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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [open]  Me and God Dont Get Along

    The sun was unrelenting on any given day, but this day it seemed to zero in on her. Or at least, that was how she viewed it. As sweat beaded up on her pale coat, soaking in and causing it to darken in spots. Along her nape, behind her front legs and even along her back. It was bad, and she feared that her flesh would simply burn off from the intensity of the sun. Yet still, she did not seek shelter, did not run and hide in the shade. Instead, she carries on, each step bringing her closer and closer to her destination.

    After all only the strong survived, only the strong were remembered. She was not weak, at least she did not think she was. Determined to prove herself to her family - long forgotten - and well, to herself. If she could survive on her own, if she could venture into the world .... then perhaps she was stronger than they all thought.

    Poor little Wokabi, hiding in the corner. It was how her kin had teased her, mocked her for her loner ways. Claimed she thought herself better than them, and she supposed she did .... to some degree. After all, she did not understand their antics and games. Preferring to stand on the outskirts and watch as everyone interacted with each other.

    Even now, in these new and strange lands. She skirts along the edge of the meadow, away from the others that have gathered here. A slight breeze is the only relief she gets from the sun, as her blue eyes narrow against its glare. She is much too fair-skinned to be standing out here, and yet she is too stubborn to cave, and cower beneath the nearby trees. No, she will do this her way, damn the consequences.

    "Speech Here"


    In A Land Of Gods And Monsters

    Me And God Don't Get Along

    She had been busy, attempting to fill the isle after it fell silent. She had met plenty of equines on her adventures, but she could only stay away so long during the summer, her thick pelt keeping her confined to her cool home.

    The hound travels to the meadow on this day, she seems to have had success meeting others there. She stalks the skirt of the meadow and almost instantly her eye catches a cremello. The mare had a large horn that stuck out from her head, and her pelt shiny like the ice structures in her home.

    She watched her for a few moments, curious why she had not moved to the middle of the meadow like most do. She can tell she is new here, beqanna born equines have a sort of familiarity in the nomad lands. Usually exploring the lands as a child, eager to meet friends.

    She steps closer but stops, this one seemed more nervous than the rest and would probably be best to shift from her hound form. And without a second thought the canine molds back into her equine shape, the bay mare with red points.

    She casually strolls towards the mare, stopping a comfortable distance away. Didn't want to explore deeper? She ponders her curiosity, what kept the mare at the edge.

    Not Afraid To Bite


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