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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Time Changes Things; Nilam


    do you think I’m funny?

    Oh yes, much to the chagrin of many, Ridiculous liked to talk. It was one of the things that made him, well, ridiculous (and partially how he got his name). One thing talking did not do for him, though, is he gave away the very things that make him look weak or foolish or ignorant. Though, in this instance, it would seem that his talking did him a service, for the creature–the hunter as she had called herself–this it ill-advised to eat him, though he doesn’t understand that.

    Subconsciously, perhaps Ridiculous might have noticed Nilam forcibly pushing the child away, but he failed to register the concept, at least not at first. So when she says she is four, he laughs. “Four? That makes me two years younger than you. Wow, I’m talking to an older woman. He grins, as if this is some frat boy fantasy.

    When she says affirms that he is no longer on the menu, he is completely lost by her follow-up comment. The whole concept goes right over his head, because he hadn’t even been paying attention to the little girl. Realizing that he did not understand a word of what she said, he chose to ignore it altogether.

    He ignored it until Nilam continued to move toward the girl. He was right in the middle of saying, “Is this a normal conversation–” when he stops and asks, “–wait, what are you doing?” Something about this all seemed a bit fishy, and Ridiculous couldn’t quite place his hoof on it–though, to be fair, a lot of things go over his head.
    He just doesn't stop. Of the many things she had expected from a colt who had barely escaped becoming a meal, this is not one. He even has the audacity to laugh at her age! Snorting loudly in disapproval, for a lady should not be asked about her age especially when said lady would eat your heart out literally, she doesn't respond. In fact, it only proves how immature he is. Perhaps two is not enough, then, she is thinking when she steps towards the young child.

    This finally snaps the ridiculous Ridiculous to attention. -wait, what are you doing? She stops once, rolls her eyes at him, looks to the child. "What do you think? Accelerating."
    there is no new wave
    only the sea

    @[Ridiculous] sorry it's short, I wrote too many words today


    do you think I’m funny?

    She doesn’t even respond to Ridiculous, which might have offended someone else, but Ridiculous blunders on like the idiot he is.  He blunders on until he realizes that Nilam is up to something, and it looked quite…interesting. She is approaching the girl with an almost hungry look on her face. Did she intend to eat her own child? Was this just because she didn’t get to eat him?!? He looks alarmed for just a second before she says, “Accelerating”

    “Accelerating? He asks, quite confused for a moment. (This is just another one of those times where things go over his head). Well, at least she didn’t say “eating.” But then it dawns on him. “I need her to speed up” she had said. As he puts two and two together, his face brightens up. “Oh! Oh!” He darts forward, instantly forgetting that she might still decide to eat him. “Can I help?!?” He sounds a bit overeager.

    He stops at the river’s edge, nearly sliding into the river once more, but manages to stop just before the rushing water’s edge, not without sending a cascade of dirt and pebbles over the edge that spray all over Nilam and the child. He starts to gather up his abilities before she even agrees to letting him help, concentrating on the little girl, without even knowing exactly what she means by accelerating.

    I mean, could she have meant several days, several weeks, several months? Did she want the girl to be able to talk? Did she want to girl to be able to hunt by herself? Oh, perhaps this wasn’t such a good idea after all, but still, he gathers up his abilities and aims them at the child. He would shoot for aging the child a few days, that couldn’t hurt…could it?

    @[Nilam] feel free to stop him or play out his temporal manipulation or whatever. Just know that his abilities often backfire or don’t go as planned.

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