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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    She sells seashells by the sea shore // Any
    There were changes afoot. Quietly, the feeling on the island was shifting as days went on. She had not seen her sister in some days, and rumors echoed among the trees. Still, there had been nothing announced, no solid statements about the status of her home. It made the nereid uneasy as she walked the beaches, cautious where she had gotten so used to feeling free. 

    Whatever was going on, she hoped it would be common knowledge soon. An invisible cloud bubbled above the island, like a storm waiting to break. Walking among the drift wood dotting the eastern beach, she find herself wishing something would happen already. Wishing her sister were her to reassure her. Wishing she knew where to find Pteron or Vita, a friend to distract herself with. So many things she had no control over. 

    She kicked at a stone half buried in the sand, in a mood she was unaccustomed to. All her life, Aquaria had been filled with a love of life and joy in her own existence. It had been a simple, happy time, uncomplicated by others. Now as she paced, new feelings surfaced. Fear, worry, anxiety; all of it involved her home and those she shared it with. 

    Her head was full of twisting thoughts, each one threatening to capsize her. In an attempt to quiet things, her curious high stepping gait brought her knee deep into the surf. Then, in a move that would likely look odd to anyone observing, she dropped her head to submerge it entirely beneath the water's surface. The pull and flow of the waves beat a meditative harmony with the drumming of her heart, and slowly she felt her nerves steady. 

    This was her home, no one could change that. She had been born here, as her siblings had, as her mother and grandmother had. She would protect it to her dying breath. 

    Breathing the air from the water, she let her pulse and respiration slow until they matched the water's constant motion, unable to hear anything beyond echoes from the surface.
    I'll be your alibi

    Tasi had spent all of her life so far in the ocean, afraid of losing the freedom entwined with the sea if she was to step onto land.
    The kelpie had spent the last few weeks being carried by the ocean, allowing the waves to swiftly carry her floating body across Beqanna, it was almost as if she was hibernating while afloat, a sort of deep entrancement, either caused by the lack of social interaction or her very recent encounters with real horses.
    The teal and gold mare only awakes when she feels the sudden change in the water's temperature, her body twisting quickly as she dives into the water, almost startled by the sudden change.

    Tasi looks around underneath the surface, amazed by the different colours and scents that surround the bottom of the ocean, ranging from vivid corrals and fish to dull and dulcet tones as the water becomes deeper, there was no other place this could be, it had to be Ischia, the place she was told to find her father in.
    She observes the coastline and the dense jungle behind it, her eyes eventually leading her to a lonely figure standing on the beach. Tasi's eyes light up as she dives, swimming swiftly toward the stranger, accelerating as she twirls through the waves, only slowing down as she nears the stranger.

    Only Tasi's eyes are visible as she observes the other mare, watching her for a minute or two before diving again and swimming toward her.
    The young mare dives as deep as she can, reaching the colourful coral that decorates the ocean floor, observing the many different species of fish as they swim around her and feed around the coral. For a moment, the mare becomes nervous again, this would only be her second encounter with another horse and she had no idea what to expect, though she decides not to contemplate the matter for too long, rising toward the surface without a second thought.

    Without warning the Kelpie suddenly bursts out of the water, a smile painted across her muzzle as she rises from the water "Hello there!" she says, her tone excited as she flips out of the water.


    It's rare peace that exists beneath the water. The kind of gentle ebb and flow that overcomes all else when one allows it to take control. She had almost reached that point, the surrender of letting her mind drift with the foam, and forgetting her worries. Almost. 

    A subtle disturbance made its way through the sea, rubbing against her ears in quiet warning when it grew nearer. A pacing rhythm, too irregular to be a counter point in the ocean's native beat. Something, someone drew nearer to where the nereid stood. 

    Her clear blue eyes blinked open, the only motion in her half-submerged body as she tried to identify the source of the noise. Not far off, a glint of blue and gold drifted. The whoosh of submarine motion echoed toward her, getting nearer before vanishing all together. Her dripping head lifted curiously from the washing wavelets. She was being watched, and it brought back the unease she'd been immersed in earlier. 

    Her eyes fell hooded, almost as if in sleep, waiting for the hunter to reveal themselves. It didn't take long. From the unsettled water, a body surged upward, breaking the surface in a myriad of light catching droplets. The sun drenched mare stepped backward with a blink, taking in the creature before her. This was another denizen of the sea, a seafaring woman like herself. Yet not alike. 

    The sapphire girl was quick to greet her, looking for reaction as much as introduction. She was beautiful and exotic, and dangerous. The flash of sharp teeth at her words said as much. A relation then. No nereid, but a kelpie. The darker cousin. Aquaria smiled uncertainly, letting the water continue to whirl at her feet, it's cool grasp a comfort. 

    "Hello," she replied, curiosity and caution playing in her tone. The stranger seemed to be in a ready mood, so she smiled a little brighter. "Who're you? I haven't seen you around the island before." She didn't think she had, anyway. The island's residents were all rather recognizable. 

    I'll be your alibi

     The kelpie twirls around in the water, trying to keep her excitment high as the other horse notices her, knowing that if she becomes shy she will once again dissapear into the depths for months, hiding from everything.
    Her kelpie features begin to wither away as she finds her footing on the seabed below, her smile tame now as she dips her head calmly in greeting, her ears perked at the sound of the other's mare's voice.

    "I am Tasi" she says, her voice still uncomfortable and unfamiliar with her own name "My mother is Evia, and I believe my father is Ivar" she says, her colours reflecting that of her sire.
    She hadn't been able to find Ivar yet, but she still had time to find him and hopefully meet him, unsure of whether it was even the right thing to do, especially since she knew so little about him.

    "I have spent most of my life so far away from Ischia, but I feel like I am ready to return" her tone is soft, reflecting the hum of the ocean, almost entrancing as she lulls.

    "What is your name?" she asks, her head now cocked curiously, legs slowly seeping into the sand below her as the water moves along the shoreline.


    The little creature, so clearly aquatic and so clearly unlike Aquaria herself. And she needs only to listen to learn why. A child of Ivar, the stallion who kept mainly to himself at the northern isle of their land. The kelpie. There were others who lived with him. Mares, of varying descriptions. His own little harem. It was a place the nereid avoided on her daily swims, gave it as wide a berth as possible when she patrolled their shores. 

    A kelpie. This was a kelpie, albeit a young one. But what did it matter? They were flesh eaters, as much as sharks were. It was in their nature in the same way that grazing on seaweed was to her. Predators. And she didn't trust them. Anxiety at this knowledge burned alongside the innate nature the nereid possessed. One that wouldn't let her hurt anything that hadn't hurt her first. 

    So despite her misgivings, an expression almost like a smile edged onto her lips, and she forced herself to relax the taut muscles along her spine. "Tasi. Well, I'm Aquaria and I do know what you mean. I've only been ashore about a year now, since being born here." It was a common ground between them. Asked another came to mind. 

    "I think I've met a sibling of yours. I think so, anyway. He was sort of an odd boy named Terin." She shook her head, smiling more honestly now. That memory was a strange one, but she'd enjoyed talking to the dragon. Maybe his sister wouldn't be so bad either. 


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