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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  I have never been nothing; felicitey


    I have never been nothing. I am the blood of a dragon.

    Perhaps she had grown up too quickly the last year or so. Dracarys couldn’t help but feel frustrated towards the event of the war. The outcomes had torn her apart in different directions, and from there on she knew not really where to turn to. It was not supposed to be that way, truthfully. Dracarys was merely a child still. She is was meant to laugh, play games, and learn about all the beautiful things in the world.

    She sighs softly, watching Felicitey’s gaze drop below to her hooves. The blue girl didn’t truly expect anything to be said. They both were simple beings right now—simply learning how the world works when there is chaos and wonder bursting in every direction.

    Felicitey suddenly smiles wide and meets her gaze once more. Her right ear flickers with curiosity as her eyes gleam with a bit of interest. Dracarys didn’t expect her buckskin friend to be a shifter. She watches her friend run in a tight circle with amusement.

    Dexter jumping next to her catches her gaze for a moment. She glances to the monkey and smiles, but then turns her gaze back to the winged girl who begins shifting. The buckskin girl was a beautiful golden lioness. Dracarys jaw drops in awe when she studies her friend’s new form.

    “I think it does too!” She says in agreement. A hint of joy is held in her words as well. She looks over Felicitey again. A sense of jealousy overtakes her as she remembers she wanted to be able to be something special—something great, something with strength. Felicitey could shift into a lion, then why couldn’t she just have what she finally wanted?

    The yearling’s silver-blue gaze drops below, landing on Dexter who still stands at her side. Her thoughts quickly flicker through her mind. One thought suddenly pops in her head. Her facial features contort into frustration and then determination. I know I shouldn’t, she thinks to herself. For the first time, she found a friendship with someone. Felicitey did nothing but show her kindness and tried to make her happy when she felt angry about the whole war and other things happening in her life.

    But she is also desperate. She also knows when an opportunity presents itself, she cannot let it go. Her father taught her it was one of the most important things in the world. Dracarys simply couldn’t let this opportunity go now.

    Quickly, the blue yearling snatches up Dexter with her mouth. “I’m sorry,” she muffles, “I’ll bring him back I promise!” Dracarys quickly turns around and sprints towards the forest, leaving Felicitey behind. She couldn’t bear to hear what her friend would have to say or to look back. It would change everything if she did—and she would never become the dragon she was meant to be.

    [Image: YJta8td.png]
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