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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  a marvelous time ruining everything
    Aela is many things but a fighter (like her birth mother) is not one of them.

    There is tenacity in the little filly. There had been something fierce and tenacious in the grip on Wherewolf's unfortunate wing. The yearling won't ever have the chance to speak to the winged colt about his audacity or his loutish behavior towards her. If he hadn't acted like such a brute, Aela might have found some grace to spare for the dappled boy.

    He was the one who had intruded on her solitude. He had been the one who insinuated that she was too stupid to answer him.

    It is he who closes his eyes mid-lunge and twists his barreling body. It is he who hits the ground with a loud thud that seems to shake the earth around them. It is he who hits the ground like some breaching water creature. More pieces of mud go flying and there are golden limbs that risk tangling again. Aela will make a mistake once; she will take it as a lesson. To twine with the dappled yearling again would be a decision and Aela wants to prove a point to @[Wherewolf].

    There is nothing stupid or foolish about her. There are, perhaps, risks she might be willing to take, as she had with him. He is bigger and broader than her and if the two are going clash on those merits alone, he will always have the advantage. Aela decides to take advantage of her smaller size and lithe form and manages to stagger to the side as the pegasus comes crashing down. The motion is by no means graceful and the churned earth makes it difficult to keep her footing. When she tries to stop, she slides and one foreleg splays forward.

    Wherewolf stares up storm-eyed accusation when she looks down to him and she flashes lightning back at him. He bares his teeth at her and she curls her pale lips back at him, threatening to follow through with those firebolt eyes. Aela might not be able to challenge him physically but she will certainly attempt to hold her own with her abilities. (He has confirmed something that she had been starting to suspect, that her gift was something more easily communicated through touch.) There is a faint shimmer in the air next to him and Aela sharpens her gaze to the empty space before quickly turning it back on the colt who flares one wing out like it will do something besides flap while the other hangs so uselessly at his side.

    She scoffs at him. Better to be a witch than a sulking boy, the baring of her own white teeth say. 

    He is crashing waves of anger and determined not to be a shore, Aela keeps her distance and eyes him suspiciously. There had been something next to him moments before. She's sure of that. The distance between them, though? She's not certain if there is enough space in all of Nerine to be sure of that.

    she had a marvelous time ruining everything
    html by castlegraphics; art by KHARTHIAN

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