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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    BLIND DATING for Valentine’s
    You know you want it!

    Sign up here and I’ll see what I can manage to match. Once the match is made, start a thread somewhere and see where it goes! You can make it a date-date or a friendly date, I don’t mind.

    Make your ponies meet new people!

    I’ll probably not match people in the middle of my night so you’ll probably get results tomorrow.
    Also no guarantuee that it is a male-female match because I may not get 50-50 signups.
    Uhmmmm yes please!!

    Lets do Mary, Corban and EDIT Sabrina (baby) for me

    Arctyrus wants in, but he is only a baby so please match with babies!!

    Also put in Rhaegor please ❤️
    This is so fun Nilla! Put me down for Kensa, Misfit(baby) and Ausra.
    tell me what you hate about me
    whatever it is, i'm sorry
    This is fun! Put Magnus and Evia down for it.

    If you need younger horses (1-2), you can put Aegean and Brigade.
    O M G

    naia, brunhilde (baby), litotes, and cosmos
    margot / daedalus / hysperia / frey
    Why not? Smile


    Young girl: Reia
    Ummm let’s do Nightlock (adult boy), Chryseis (adult girl) and Casimira (baby girl).
    Ryatah & her 800 relatives, plus Briseis
    Oh I can pop Alvorr in!
    Rouhi is up to it as well
    Alvorr | Anninux | Aziz | Caelestra | Castaneis | Rouhi | Ruinam | Sidereum
    Ok well brazen and haunt and Cassian will join. They're all young but shhhh

    P.s. Cassian says don't make him date his sister mom won't like it

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