw one this big!
    Not Afraid To Bite

    It was certainly a weird time to be alive right about now, running away from your mother to pursue an explorative spirit that made practically no sense, departing to land he barely knew, lying to get there, digging a deeper hole with each word.
    But at least he was still alive, and today, his adventures had led him to the Playground. Sylva was fun to hang out in, but sometimes it lacked the young spirit, rather barren in terms of young life, or so he had thought, perhaps not having looked hard enough.

    The colt moves quickly along the terrain, his coal-black pelt representing his mother, shining in the gleam of light above. As he walked, a glint of yellow light penetrated his eyesight, something most definitely worth investigating.
    The colour was similar to the colours that represented Sylva, yellow and quite pretty, always quite interesting.
    The small boy couldn't help himself, he had to go check it out, his small legs carrying him over, the lack of voice echoing through the playground as he spoke "Hello? I'm Castaneis" he announced, whether it was a carnivore listening or a horse, at least they now knew his name.

    Rather short sorry, @[Sabrina]

    The pup continued to chase the large beautiful butterfly, the insect was much smarter than she imagined it. Diving from her pounces, leading her on only to escape at the last moment. The young hellhound prepares to pounce once again when the voice of another runs into her ears. She leaps in the air and her head turns toward the voice, the minor distraction causes her to harshly land into the earths dirt.

    She stands up, spitting whatever dirt collected into her teeth, gazing at the butterfly who continued to drift away. With a snort she runs towards the voice that she heard, not wasting the opportunity to meet a new friend! Mother said there were other foals in Sylva, but she has yet to meet one of them. Her time was nearly always spent learning diplomatic tactics, and how to defend herself. She was pretty scary if she says so herself, who would mess with a hellhound?

    As she comes to a halt a black equine comes into her view, he was older than her, but still young. She shrugs her shoulder and removes herself from hiding. The brown and red hound plops down, sitting before the young colt. She gazes up to the stranger, her eyes narrow in on him, You smell like home... the scent of Sylva was thick on this colt, but she has never seen him before. What is your name? She demands, certainly he had to know who she was, she was a hellhound for god sake.

    Not Afraid To Bite


    The air is tense for a moment as the young colt waits, his body unsure of what he was meant to be waiting for, but since he was in the playground there was no way he was going to get eaten, right?
    He was quite patient when it came to waiting for things, like his plan to run away, for example, he had the dream to run off to Sylva, get away from his mother, not exactly a simple task as a small foal, especially with the watch of a motherly eye, always patrolling.
    But the foal was usually quick-witted, able to slink away at just the correct moment, running off never to return.

    It doesn't take too long before a dark figure emerges from the foliage, a striking resemblance facing the colt, as he looked at her, not particularly astonished, but more intrigued if anything.
    "like home?" he smiles "I feel like I may know which home you're talking about" he glances at her and then back out to the foliage she had come out from, she was obviously quite a significant filly, Castaneis was sure to make a note of it as he returned his answer to her questions.

    "I am Castaneis, or Cast!" he smiles, his names could sometimes be quite a tongue twister which is why it was a lot simpler to shorten it.
    She smiles shortly before returning a question "What about you? What's your name?" he felt like he should have known, but then again he wasn't really trying to go around Sylva poking his nose into everything.

    The small colt looks off into the distance again, he didn't know what he was searching for but it seemed like a good way to pass time when exchanging conversation, especially in large groups where everyone would take their turn in speech, a rather bothersome way of conversing.


    He was an interesting colt, almost like he spoke every thought that passed through his mind. Or maybe he just didn't filter his words from his thoughts. The hound shifts from her canine form back to her equine, her pelt shifting colors slightly. The now blood bay with red points stands before the ebony colt, her yellow eyes gazing into his.

    He notes that he may know which home she was talking about and she only responds by cocking her eye. She surely hopes so, unless he was trespassing in Sylva territory, then again the scent shouldn't be so thick, he has been living there for a while. Laugh! she yells at herself in her head, forcing a laugh from her maw....this is how normal foals interact...right?

    Alas, he introduces herself, mother always told her to wait to receive a name before giving her own away. Cast he says, and she nods her head in acknowledgement, Of course he asks for her name, it was customary to do so. My name is Sabrina she says, her gaze remaining on him. How did he not know who she was? Perhaps he was just too young to be involved in the royal hierarchy.

    How long have you lived in Sylva? He was older than her, and she was still a fresh foal, just barely six months old. How did you find Sylva? She was curious at this point, wanting to gather as much information about this Sylvan that she had never met before.

    Not Afraid To Bite


    How long would he have to hold onto his lies before he would be able to move on, the thought still circling as he watches her transform back into an equine, quite an amazing transformation that he had never seen before.
    His eyes were still wide as he now listened to her talk, she exchanged her name, the colt nodding with a smile as she spoke, his ears turning to listen.

    She asks him how long he had been living in Sylva, he waits for her to finish, another question escaping as she continues to speak, how did he get to Sylva, in theory, the answer was quite simple, but in his mind, the answer was completely knotted and muddled up.
    He takes a few moments before answering, his black face moving as air escapes from his lungs "Not for too long, a month or two maybe?" his estimate was probably correct, although he didn't particularly take any care in noting time.
    "Well, Corban found me since I had been separated from my mother, he then led me back to Sylva" he gulps the thick air down as he speaks, it was him who was creating a deep hole for himself, hiding in it, covering suffocating in the lies he created.
    "Well" he pauses, his head tilted slightly, unsure of what he was wanting to say.
    "I sort of left my mother and then ran off"
    It is hard to speak of so clearly, saying it out loud seemed to hurt a lot more than keeping it inside, his face almost astonished at himself.

    "I don't want to bore you though" his face is quickly lit again as he begins to speak "We should do something fun" he says as his body falls into a slightly more playful stance, staring at the filly with a smile.

    She watches as he intently listens to hear speak. Momma said there was others her age in Sylva, but she hasn't met any. She was excited to find Cast, finally someone closer to her age to play with!

    She asks how long he had been in Sylva, and he admits it had only been a month or two. She nods kn in acknowledgement, he was new to Sylva (but so was she). But it is what he says next that really draws her attention. Corban had brought Cast to Sylva, because he lost his mother. Corban!! Thats my uncle! She shrieks with excitement  quickly drawing back as she remembers the part about losing his mother. Sorry about your mom....maybe mine can be yours! Though, he was old enough to be on his own.

    Well, the word cuts the silence. Cast goes on, this time admitting the truth. HE RAN AWAY FROM HIS MOTHER! She tilts her head, looking at him amazed at such a choice. He quickly tries to change the subject, and she quickly corrects her head.

    He didn't want to talk about it right now...and for the moment she would respect it, but soon enough she will find him, and find out why he ran away. He asks about doing something fun and her ears perk up with joy. Ok! She lunges towards him, she gently nips his shoulder before bolting off in the opposite direction. CATCH ME IF YOU CAN! She sceams out as she playfully throws her head around.

    @[Castaneis] Sorry this took forever

    Her exclamation about Corban startles him for a moment, but he is quick to ease up again, there was no reason for him to become startled by anything really, she next speaks of his mother, he doesn't feel particularly remorseful for the moment, his shoulders urging to shrug but his muscles refusing to comply "That is kind of you" he smiles, his attention already diverted by the sudden lunge.

    His initial frown quickly turns into a smile as he pushes forward, his small legs carrying him at a fast pace "Hey! Wait up that ain't fair" he laughs as he rushes forward in an attempt to catch up to the filly, his casual breath turning into a resourceful pant as he rushes behind her.
    He slowly gains on the distance, his head reaching out to touch the filly but not quite reaching.
    The small colt pushed his speed for a moment, gaining on the female and lightly tapping her as he came to a halt "Got ya!" he smiled as he stood tall. Now what? they both stood shrouded in silence for a moment before he began speaking again "Now you catch me, but I'll hide first!" he exclaimed as he rushed into the nearby growth, his body launching itself into a bush.

    The landing was rather rough, his voice sounding a clear "Ouch" as he cowered below the twigs that supported the small bush, his small black tail hanging outside, making the bush look like a creature.
    The colt remains hushed inside, smiling as he waits for the filly to find him.


    The conversation about his mother was short, though she still desires to hear more about it. Why would he leave her? His home? Hopefully if he stays in Sylva, they could grow to be good friends, and one day he will trust her with his secrets.

    He wants to play, and she will do just that. The young filly quickly bolted off, a friendly game of tag, and a nice chase to stretch out her legs. She runs as fast as she can, Cast yelling out, upset by her head start, a laugh escapes her lungs as he tries to catch up. She flicks her gaze back to find him, he was fast and nearly caught up to her already. Her ears pin back in a playful manner, and she stretches her legs father, giving it all she had.

    She pounds into the earths soft ground, leaving small hoof prints with each step. She was fast, but Cast was just as fast, and before she knew it, she felt his touch on her shoulder. Got ya! , the announcement rang through her ears. She comes to a halt and snorts with her exhale, an attempt to regain her breath. Good one! she laughs, surprised he caught up.

    They both stood staring at each other, at a loss of what to do now...but Cast had a great idea to play hide and seek. He wanted to hide first and she allows it, she turns around allowing him a brief moment to hide. Her ears swivel back listening to his movement as she counts in her head.

    Eight.......nine.......TEN!! She yells out as she reaches her count, with it she flicks into her hound form and turns around to where he was. She knows a general area he settled into as she could hear his movement when she was counting. She heads into that direction, her canine snout sniffing the ground, oh yes, Cast was here. She says aloud, her voice was playful, and her tail wags with excitement. His scent grows stronger, but she still cannot see him. She tilts her head and sits on the ground, her eyes scanning for sign of the colt, and FINALLY, she spots is tail sticking out from a bush.

    The hound runs over and quickly paws the bush apart, hiding within was Cast. She laughs at his hiding spot, certainly not one she would have thought of. You're funny Cast! Let's be friend forever okay! Wishful thinking on the naive young filly.

    Not Afraid To Bite


    The small colt could hear his new friend walking around the bush, announcing that she was on track, about to find him. He holds his breath as she nears him, trying to stifle a giggle that rang through him.

    It didn't take long for him to be found, his black body already standing out against the green foliage "Good job!" he giggles as he stands up, his body returning to a taller stature with a smile painted across both corners of his muzzle as he tries to re-position himself and calm down.
    The filly then continues to speak as he shakes his pelt, removing the twigs and portions of leaves that had stuck to him, he freezes for a moment as the filly finishes, he blushes slightly as his face lights up, he doesn't know if it is confusion or surprise, his head tilts to the side anyway.

    The colt shivers for a moment, he hadn't really had a friend up till now, not a proper one anyway, for her to announce them friends, and forever, was more than surprising.
    He still stands still, allowing the warm air to fill the hushed atmosphere, an awkward jerk from his body as he tries to formulate a reply "Uh, friends? forever?" his reply is more of a question, not really realising his wording may come out as rather rash, or just uninterested.
    The small colt is confused for a moment, and for no reason really.
    "I uh..." his mouth tries to wrap around the words escaping his mouth, but it is not easy "Sure" he finally nods, his confused face returning to a smile "I can be your friend, forever" he nods again.

    What did forever entail, at one point he would die, it was the only thing that went through his mind, if he died, what would forever mean, would it carry on and light the flame in the afterlife or cover it up and choke it out.
    He nods again anyway, his smile awkwardly making its way onto his face.

    His head turns away for a moment, almost trying to escape in order to breathe "I'm sorry, I want to be your friend" he begins again, a clean slate for him to apply his words to, apologise for his hesitation "I haven't had any friends yet" he adds as he nods again "I'm not even really sure what a friend is" his tongue twists around inside his muzzle for a moment "I'm sure you can help me though. Sure, let's be friends, forever"


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