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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    how come I never got used to the feeling of sleeping in a cage?
    too long driving, too damn hungry; a tied-up hound but nothing stays

     She slips away from the forest’s shadows, wandering from Sylva’s grip to appease her restlessness and curiosity. An occasional glance over her shoulder confirms that she isn’t being followed. Solitude, her closest friend, hugs her and wipes away many of her responsibilities from mind. Nonetheless, Sinner frequents the deep corridors of her thoughts. Her skin yearns for him, already addicted to his body’s warmth even as the climate stretches into spring and summer. Valdis narrows her eyes, seemingly disappointed in herself to have succumbed so easily to him (but it had actually taken a year until allowing him to hold her, to trace his lips down her body).

    But it’s only him. No one else has touched her skin, no one except her family.

    It would be so easy to crumble in the face of temptation and curl herself into other men, and yet when her King comes to mind – haunting, oppressive – she cannot bring herself to do it. How has she already lost herself to him?

    A dismissive snort quivers her nostrils as she steps forward and escapes the treeline. Behind her is a beaten trail cutting around Loess and the Forest and into Sylva. Ahead of her, for miles until merging with the horizon, is an open meadow that has become rather familiar over time. Memories are tucked away in every blade of grass and every shrub. Valdis regards her surroundings thoughtfully, a cough suddenly rattling her body, before she lowers her head to graze beneath spring sunshine.




    keep your dreams in check

    The journey back down from Hyaline was rather tiring but rewarding, the constant movement was bothersome but the sights between the forest and Hyaline itself made it all worth it. From the beauty of the lakes and forests of Hyaline to the massive expanse of weirdly lit land that was now set before him, a scene ready to be explored by the male, how exciting.
    Rouhi moves slowly now as he makes his way down a rather steep hill, small rocks flying down from beneath him as he made his descent, his wings lifted into the air to keep balance, or perhaps just cushion his fall.
    Rouhi was known to be quite clumsy sometimes, usually getting lost when looking for flowers or dreaming about different things while walking, it was quite the recipe for disaster really, usually getting him into all sorts of trouble, especially when he wasn't quite happy with himself at the moment.

    Today seemed like it was going to be a good day anyway, the sun was sparkling toward all matter on the earth, illuminating everything that hid in the shadows, beaming light into the meadow so that all could see the beauty within. For Rouhi, this was going to be a wonderful start, a smile painted on his face as he moves forward in an exhilarated manner, not allowing any of his desires to hold him down.
    The stallion ventures inside the forest, everything stood still as he entered, a sweet silence that filled the air, a rhythmic chatter of birds accompanying him as he infiltrates, breaking through the dark layer as he watches the dark canopy above.
    Today the meadow was a sight to behold, small particles that reflected the light rose into the air, seemingly halted in the sky, awaiting something to pass by, only moving when their presence allowed them to do so. Rouhi smiles as he keeps walking, the sun is now gently breaking through the deep cover of trees, small speckles of light dashing through, escaping the grip of the dark overcast caused by the canopy, it was truly something Rouhi loved to watch, simply standing in awe as everything revolved around his person.

    The stallion next dashes to the flora, multiple different species of flowers decorating the dark forest floor, emitting their own kind of light that Rouhi was attracted to, never wanting to leave the company they provided, writing a sweet symphony for his senses. His ice-blue eyes scan the patches of grass, the scent was enchanting, allowing the winged male to close his eyes for a moment, take in the multiple glowing scents that entered his nostrils.
    He inhaled it all sharply, holding it for a moment before releasing it back into the air for the flora to re-use.
    It was rather rare for such a scene to unfold itself so dramatically in front of him, he was used to seeing dreary weather whenever he travelled, but today was most definitely different.
    The stallion wasn't even particularly bothered by everything that hid deep within him, the demons locked away, tugging at the key every day, closer to unlocking him fully, but he pays no attention to it, for now, he is free, to roam wherever he pleases without anything to pull him down.
    With a grin the stallion moves quickly, his legs lifting high into the air as he moves across the expanse of terrain, careful to avoid all the decorative flowers that stared at him with open arms, blooming for him to see it all, take in the sight and call it his own.
    Pollen erupts from the ground as his pace lifts, his stature almost flying as he begins to move his wings, more pollen lifted into the air with each step he took, the light still focused on it all.

    When the stallion stops he stretches himself, his body slightly hot from all the joyous cantering around like a child, his body is loose as he moves around at the walk, only tensing when he hears something in the nearby shrubs, a crackle of twigs attracting his attention.

    Perhaps he would meet someone new today, the thought of it already swallowing him back into his mind, forcing him to ponder, keeping him still as his mind panics, unable to free itself, a grip held tighter the more he struggled.
    The pleasantry of meeting someone still stood though, no matter what he felt inside he still held the obligation of meeting new people, possibly inviting them back to the land he stayed in.  
    "Hello?" and it all begins again.  



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