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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Descension; All Kingdom
    and in my dreams...
    i've kissed your lips a thousand times

    In the wake of the four quests, exhaustion takes hold. Despite the reward administered to me for my efforts, I find myself constantly dreaming myself out of real life situations; what with our forces effectively cut into thirds (combined with my own rashness which is soon to result in some sort of political backlash I am sure), the Cove no longer feels like home.

    It feels empty.

    Emptiness, however, is not a feeling which frequents my wife often these days. Her stomach swells with the promise of child, only one; but compared to the beaming woman who bore me three foals in one go, she, too, is exhausted. While still the most beautiful mare on the face of this continent, Solace weakens alongside our plague-free bodies. It turns out that the beginning of Beqanna’s innermost healing will not be a painless process. It doesn’t make sense that we would feel pain while the land is being remedied, but by now, we have come to terms with not always understanding that which the land commands.

    Time passes, and we spend more and more time together and less and less time beyond our homely grotto. The mountain-nested cave still doesn’t fit us the way Hyaline had those years back before the release of the contagion; this we discuss at great length, though our voices are hushed and melancholy. It was never our intention to have it end this way - but, we justify, better this way than dead or at war.

    Dew rises foggily from the night-wet grass as we depart for the meeting spot where once a great legion of followers had amassed; air, crisp and fresh around us, speaks to new beginnings. I churr low in my throat, hoping to reassure Solace as we make our way to the end of an era. When her wing brushes equally reassuringly against the length of my side, I smile; even during this sad time, I am immeasurably happy with her.

    Straightening, I gaze ahead and lose myself to memories of the past as though to do so might ease my way into our uncertain future.


    I remember...

    Waking up from the beyond by the river and meeting Insignificance; discovering her age-old love for my father Kavi, disappeared for longer than I could remember. Despite my insufficient knowledge of the new lands, declaring that I would find us both a home, that we would stick together no matter what.

    Making my way soon thereafter to what had been called a sanctuary by other passerbys. Witnessing for the first time the breathtaking beauty of the mountains… and then the lake. Gazing into its blue depths for what seemed like an eternity, only to turn a corner and come face to face with an angel. She said her name was Solace, and she assured me that my friend and I could come to stay for as long as we needed in her Hyaline. Turns out that I would come to need forever, with her.

    Bringing Insignificance back to Hyaline, only to discover that my very own father had found his way there before us. The tears and joy of the reunion, the heartfelt laughter - and the utter shock of finding out that the two sneaks had become pregnant behind my back! Kissing Sig’s thin belly and singing to the baby that day and for so many following it.

    Accelerating through the ranks far more rapidly than I anticipated; realizing early on that the sanctuary hadn’t many members to its name, at least functionally. Waking up one day from a dream like none other, followed by much exploration of a gift from far away. Welcoming my brother Khaedrik to this world and helping his shadowy mind through the nightmares that plagued it, growing alongside him and being glad to no longer be a single child.

    Becoming ambassador, and feeling so honored that Solace chose me. Dreaming one night atop a mountain of my granddam, and awakening the next morning with her markings alight on my hide. 

    Falling in what I thought was love with the ever obedient, ever obliging, ever easy to experiment upon Rapt. Playing dangerous games in the Abyss, allowing him to have his way with me (though in truth I was having my way with him). Becoming pregnant. Being rejected by Khaedrik and his shadows - being told by them that I would die upon the birth of my unborn child.

    Chaos, in every aspect of my life. Increasing my workload and feeling as though nothing mattered; feeling the worst fucking guilt of my life because I would rather my child die than me. Not knowing what to do, how to feel. Mentioning the situation to my closest friends; to Ilma, who had recently been raped (who planted the seed of thought in my mind which would come to be my saving grace).

    Breaking down to Solace, who then held me all night as I cried into the folds of her being and fully resigned myself to the sacrifice to come.

    Finding Rapt as labour began. Screaming. Forcing his body to tear apart in ways it never should have for the sake of my own life. Watching, dry mouthed and sick, as he birthed the child that ought to have been mine. Not knowing what to do. Not knowing how to act. Only knowing that I wasn’t a mother, at least not in the traditional way, and knowing that I hadn’t the will to figure out an alternative.

    Abandoning my first born son Abysm with his father.

    Being approached by the Nerinian queen Hestia. Being asked to find her dead children in the dreamscape. Feeling in my post-trauma haze as though this might somehow mend my psyche, I obeyed - and, without warning or tenderness, being forced to act as a portal for a higher power to transfer from its realm to ours. A demon, birthed into equine form as we awoke from the dream; a nightmare, a monstrosity, a testament to how utterly motherhood despised me.

    Fleeing to the lake.
    Throwing myself in.
    Preparing to take that first breath - to end what I had began.

    Feeling Solace beneath me, feeling her struggle to raise my sinking body as though she would die to see me live. Resurfacing in a sputter. Crying - god, how I cried - and choking and sobbing as she helped me drag myself from the water’s edge to a nearby copse. Breaking down again in her arms, and telling her everything; not leaving a part out.

    Feeling her warmth with more intensity than I ever had before.
    Forgetting my pain to the pleasure she promised.
    Taking her in my dream and making love to her endlessly; establishing the foundation of a relationship which had never been interpreted as just a one night stand. I had loved her for months by then, she had been my best friend for so long; with death loosening its grip on my being, I submitted myself to loving the woman I always had.

    Being reckless with her twin brother Svedka the next day as my psyche struggled to maintain balance; marking him violently, but in the end making another life-long friend. Bringing him feathers and sea shells as he brought me apples. Growing to love him as more than a friend - as a brother; taking him flying, and knowing that he deserved the world.

     Enlisting for the Alliance, which brought about the shift in my position from Ambassador to General. Gradually healing from the wounds torn from my own recklessness, with both good days and bad; eventually coming to peace with what had happened, and looking forward to what was to come. Later, placing second in the Alliance and being gifted with antlers, and more importantly, my familiar Panthera.

    Being throned and crowned next to Solace, as her Queen Caretaker and consort.

    Meeting with Solace’s father, Warrick, and asking him for her hand in marriage when I was only supposed to be going on a diplomatic visit. Being told yes; having his blessing; becoming a daughter of his, too, beneath his navy wing. Feeling so, so whole.

    Rushing home and bursting with the good news as I embraced Solace, making love that night after she said yes and conceiving our first child. Or actually, our first three; making it through those wildly crazy months, with so many laughs and cries and everything in between. Witnessing the birth of our triplets and again feeling a wholeness like none other.

    Raising them alongside our other children, Abysm, Velk, and Valdis; doing our best though we knew from the start that it would never be enough. Accepting our imperfections as parents and striving to be the best we could be regardless. Navigating the uncertain waters of politics, generally staying afloat despite some rifts, and finding contentment in our beautiful Hyaline.

    Having that contentment torn to shreds by the release of the contagion. Acting quickly and beginning a mass exodus of Hyaline to the East’s safe land, the Cove; being astounded at how many gathered before us, pledging their loyalty and support. Feeling almost as though things might be okay, as though the direness of the sickness might yet be avoided for those who called our kingdom a sanctuary. Still finding time to love one another, despite the distance of Solace remaining in the mountains while I ruled to Cove.

    Eventually handing off Hyaline to new young Caretakers as Solace came close to birthing our fourth child. Welcoming Aegean into our little family, thanking the gods for the nature of his miraculous life when he ought to have died. Living in peace for some time as our family branched out all over Beqanna, and as the politics in other regions took years to become figured out whereas our quadrant presented a united front without pause. Taking part in the quests aimed to heal Beqanna of the sickness, believing that one day, we might return home to Hyaline when it all finished.

    Not long after, having that united front torn to shreds just as our contentment was with the plague. Making mistakes on both our parts with no way to mend the wounds made thereby. Watching as the dynasty of our sanctuary fell to shambles what with the disappearance of Yidhra and my brash removal of Litotes from the throne. Some light shone through the ragged tapestry with the return of Amet, whom both Solace and I trusted most profoundly to do right by the kingdom he himself had founded so very long ago. And of course, we had another child growing in her womb; we were not dead, nor were we dying. But time comes for change at every hour, and now, it is ours.


    We are at the meeting point sooner than I expect, this fact causing me to jolt out of my reverie. I smile sadly at Solace, wondering what thoughts are going through her head despite our having discussed this moment for more nights now than I can remember. When her porcelain head dips, signalling her readiness, I lift my chin and let out a call for any who care to hear it, shivers raising along my skin as I realize that this shall be the last call I make for our kingdom. Choking up halfway through the call, I nod back to Solace, indicating that she ought to finish what she began eight long years ago.

    So many new faces (and many of them not pleased with us) would not realize the gravity of the change to come, would accept our passing as the usual happenstance of kingdoms. But our legacy will never be tarnished in my mind’s eye; our steadfast dedication to our moral principles and to the people of this land will never fail to cause a swell of my breast. I have loved Hyaline, I have loved the East, and above all, I have loved the people who came to love them, too.

    Eventually they gather, and I find tears swimming in my eyes though I’d promised myself I wouldn’t cry. It doesn’t matter how few come, or how many. I have never been good at goodbyes.

    I blink wetly at everyone who comes, finally clearing my throat in an attempt to steady myself. I brush against Solace at my side, feel the swell of the child occupying her womb. We are going to be okay.

    “Greetings,” I call to those around us, the leopard marks atop my bay overo coat gleaming, the regality of my crown of antlers not diminished by the emotion in my voice. “There is no easy way to say this, so I will say it outright: the time has come for Solace and I to step down from the throne of the East. With time we realized that there are hands better suited to nurturing the multifaceted and developing nation of this quadrant; though we have experienced immeasurable joy as we served you, our people, to the best of our abilities, we know now that our best does not compare to the best of others.”

    I swallow hastily but do not stop long enough for any potential interjections, knowing that I will cry if I must hear them now. "Furthermore, Solace is heavy with child, and the pregnancy is taking a toll on our beloved Caretaker as none of her previous journeys through motherhood have. I need to dedicate my time to my wife as she prepares to once again give birth; I hope that at least this may be understood.” We don’t want to abandon you, I feel myself almost say, the words jamming at the lump in my throat. We would never, ever abandon you - but we have to go.

    Inhaling shakily, I once again give my eyes to each and every person gathered, thinking fondly of the memories I have with every single one. Though I cannot promise that they feel the same warmth toward me, I hope against hope that they know that I cherish them each more profoundly than they could ever know. 

    “It has been my honour and my boundless joy to guide you, my people, through the turmoils of the contagion and through the peace which preceded it. In a perfect world, I would never have to leave the Sanctuary’s helm… Know that I leave with a back-breaking sorrow, but that I also look forward to what the future has to hold.”

    Silencing myself now before I talk myself into sobbing, I step back a full length, pressing my nose to the point of Solace’s hip. She deserves to have the final word; and she deserves to do it with the undivided attention of her people upon her. She deserves to descend as she ascended: alone, and all the stronger for it.

    I smile, tears dripping down my face. How greatly I love my wife; how painful it is to end this chapter of our lives, but how brilliant it is to turn the page and begin writing our next.


    Caretaker of The Sanctuary | Lover of Solace | Immortal, Antlered Dreamweaver

    Friends, it has been a pleasure walking this journey with you. Thank you so much with your patience with me through thick and thin; I will always remember mine and Kag's time as leader of the East with immeasurable joy. Until next time. <3

    P.S, please wait for Solace to post before replying.
    [Image: kag]

    After all her time spent worrying the plague would catch her it is something unforeseen which grinds her down. The pregnancy which should have been the easiest of them all was taking an unforgiving toll on her body. 

    Soon, smiling through her pain was too much. And the fear that her next move would be the one to end the life of her unborn child was enough to drive the queen into seclusion. 

    Tangerine had appeared the next day, travel-worn and uncharacteristically solemn, to warn Solace and Kagerus of complications with the pregnancy. With a kiss to her aging dam's cheek, Solace had heeded her seer-mother's words for once. The message echoed what she had already felt to be true, and Solace removed herself from the daily matters - the mundane - from everything except her children and her mate.

    Her body remained quiet, and though she complained heartily of her prison she was glad for the rest. Months past and the pegasus slept far more than any healthy creature should. But while she rested her mind was active, and it spun dreams of the future beyond The East and the responsibility she no longer wished to carry. 

    Maybe it was the return of @[Amet] which set the wheels in motion, or maybe it was simply the weight of a decade under the crown. But there was a symmetry to it, and Solace knew she was no longer as necessary as she had been for the first six years of her reign. Amet had trusted her with his prized Kingdom and now she felt her watch was over.

    She was hesitant at first to whisper these things to her wife - although she should not have been - but they came out easily in their dreams. They spoke long over the matter, walking hand in hand in their dreamscape where she was not limited by the frailty of her body. And they agreed, they wholeheartedly agreed. 

    Soon, the pregnant mare's weariness lifted and despite the misery of her current confinement, there was nearly always a smile on her lips when she spoke. Solace was planning, plotting, and dreaming of a future where they were free. 

    But there is one more hurdle to cross - two if you count childbirth - and Solace summons her strength to stand beside Kagerus and address her people one last time.

    Her mate speaks first as they agreed, and Solace takes the opportunity to watch the faces which have gathered as they watch her warrior queen. The words she hears trigger a tightness in her throat, but she remains poised and still. A gentle touch to her hip and she steps forward with a slight flutter of her pale wings and the whisper of frost in her mane and tail.

    "Thank you," she says with a voice deceivingly strong. "Thank you for welcoming others even when it wasn't the most glamorous thing to do, thank you for helping us keep this sanctuary floating when others tried to split her apart. Whether you have been here for a matter of weeks or years, you are still apart of that, and I will forever appreciate everyone who contributed to her heath - even in the smallest of ways. "

    Her pale gaze scans the few or the many, finally landing on Ilma. "We will not be naming a successor as we plan to leave these lands for a time and believe that decision should be left to those who will remain. But I will hope you all consider the years and efforts that Ilma has contributed to The Sanctuary and at least acknowledge her wisdom while you deliberate." With a small step back, gentle and slow as not to disrupt the fragile burden she carries in her belly, Solace presses herself to the side of her lover again. A wistful smile crosses her lips as she does, softening her crystalline eyes as thinks of what is just beyond the horizon. 

    "We are confident in your abilities to carry on the ideals of The Sanctuary, and it has been an honor to serve alongside you all for all these years. I can not say it enough - thank you."

        we're reeling through an endless fall
    we are the ever-living ghost of what once was

    He travels through the land, considering a visit to Hyaline but its when a whinny pierces his ear he comes to a halt. His head tilts as the call cracks mid way and when he recognizes it to be Kagerus he quickly gallops in her direction.

    He slows to a casual trot as she comes into sight, she stands beside Solace. The pair are calling the kingdom to meet and he can only wonder what for. He doesn't think much of it and finds himself a spot before the queens, silently waiting for the others to gather. He innocently peers around looking for Will, his friend he had not seen for some time.

    His head shifts from the crowd to Kagerus listening as she starts to speak. There was no time wasted as the queen announces the reason for the meeting, her and Solace were stepping down. He almost didn't believe what he was hearing as his eyes grew wide. There was no indications, but as Kagerus continues she notes the issues with Solace's pregnancy.

    His eyes briefly flick to Solace before settling back onto Kagerus who finishes off with a thank you. Shifting back to Solace as she speaks, the gentle queen he looked up to as a foal. She announces they will not announce a heir, they will allow the kingdom to discuss and determine that for themselves.

    He can't say he necessarily agrees with there decision, it only leaves room for arguements to arise. He quickly thinks of Warlight, his childhood friend, the one who wanted to be a war general. A smile quickly tugging at his maw, she was there child as well, a right to the throne. She could reject it, but it only seems fitting to him. We will all sorely miss your leadership, and I personally wish you the best with your pregnancy. If you ever need any help, I'm sure i can speak for everyone when I say the Cove will be here for you. He pauses before deciding to nominate his friend, she deserves that much. As for taking over..what about Warlight? He says, the first to speak up from the crowd.
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    everything we are, it just went away
    with a slide of the tongue and a sour taste

    Everything is changing, and Dawn isn’t sure she’s ready for it.

    The children inside of her squirm and struggle and fight each other for room as she heeds her Queens’ call, her hooves traversing the terrain effortlessly. She has come to feel at home here in the Cove, and though it isn’t Hyaline, she loves the kingdom all the same. Her love for Hyaline is something different now – she loves it and loves the land, but all of the horses she has loved have moved on, either to the Cove or to other places. She has found herself growing beyond the reaches of the mountainous kingdom, and the Cove has filled so many spaces in her heart.

    She falls into the gathering crowd easily enough, smiling at the familiar faces that join their queens. Her nose bumps Clayton’s shoulder as she fondly remembers their time in the Playground as children, and she settles in near him as she turns her attention to Kagerus and Solace. Whatever is coming, it can’t be good. Kagerus looks... almost dazed as she faces them, and there is a calm acceptance on Solace’s face that Dawn finds herself not liking. What is going on?

    And then they speak their pieces, and everything snaps into place.

    No wonder Lie had seemed so agitated when they met in Loess. Kensa had been tense the last time they spoke, though she had hidden it well. Everything in the Cove had seemed so uneasy as of late, with the queens growing more and more quiet, drawing away into solitude.

    Tears prick at the corners of her eyes, and she can’t even blame pregnancy hormones for these. She swallows hard as Clayton speaks up next to her; the blood is pounding in her ears and she barely hears a word he says.

    She finds herself stumbling forward – something she will kick herself for doing later – to address the former queens, desperation written into every line of her face. “You two have been like mothers to me, and I cannot thank you enough,” she manages, every word a struggle. “You have held me and comforted me and taught me to be a better diplomat, and I have cherished my time learning as your subject. If it is not too forward, or too brash of me, I would offer myself up to rule as your replacement, or act as part of a council to continue your great work. The Sanctuary is my home and my paradise and I would like to prove that to the rest of Beqanna.”

    Tongue running dry, she steps back, abashed at her forwardness. She knows her mother had made similar claims lately only to have been crushed – why, oh why, would she do the same thing?


    oh, it's gonna be a long night


    And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
    the firestarters always get the burns
    and the good guys never get the girl

    I’m early, and I will always be from now on.
    It seems that I know things. My intuition is strong, and the feeling lead me here.

    The place of gathering is easy to find, yet I’ve dreaded this day - it is only when I woke up this morning that I felt it to be certain: today is a day of endings and beginnings. Change, I have learned, is like that, bittersweet. Kagerus’ eyes seem filled with wetness, and perhaps that (and the fact that my appearance has become… different, like I’m not always really there, or don’t belong in the world of plagues and mortality) kept her from seeing me smile at her. She’s my best friend - Solace a good second, but honestly, it had been the now-antlered (then temporarily winged) mare that brought me to Hyaline, and I can’t think of life without her. I’d hoped then for our firstborns to be friends like we were, but the circumstances had never let them. It could have ended much sooner for Kag though - before Solace, before queendom. But she’d dreamt it differently, and for that I’m selfishly grateful. She was there when I nearly drowned myself (but I couldn’t let him win). She gave me her home. She gave me her friends, Solace and Svedka both, and though I have the inkling he’ll be back one day, I don’t know if he’ll like what he’ll find. That depends on today.

    I know they’re stepping down for a family life, to save the life of the girl that Solace bears. I don’t know why I know it’s a girl, like I don’t know exactly how I know my own to be. Or who’s children Dawn is bearing - but it’s not important.

    Change is happening, and the possibilities of the future are endless and chaotic in my mind. I only know of the change, not what it will bring, and so I’m here at this point in time, the point where everything is still swirling.

    It is here that the future will be settled.

    My throat is dry when Solace looks to me, and I simply nod for lack of anything better. I promised her I’d look out for Hyaline when the time came, and that promise is not something I will end now that it’s the Cove we speak of. Next to me, the green-bay Clayton has neared us, and on the other side is Dawn. They look forward, not backward, speaking of future leaders and taking over. I want to tell them it’s wrong to do so, that they should give the pair time to leave, to settle, to have their little Oriash, but I know that the young also deserve to paint their future the way they like.

    I’m silent for a while to listen to them speak. Clayton first, nominating not himself but Warlight, his friend. But the queens had not named her heir, perhaps for the same reason Ilma might not have. The girl’s a good one, and she might grow into the seat of a queen’s. But she’d never come to like it. She was a wanderer and a warrior, and having to bite her tongue didn’t seem fitting to the white mare. Rash in nature, and currently not present to either accept his nomination or decline it - though her absence told me that I’m right in my opinion and subsequent decision not to vote for her. She was probably with the other guy, - Raul - though I did not want to tell the horned youngster straight away. Warlight should have been more clear with Clayton from the start, I think. But that’s a mistake for young ones to make, and learn from.

    ”Clay, I know why you ask for Warlight, but I’m sorry, I do not agree with your reasoning, nor appointing anyone not present. However,” I add before he can start to object, ”I do admire you for not nominating yourself. But it makes me wonder why you would not?” He seemed to do well here, after all. Perhaps he had no interest in leading, or perhaps he thought himself too inexperienced. All of those good reasons not to step forward. But I want to hear him say it. I want him to consider if he really shouldn’t step forward, before his chance has passed.

    Looking around, there are so many in the Cove that could be considered a new leader. Dawn, the young diplomat, though her pregnancy shows (more than her own, but that’s easy when you’re having twins). Shifters like their father, they would be a handful to handle if he didn’t make it back here soon. Can Dawn handle the whole of the Cove on her own, with distractions like those? Part of me thinks so - another part worries if she’s in over her head.

    ”A council sounds like a good idea, Dawn. I don’t think it’s a good idea to load the weight of the whole of the East on one head, perhaps not even two, if they're inexperienced. I think you would do well in such a position.” Dawn alone as head of the whole east seems a bit much to me, since she has had no prior training. Sol and Kag had split up to rule both kingdoms for a while, but it had eaten them away as they had realized. And Dawn shouldn't be splitting herself into... what, five? Three lands and two daughters? ”Or, if you don’t mind me saying, we could move the seat of the East back to Hyaline.”

    It’s an idea that had been in my mind for a while as of late. Amet rules there again, and Kensa has ruled there for a while too - with the Plague having settled so much in Beqanna, and hopefully coming to an end, there is no reason to keep hiding away in the safe lands. And those who still want to, well they can surely stay. But it would make appointing a ruler for the Cove easier: they would be ruling a territory of the Sanctuary, not be the head of it.

    Frankly they’re all too young to rule the three lands without having proper training, in my opinion.

    ”Whatever happens, I will be available for those who need me to, like I promised Solace years ago.” I smile a bit, knowing that times have changed and there is not as much of a place for me in the Cove any more as had been while the queens were ruling; I belonged to them more than I belonged to these young horses gathered. ”I would not propose myself to lead all of the East and do so for an undetermined time. But I can take up the seat of ruler if so needed, until we have settled on a new leader in, say, a year’s time, and meanwhile help train a new leader. Or I could stay on as advisor or regent. Whatever you prefer.” I wouldn't mind training Dawn. She shows promise, but at the moment seems not-quite-ready. A year would do her good.

    I know I’ve left them with several more decisions to make now, but I just can’t let these three things - who rules the Cove, which land rules the East, what do we do with this old advisor of the former queens - go unspoken.

    I need this to be settled today - they’ve started it.

    and shooting stars cannot fix the world

    Ilma got precognition so I tried to only have her think of/mention things that are already set in stone, such as the children that will be here soon ^^ But if I overstepped somewhere please let me know! It's my first post with it.

    Ilma votes against Warlight (seeing as Lav goes on hiatus), instead asks Clayton to step up if he wants to;
    Is not against Dawn leading the Cove, either as queen or as council, but would like for her (and anyone really) to get training first, for maybe a year, hence she proposes to rule for one year and thus grant all interested leaders some time to learn about ruling first (and/or tend to their new families);
    Proposes to hand over the title of ‘Kingdom’ to Hyaline so that whoever runs the Cove next will not be running head down into unknown deep waters like ruling a whole section (this includes dealing with Pangea)
    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time

    Amet awakens beneath the budding boughs of his wisteria with an uncharacteristic restlessness. It burns hot in his lanky legs, causing them to shift and prance in place for a time before he decides, almost exasperatedly, that it must be time for him to venture away from Hyaline to visit the crown of the East. It's been some time since he has broken bread with Kagerus and Solace, and as much as he'd like to remain curled next to Jah-Lilah at the lakeside for the warm spring day, there are responsibilities on his and Kensa's shoulders that must be handled by them alone.

    And considering Kensa's frequent trips to and from the Field (her recruiting efforts have not gone unnoticed by the dragonhide stallion), he plans to return the favor by running point on their diplomatic visits. With a playfully gentle tug at Jah-Lilah's red mane, Amet gifts her a warm grin and then heads east, towards the northernmost portion of Pangea ─ a territory that he, admittedly, has postponed his visit to ─ and then into Silver Cove.

    The familiar scents of sea breeze and saltbrush coax his nostrils to flare, welcoming it like an old friend as his rhythmic gait carries him further into the peninsula kingdom. It doesn't take him long to notice the underlying thrum of excitement; it's a difficult vibration to miss when even the avians chirp noisily overhead and the small ground mammals scurry out in the open more than usual, disturbed by the bustle of the equines who call this land home.

    Instinctively, his head raises with intrigue. The sunlight gleams against his scales of gold and bronze as he meanders through patches of its rays beneath the budding tree branches that intertwine overhead. The scent of the sea grows stronger and then gives way to both known and unknown ─ Kagerus. Solace. Ilma. Faintly, he thinks... Tangerine?

    Amet settles into the congregation that collects before the two caretakers, though he remains a bit further away to allow for the residents of the Cove to move closer to their queens. As soon as the stallion's molten amber eyes connect with the painted faces of Kagerus and Solace, he knows. And it breaks his heart in two.

    Despite this, he gives a smile of encouragement and an approving nod of his dragonhide head to the pair should their eyes find him in the crowd.

    Listening attentively and with a dull ache in his chest, Amet comes to wonder what this will mean for Hyaline. Kagerus and Solace had been perfect for the helm of the Sanctuary, and in spite of the regality of their abdication, he knows that there is a good chance of a tumultuous upheaval when those who consider themselves worthy all begin to step forward as a replacement. He will need to speak with Kensa and Jah-Lilah about preparations, and soon.

    The first to speak after Kagerus and Solace is an unfamiliar emerald-tressed stallion; his words are kind and swift to turn to business ─ smart, though Amet does not recognize the name of the one he has recommended for the throne.

    The next, a younger palomino mare, bestows nothing but kindness on the outgoing queens and Amet finds himself smiling warmly at the thin quiver of her words. He finds his amber gaze lingering on the young mare for a few extra seconds, curious at the things that fuel her ─ he, himself, had been young when he had founded Hyaline. He, too, had been quiver-tongued and unsure. Those things can dissolve with time.

    Finally ─ Ilma. Amet recognizes her and her warm face instantaneously. His ears press forward to listen closely to her words, though he had already decided his loyalty for her the moment her name had been uttered from Solace's mouth. Surprise shines briefly in the dragon-stallion's eyes as she mentions Hyaline, though it's swift to disappear from his expression as Ilma's skilled and intelligent words come to a close, giving Amet just enough time to begin his interjection. "On behalf of Hyaline, we would graciously accept the Crown of the East ─ but only if that is what you, the residents of Silver Cove, choose. There is so much truth to Ilma's words. The reign of Kagerus and Solace will be difficult ─ nearly impossible ─ to follow, and the good of the entire Eastern quadrant must be considered." He pauses as his molten amber eyes gaze at each of them in turn, knowing full well that there are uncertainties in not only Pangea's future, but also in their relationship with Loess. And with Hyaline at the literal doorstep of the mother-kingdom of the South, Amet would feel much more secure with his home's fate in his own hands.

    "Regardless of your decision on Hyaline, I'd like you all to consider the recommendation placed before you by your two outgoing Caretakers. Ilma is intelligent, dedicated, and has already proven herself to be a constant staple in this kingdom. Furthermore, I would be hard-pressed to look to someone who was not sponsored by Kagerus and Solace. They have led you successfully for nearly a decade and you have followed them unquestioningly. There is no reason not to do so now."

    His eyes flick to Ilma and he gives her a kind smile before finally turning his gaze to the two former queens, his chest tight as he now faces the inevitability of their departure.

    "Solace ─ I once told you that it was my intention to abdicate and turn the throne of Hyaline over to someone who could guide it even further than I. Someone who could cement the virtues of the sanctuary into Beqanna's history. You have done just that. You and Kagerus, you ─"

    His words catch in his throat and he chuckles sheepishly before continuing.

    "The success in your reign is evidenced by the kindness shown to you today as you step away from the throne for your life beyond the crown. These people love you, and for that ─ for expanding the values that I had founded Hyaline upon nearly twelve years ago ─ I am forever grateful to you both."

    ─ don't get cut on my edges
    @[Kagerus] @[Solace] @[Ilma] ♥

    Amet agrees to make Hyaline the main kingdom of the East if there are no objections
    Either way, he supports Kaglace's recommendation that Ilma take Silver Cove's throne ♥
    There was a lot of familiar faces missing from the crowd, but when his shoulder is touched by a familiar face a smile tugs at his lips. Dawn, a now fully grown mare that he had not seen since he was a young child. He was actually amazed they hadn't run into each other prior to today.

    He listens to Dawn who speaks to the queens, how they were mothers to her. It seems him and Dawn had a similar background, and he knows Solace and Kagerus would be perfect mentors for anyone.

    The pale girl than goes on to nominate herself as ruler. He does not say much, simply because he does not doubt her dedication, but he also doesn't know her skills.

    His head turns to the white mare, Ilma, she quickly throws his nomination for Warlight to the side. He understands, but he knows that Will loves her home and would die for it. But agreeably, she was not at the meeting, who knows where she was.

    Ilma moves on to ask Clayton why he did not nominate himself, and also notes that Dawn was perhaps to inexperienced to rule alone. I've always been humbled to serve my kingdom, regardless who is ruling... His head moves from Ilma to Dawn If the Cove wanted it, I would rule beside Dawn. Together the pair could be a strong force.

    His eyes rest back on Ilma as she speaks of Hyaline regaining its kingdom status. It sounded lovely, but the Cove was salvage from the plague. I think the Cove should remain the kingdom, it is untouched by the plague and can remain a sanctuary for all. He speaks up again, adding in his opinion.

    His gaze turns at the voice of another, he was gold and scaley, someone he never met before. He speaks briefly before announcing Ilma should take rule. Clayton loved his home kingdom and would always be here for whoever is ruling. Ilma of course would be a fantastic ruler, of course only if that is what she wanted. I agree Ilma would also be a great queen His eyes lace over to her, curious if she wanted the crown.

    He listens to the rest of the chatter in the group, at the end of the meeting someone new would be crowned and the reign of Solace and Kagerus would officially have ended.
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


    everything we are, it just went away
    with a slide of the tongue and a sour taste

    She wonders what her children will be like – emotional and strong-willed, so much like the women in her family, or if they’ll be colts, brash and reckless and powerful. If they’ll be shifters like herself or their father, or if they’ll evolve into a different kind of shifter – or, even, if they’ll be shifters at all. She wonders what will happen to them if she rises to the throne, if they’ll be princes or princesses to one day have influence over a kingdom of their own. One day her time will pass and they will be all that is left of her and it is a thought that terrifies the girl. She is hardly more than a child, just barely blossoming into womanhood, and to think of life as something so simple to end so soon... she cannot.

    She has to live in the now; she cannot fret over what will not come to pass for many years. She cannot bear to continue living in the past, either.

    Ilma speaks up then, addressing Clayton beside her. Dawn smiles at the white mare’s words – why shouldn’t he nominate himself? Though their paths have not crossed recently, she knows that the green-maned stallion has made quite a presence for himself within the Cove; he could grow into a strong king himself. She sneaks a glance at the queens – former queens, she has to correct herself – but they do not seem to mind them talking amongst themselves, figuring out a plan for moving forward. That’s what it’s always been about, after all – moving forward. The Sanctuary’s family will only grow stronger from here, once they move past the loss of their loving queens. They will continue to grow, and carry on, as they always have.

    Ilma seconds her suggestion of a council, and Dawn dips her head in embarrassment as the woman says that she would be well suited for it. She may not be a fighter, true, but it seems her kind heart is a strength all in its own, one that hadn’t gone unnoticed by the others. That helps to sweep away some of the sorrow building in her chest, the sorrow that has been growing for years.

    She also suggests moving the seat of the East back to Hyaline, and at that, Dawn swallows hard. She holds her tongue for now, though, knowing how these diplomatic sorts of meetings go – everyone waits their turn.

    A golden-scaled stallion speaks up next, and though Dawn does not know his name, she knows that there is something... almost old about him. As though he has been around for much longer than any of them. His mere presence commands a certain respect, and she watches him curiously as he speaks. He offers to take up the helm of the East from Hyaline, and lends his support to Ilma before graciously thanking Solace and Kagerus and falling silent.

    Clayton speaks again, finally offering his own self to be a ruler – alongside her. He says the words she’s been itching to say – leave the Cove as it is – and she nods in agreement, silently watching them as he backs Ilma’s claim as well.

    The words come easier this time, though her eyes still shine bright with unshed tears for her queens. “Ilma, do you wish to rule, or just to lend a hand to mentor future rulers?” It is asked out of genuine curiousity – she had offered herself to train a ruler, but hadn’t flat out said that she wishes to rule. “I would be honored to learn how to be a queen with you as my mentor, and I’m sure that Clayton would love the mentoring as well. However, if you wish to rule as well... I am confident that the three of us could make a strong council to rule the East.”

    She glances back to the scaled stallion, hoping her words do not offend as she continues – he seems to be quite attached to Hyaline. “As for returning our strength to Hyaline... I am against that as well. As the Sanctuary, we operate best here, in the Cove, where we are shielded from the plague and anyone is welcome. Of course, anyone is welcome in the Sanctuary, whether it be here or Hyaline, or even Pangea, though we do not know where they stand with Yidhra’s disappearance. But our strength lies in our resilience, and we should be able to keep ourselves shielded from outside dangers – including the contagion – for as long as possible. We do not know if the Cove’s immunity will last until the plague’s end, but it has held this long. Once we have found a true cure, I would be happy to return to Hyaline. It is, after all, where I grew up.”


    oh, it's gonna be a long night


    And there's a lesson waiting to be learned
    the firestarters always get the burns
    and the good guys never get the girl

    I’m not surprised at Amet’s voice behind me, joining the group - even if I should be, since he couldn’t have heard the call all the way in Hyaline this morning. But the golden, scaled stallion has been a ruler of Hyaline for so long, and is genuinely interested in the future of the Sanctuary that he created, so why shouldn’t he be here?

    Both the younger horses don’t want to move the title of ‘kingdom’ to Hyaline - in that, I am a little disappointed, but my face remains calm and neutral while I listen to their reasoning (unfortunately not reasons I can get behind, which I will tell them later). I must be honest with myself that I am pleased that Clayton would like to rule in a council with Dawn; I am positive they will be a great team together, much more than either of them would be on their own. But do I entrust two three-year-olds with a whole Kingdom and two Territories to rule, one of which of questionable loyalty, whilst knowing neither of them has held a particular seat of power before, not even as head of their castes?

    If I’m really honest with myself, I can’t just yet let go. This is why I wanted the seat of power to move; not for anybody to physically move, but for Amet to have a final say in matters such as Pangea. It’s his Sanctuary, in a way. I know I am perhaps dreading the inevitable, I know these two are the future and it’s not like I don’t trust them. But I also know that I’m probably not content with them leading over me, over the Sanctuary that I’ve put heart and soul in from the day I set foot in Hyaline. I remember the burnt mare in Nerine, and figures this is how she must feel in her advisory position, seeing queens come and go. It’s painful. Yet for me, it is the first time and I do in fact consider ruling.

    Dawn asks for straight-up clarity, and with Amet’s recommendation - with Solace’s recommendation - I finally know what I want. ”I’m not out for power, but I want what’s best for the Sanctuary.” If that means I rule so that these two can learn some patience, some diplomacy, and mature just that bit further and show me how they think, then that means I should.

    I suppress a sigh, looking between the two of them, the only reason for them to stay seems to be to hide away from a sickness that would have reached us all by now, with the exception of Kagerus who had confined herself. Would they want to do the same then? ”I asked to move the seat of power not because of the Plague, but to entrust Kensa and Amet, who has founded this Sanctuary before giving it to Solace, with the care for the East and the brunt of politics that will be coming your way. Clayton, we ran towards the Cove to spare our harboured, but we were never supposed to hide and wait it out.” Here, I strongly disagree with the horned youngster, and with Dawn who also seems scared of the sickness - the way she says she ‘operates best’ from here. But is that true? From what I’ve seen, unfortunately our move has secluded us from the rest of the world. Being able to harbour anyone here is a non-argument to me; nobody said we would ask our residents to live in Hyaline if they came to us for shelter from the Plague. ”We would still be able to harbour whoever comes to us in the Cove, as the Cove would be a part of the Sanctuary lands. In fact, it would probably still be our preferred home for any and all of our harboured.

    I also do not ask that the two of you move if you don’t want to. But the move towards the Cove was always meant to be temporary, until we know what this Plague is and what it does. We know this now. And the result is that we’ve trapped ourselves in a corner of the world, behind Pangea through where nobody really likes to walk if they want to avoid the Plague - in short, we’re separated, and so I do not agree that we operate best from here. Going back was always meant to happen, and it surprises me how much you are against it. I know the Plague is not cured, but for all we know it may never be fully. But from where I stand now, it is time we put ourselves back on the map of the world. We can no longer depend on Solace and Kagerus’ reputation to proceed us; we must be visible and present if we want to mean something in this world, and the Cove is not the place to be visible. It is a place of refuge and hiding.”
    There, I’ve said it. I know I’m strong-willed and I know they might not agree, but without argumentation, we were two against two on this, and so we must reason until we find a solution. So shoot me. I’m going back into the world anyway, the question is will I be able to do so with the Sanctuary at my back, or will they stay and cower when I do. In which case I might find myself without a home. Inconvenient… but I can’t stay here and pretend the world and Plague don’t exist.

    To me, that, I realize now, is what had made me feel so empty about this Cove. On a subconscious level, I never agreed to hide out here.

    ”On the topic of if I want to rule,” I then continue, less forceful, much softer, since I know my tone had reached a certain edge of stubbornness, ”I do not mind ruling, but teaching is my strongest suit. Therefore, I would be happy with either of the following solutions: one is giving Hyaline a chance as kingdom again, in which case I shall entrust the two of you with the Cove without having to worry about Pangea,” and your lack of experience in ruling... Since they had not been council members before, I just don’t know how they’ll fare yet, ”two, I’ll hold the title of Caretaker until you’ve settled with your d- your babies,” I correct myself: I don’t know how much Dawn wants to know, and if she likes the fact that I know; if she wants more information she should come see me later, ”and until the situation with Pangea is resolved or at least at a better course than now. During that time I will of course keep the both of you updated on all actions and will frequently ask you for your opinions as part of your training, and gradually you can take over. You’d be seconds in command, rank besides Kensa, Amet and Yidhra if she’s still ruling there, until the switch is made and you’ll be rulers of the East. Can you accept these terms?” I’ve gone full-out business, negotiating, I know. But the third option - a council of three for the East - doesn’t seem the solution to me because first of all, there is no room for teaching if we’re equals and have to debate every decision; and secondly, ”I do not wish to rule for long. I’d put it at a maximum of two years, though I think one year’s time is plenty enough already to settle the things I mentioned.” I know I’m harsh. I feel bad for testing them this way, too. I need to be one hundred percent certain of them. If I do step aside for the next generation, I want them to be ready, not learn-on-the-go - not now that it considers something that is so, so important to me personally.

    and shooting stars cannot fix the world

    Sorry for being such a pain about it! The Sanctuary is kind of her baby
    Any fool knows men and women think differently at times, but the biggest difference is this: men forget, but never forgive; women forgive, but never forget.
    Robert Jordan, Wheel of Time
    Every Story Has Two Sides

    It was no easy decision, giving up the kingdom you ruled for the past several years. It was equally uneasy to settle on a ruler that was trusted to aid in leading the sanctuary.

    His eyes shift to Dawn as she speaks, she asks Ilma if she wants to rule and be briefly glances to the white mare. A question he also wonders the answer too, but then Dawn continues to on noting she would love to be mentored by Ilma. She throws in Clayton with mutual desires and he nods his head in agreement, it would be an honor, he thinks to himself. Dawn goes on to finish with a question, if Ilma wanted to be a part of a council with her and Clayton.

    Dawn speaks once more, this time on the topic of shifting the kingdom to Hyaline. She disagrees with the shift as well, and it seems the pair were  very similar in there thought process.

    He could not be more against shifting the kingdom to Hyaline. Don't get him wrong, he loved his home in Hyaline, in fact he often visited, but it was not safe from the plague. He did not fear the plague itself, but the sole mission of the sanctuary is to provide protection to those in need. It didn't make sense to change it to Hyaline at this point in time.

    His gaze flicks back to Ilma as she speaks, she goes on in depth about the reason the kingdoms shifted. How it was a temporary move, they shouldn't be hiding and should give the lands back to Amet who founded the Cove. But Clayton didn't even know Amet, who he was, what his mission was.

    He respected Ilma with the highest regard, he sees her point but he still cannot agree with the motion. Before he could respond though, she speaks about ruling giving them two options. One is to take over rule, and one is to fall under Ilma, to learn over the course of two years.

    He glances to Dawn before responding, Ilma, I hope you know just how much I respect you. I see your point on shifting the kingdom to Hyaline, but I simply do not agree. I surely am not hiding from the plague, as I have contracted it seeking out our fellow members. I just want what is best for the kingdom, and I think it is remaining with the Cove.

    He pauses for a moment, and with a gulp proceeding. That being said, I am a loyal servant to the home that took me in, raised me, and taught me everything I know. I have learned plenty in my few years, I am loyal and hard working, and will do whatever it is the kingdom needs from me. If you want me to rule as the kingdom, I will, if you want me to rule as a territory I will. If you don't want me to rule at all, I will remain a loyal subject to the eastern sector. He falls silent, saying all there is to be said.
    [Image: clayton_by_cowgirlconrad-dcmmo18.png]


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