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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  this is going to break me clean it two
    this is going to break me clean in two --
    this is going to bring me close to you

    He could have watched her forever, but when she starts kissing him back, his interest in doing so vanishes. He’ll kiss her forever, he decides instead, and then for some time he has no thoughts at all. It is a little like battle, he will think later, except rather than trying to injure her he instead finds victory in the way her breath catches, or she sighs, or shivers as he nibbles gently along her side.

    This is new to him, new and wonderful and overwhelming in the most perfect of ways. There is nothing in the world but the two of them; his worries have been melted away by the sunlight and the warm glow of her orange eyes.

    Her words draw the blue stallion from his single minded focus, and a low laugh rumbles in his chest as he draws gently at her black-tipped mane.

    “I think you still owe me a rematch,” he replies, and smooths out the hair he’s just mussed before tugging at it again. Looking up to meet her gaze again, one brow is raised playfully when he continues.

    “Or since you’re the Alpha... does that mean your Champion owes me a fight?” It’s no different than any question the curious horse might ask, but he’s smiling in a way that means he’s only teasing and he’s no intention of sparring with whomever she’s appointed as Hyaline’s champion.

    Mazikeen might think such a thing amusing though, Gale realizes, and since he’d rather not distract her from where this first afternoon seems to be heading, he kisses her way gently back toward her neck. “Maybe not this afternoon though,” he continues, “I am rather enjoying this...making up for lost time.”


    His laughter brings out the same joy as his touch, the low rumble of it pleasant while he plays with her mane. She’s grinning too, thinking about how the idea of a rematch was one she had abandoned but now… it could be fun. While they can still have fun.

    Her champion is the same fish that Mazikeen had warned him about in the lake, and while she is entertained by the idea of a sparring match between Sabal and Gale she’s distracted from remarking on this - pleased to hear he’s not eager to find excuses to be anywhere else than right here with her.

    There is a short moment, though, when her anger almost gets the better of her. At him but also this whole awful situation with the curse. She’s mad about how it is his own damn fault they lost any time at all, and about how unfair it is that it's Gale who is cursed. She’s grateful for his attention to her neck and she presses closer to him still. Both to lessen the chance that he’ll see the emotions that flash like lightning across her face and to let his proximity soothe away these prickly thoughts. For the first time, she doesn’t want this anger to take over. She wants to enjoy this moment while it lasts and will not let herself ruin it.

    She's had lots of practice shutting out thoughts she does not want to deal with during the eclipse, and letting go of the anger is made easier by each kiss she receives; and how her own muzzle finds his mane where the short hairs there tickle her nose until a blissful smile returns.

    “Not this afternoon.”
    She agrees wholeheartedly.


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