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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    he giveth and he taketh away; results.
    Everything that happened in this quest actually happened to your character. Your character was transported to different dimensions (dreams are different dimensions that they visit in their sleep, most aren’t aware – it’s how the demon travels and how it transported them). They actually left Beqanna and family and friends may have been looking for them (ahem, plot device). Whether your character is aware that everything happened or not is entirely up to you. They will be returned to Beqanna and should ‘wake up’ fully intact. They have not aged in BQ (or aged appropriately for the amount of time they were gone, whatever), though years passed in the other dimensions.

    Heartworm - 0 votes - first place, grand prize.
    Rhonan - 1 votes - second place.
    Nadya - 2 votes - third place.
    Jaide - 3 votes - fourth place.
    Tyrna - 4 votes - fifth place.

    No one voted against Heartworm and so she receives the grand prize.

    Heartworm – Oneirokinesis (Dream Manipulation): You’re now able to control, shape, manipulate and suppress the dreams of yourself and others and can travel to and from the dream world whenever you so wish. You may take up to one other horse with you. Weak-willed horses will feel fatigue in your presence and may even fall asleep. You’re capable of trapping a horse (with their player’s permission) in REM sleep and forcing them to live out the remainder of their lives in their dreams while their physical body wastes away. You are also capable of healing them. Whatever you do to someone in the dream world affects them physically. So yes, you can wound and even kill. The effects of this quest are long-lasting and for the next three BQ years, you will hear the voices of your dead friends/loved ones whenever it gets too quiet (Note: The voices can remain with your character forever or happen sporadically throughout their life, if you so wish). On a semi-unrelated note, it’s almost Halloween. Why not go a little Freddy Krueger in honor of Wes Craven? I don’t CARE that it’s only September 2, JUST DO IT!

    Rhonan – Arcane Umbrakinesis (Arcane Darkness Manipulation). You have a deeper understanding of the darkness now and can shape, control, and manipulate it much more effectively than others. You are capable of teleporting via shadows—you can create shadow armor for yourself, as well, and are now able to summon shadow creatures to do your bidding (they can be any form of animal, are always made of shadow and always have bright, glowing yellow eyes). You are weak against wielders of light. The effects of this quest are long lasting and for the next three BQ years, whenever you think you are alone, you will see glimpses of your dead friends and loved ones from the corners of your eyes (Note: This can remain with your character forever or happen sporadically throughout their life, if you so wish).

    Nadya – Wound Transferal. You are now capable of transferring damage from yourself/someone else to another individual (with players’ permissions, of course). The effects of this quest are long lasting and for the next three BQ years, whenever you look down at your reflection, you will see a charred zombified version of yourself looking back (Note: This can remain with your character forever or happen sporadically throughout their life, if you so wish).


    Jaide – Wings:
    You will have wings upon returning to Beqanna. What they look like is up to you, but they must be solid and within reason (no fire wings, water wings, etc – definitely no airplane wings!). Dragon/locust/butterfly/crow and the like are perfectly acceptable, however. Once you decide on a type/color, the wings must stay that way and their appearance cannot be altered unless you compete in another quest to make them that way/magician/owner’s permission. If it’s a specific creature’s wings, please include that information in your update (ie, bat wings).

    Tyrna – Horn(s):
    You will have a horn (or two) upon returning to Beqanna. You are limited to either a unicorn horn or what’s natural in the animal kingdom. After you decide on what sort of horn(s) you want, it must stay that way and its appearance cannot be altered unless you compete in another quest to change it/magician/owner’s permission. If it’s a certain animal’s horns and not a unicorn horn, please include that information in your update (ie, Ram Horns).

    All traits are genetic, please remember to submit an update!

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