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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    a fire that heeds to no call {any}

    sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together

        tetanurae had seen the sky before, but to her it had never been this pale a blue. It was as if the heavens opened themselves to the sky and let the clouds fly free from the gates. She breathed in slowly taking in the air on this beautiful day. She wanted to see if she could first find water then find food, and hoped she would not have to run into anyone. Even though teta was an extrovert, she did not like other horses that much, unless she felt like they had a connection, it was just another brainless horse doomed to walk the circle of life with her. She sniffed the wind, checking for any signs of other horses, which was hard to tell by the direction of the wind, which was blowing in her face. She rolled her eyes at the inconvenience.

         the tall grass she stood on was already annoying her, and now to annoy her even more the wind blew her mane in her face. This 'beautiful' day seemed now to be more of a nuisance. She remembered one thing her mother told her once, "you can see a silver lining in not just clouds." she repeated the words softly and looked up at the sky again, searching in the clouds for faces, maybe a sign. Nothing. She repeated the sentence again looking harder before she saw a herd of horses race across the sky. The wind at that moment of course decided to blow harder and blew her mane into her eyes, blinding her for a few seconds, when she cleared her mane by bobbing her head, they were gone when she looked back up. Shoot. Probably just a figment of her imagination, she let out an annoyed whinny and started to walk across the field, her strawberry roan pelt looking like a wildfire from a distance.

         her mother could have probably named her that, not only for her pelt, but her personality. Being loud, spreading her 'wisdom' on things. She walked slowly as the sun melted down on her, feeling as it was late morning, drifting into afternoon. She was lonely, but didn't want anyone near her, which was a weird feeling. As her heart for some company battled her brain which said it can fend for itself, you can see as to why she is a wildfire not only to other, but herself. She breathed in deep again, trying to cool herself and her nerves down. She found a small tree and decided to stand underneath it, it must only be a year old, but it was tall enough for her to stand under. She breathed once more and just tried to listen to the sound of the rustling grass.

    the darkest nights produce the brightest stars

    This was not easy for Fennick, but he tried to keep a stoic look on his face. He was determined not to shame himself or his home. Still, he found he hadn’t quite worked up the courage to go into the middle of the field. You know, where most of the other horses were.

    As it was he loitered about the edges, trying to think up some kind of inspiring speech. Fennick was quite sure he had never been inspiring in his life. He was more certain that should he ever inspire anyone it would be from a distance when they had mistook him for someone else. For a brief moment he imagined himself on the battle field, a defeated enemy before him.

    That was inspiring.

    He was not blood thirsty, not even by half. But he knew his own body, and he knew how to use it. So far, the only useful thing he could do with it in the service of a kingdom was in battle. Either as a sword in the dark or the shield against the night. He wasn’t picky which. He wasn’t a glory hound, but he did, desperately, want to be useful. He wanted to prove that he wasn’t some fumbling fool they barely tolerated.

    That’s why he was here, to try and find someone who didn’t seem like such a fool. Every time they said something clever it would reflect well on Fennick, for he had been the means of delivering them.

He hadn’t made up his mind to approach anyone until he broke though a copse of trees and saw a girl. She was impossible to miss, red like sunset with her mane in her face. Fennick’s mouth popped open a little and he stared. It had been an awkwardly long time by the time he realized he was still staring.

    This was it. He should go up to her.

    Slowly, too slowly, like a wolf might approach a deer, Fennick crept up. His bulk alone assured that his approach would not be stealthy. He stepped on leaves, cracked twigs and branches bent before him. Finally he was before her, right in front of her, and still he had said nothing.

    ”Fennick” He blurted his name out like a swear word. Inside his gut twisted. Damn it that was a dumb way to introduce himself. He tried again.

    “I’m Fennick…” Another long pause.

    “Who are you? That is, may I ask your name?” Bloody brilliant. He was just a god damn poet. Mares would compose love songs in his honor. Any day now, just any one of these days, they would write sonnets for him.

    Whale and Rea's amorphous, ever-changing son
    [Image: reign-gifs-reign-tv-show-35999267-500-235.gif]" style="-webkit-border-radius:0px;">
    sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together

        tetanurae lowered her head, starting to graze on the tall green grass. This time of year was so calming, all of the new foals, all of the new flowers. She sighed and listened to the grass rustle as she ate. She felt the wind change and immediately lifted her head. She swiveled her head from left to right, not being able to see anything, even with the shade of the tree.

         she smelled something though, and it was no flower. She searched the tree line for anything, and only saw the shadows of the trees. She looked closer at the shadows seeing one was darker than the others. She watched as the shadow moved, walking out of the tree line.

         it was a stallion. Black as the night. She watched him stare at her, she felt mad and happy at the same time. Mad that he was just, watching her, she definitely was not comfortable with that, and also happy that someone had taken an interest in her. There was her heart talking. She wanted to shut it up, wanted to let he mind take control, but for now her heart was too busy staring back at the black figure.

         she watched him as he watched her, sharing a gaze. She could not see him perfectly, but from what she could see, he was slowly coming to her. She walked to him meeting him only a few feet from the tree. When he spoke, it was awkward, but it was cute, she guessed. She closed her eyes, trying to shut out her heart. "I am Tetanurae, you may call me Teta, or give me a nickname of your choice..." Damn. What is with you Teta, why are you so awkward? She felt stupid for saying what she said, but knew she should not try it over, Just go with the flow Teta.

    the darkest nights produce the brightest stars

    Fennick continued to watch her with an expression he hoped didn’t betray his inner turmoil. He couldn’t read her face. Was she happy to have company? Or was she mad that she had been interrupted? Fennick felt his stomach sink. Maybe she was afraid of him. He did a quick inventory. Was he scary? He was large, and he was staring rather a lot.

    Quickly he tried to muster a smile, but it felt forced. His brain was going entirely too fast. He knew he should say something but nothing seemed right. Finally after an awkward pause he forced words from his mouth, and they came out jumbled.”

    “Teta.” He cleared his throat over the sound of her name. “Teta will be fine I think.” He wanted to bang his head against that tree she was standing under, but that would almost certainly scare her. 

    He glanced around uncertainly. Now that introductions were made, the sensible thing to do was to strike up a conversation. But what to talk about? He should ask her about what she wants in a home, and see if the Valley could be the right fit. He should ask her where she is from. Suddenly, a rather mortifying thought occurred to him. Maybe she wasn’t from anywhere, maybe she wasn’t looking for a home at all. Fennick felt the blood drain from his face. Oh god. Had he just interrupted some mare’s unassuming walk through the woods? Didn’t women hate that, presumptions? In a bit of a panic, Fennick rushed to find out.

    “Are you alone?” Even as he said it he knew it sounded bad. She was bound to think he was asking so he could determine if it was safe to attack her, or to see if he could carry her off to his lair without a stallion coming up to fight him. Weren’t women afraid of that? Being carried off to lairs?

    “I mean…do you have a home?” There, that was a little better, and seemingly innocuous. Certainly his intentions couldn’t be seen as too nefarious. Creepy perhaps, but that was a great deal better than nefarious.

    Whale and Rea's amorphous, ever-changing son

    some are lost in the fire

    some are built from it

    It's been too long since he's been here. Too long since he's been anywhere really – too long since he'd been within the Chamber in any kind of proper way. Too long since he'd been to another kingdom, to visit and learn of their varying power. Too long since he's made himself useful to the Chamber with the single-minded devotion that he knows she deserves.

    And so it is that he makes up his mind and sets out. He could fly to his destination, but today something feels right about walking. He enjoys the trip, long as it might be. The world seems almost impossibly beautiful as he goes, although he wouldn't put it past that world to be beautiful simply because he is (finally) serving his home again, walking the paths that his hooves are meant to walk, doing all of the things that he, a good prince and dutiful soldier of the Chamber, would be meant to do.

    Either way, he is happy.

    He comes upon the field in midday, and he considers it for a moment. This place had once been his constant domain, a place where he'd lingered constantly. He'd met many horses here, although he'd rarely had much success bringing them back. His countrymen had been here too, he can still smell them thick on the air, and they've clearly had more success – the Chamber isn't lacking for members, isn't lacking for activity. But it can always have more.

    No, it needs more, and he will provide.

    He looks around, and soon spots a mare attended by only one stallion. Erebor is not necessarily one to interrupt an ongoing conversation, but he also believes in choices – and one stallion does not choices make. Determined now, he approaches the two of them, coming upon the group just in time to hear the mare give her name. He offers both of them a polite nod.

    At first glance, he looks like most any young stallion in the prime of his life should look. His black coat is vibrant with health and stretched taut over a warrior's defined muscles. But when you look closer, some subtle differences can be seen. His mane and tail are a mix of deep blue and dark green, not black like they should be. And around his left foreleg a strange wine-dark marking stretches, a tribal tattoo intertwining the figure of a rabbit, the figure of a teddy bear, the figure of a Pegasus, and the figure of a strange humanoid creature.

    "Pardon the interruption." he offers to both of them, once the stallion has finished speaking. His voice is pleasant, a commander's voice even though he does not command. "I'm Erebor, and I too would like to know if you're looking for a home." his voice is diplomatic, his tones clear and calm. He is entirely at his ease, an interesting contrast perhaps to the two he'd interrupted.


    heat manipulating lord of the chamber

    warship x straia

    IDK what this is buuuut he wanted to do it :| sorry for interrupting you guys <3
    [Image: reign-gifs-reign-tv-show-35999267-500-235.gif]" style="-webkit-border-radius:0px;">
    sometimes things fall apart so that better things can fall together

        tetanurae watched Fennick and knew he was nervous, she smiled trying to give the setting a lighter mood. She didn't want to refuse anyone, that was the kindness kicking in. She liked the way he was akward, it was funny, and kinda cute. Dammit heart. She breathed in deeply and giggled when he asked if she was alone, they when he corrected himself, she could not help herself to smile wider. 

         That is when she saw the other stallion, more buff than Fennick. She watched him walk up, not knowing how Fennick would react. She knew some stallions were soft on the outside, but when it came to other stallions they were raging bulls. Other times it is flipped and they feel too overwhelmed and give up. She wanted to see how this would play out, if one would submit or if they would fight for her. She had her bets placed, but did not want to give them away until due time. She nodded at both,  "I am with no stallion or herd, I sadly have nobody. Whoever would get me into their herd, would have linage strong with my blood, and have a loyal mare to the end, unless things go south. " She knew she would not stick around if plague struck, or if a stallion forgot about her, she did not want to be another mare. But she knew she would be loyal until then.

    Please do excuse me for the short post, school is starting up today, also excuse my html it is flipping out lol Cant wait to see how this will turn out.

    the darkest nights produce the brightest stars

    Fennick listened to Erebor speak and sighed inwardly. Physical strength and diplomatic grace? Some people had all the luck, and Fennick was not one of those people. Erebor was though, and Fennick tried not to hold it against him.

    He had only mild success.

    But still, he wasn’t a colt to be scared off. Yes, he was a little awkward, and no, he wasn’t particularly charming. But still, he had things going for him. Fennick tried to think of them and came up empty. He was a good solider, though, good enough to be promoted to Fidais. It wasn’t the most illustrious title, but it was a beginning, and Fennick was proud of it.

    He puffed up a little, and tried to see in himself what Demian, his king, had. He must have seen something, after all, or he wouldn’t have prompted him. Fennick clung to that idea and tried to appear proud, at ease and not at all intimidated. A little bit like how Erebor looked, apparently without trying at all. Fennick scowled. Seriously? What’s with this guy?

    Still, he pulled himself away from his testosterone fueled brooding when Tetanurae spoke. There were more important things than his own personal pissing contest, after all. Like why he was here in the first place, like why he’d plucked up his courage to talk to a girl only to make himself seem like a total fool. He smiled a little at her words. He could relate in a way. He had felt like he had nothing to offer his home but loyalty when he first showed up. He still thought that most of the time. Quickly, he rushed respond before Erebor could say something painfully clever, thus causing Fennick to lose his nerve.

    “I can’t offer you a herd I’m afraid.” Fennick fidgeted a bit.

    “I’ll admit I’m a bit of a perpetual bachelor.” That was putting it mildly. This was the longest conversation he’d had with a mare in living memory. He’d accidentally insulted a few in his day, but could you really call that a conversation?”

    “I can offer you a home though, a kingdom, much better than a herd. Or, at least, I can show you my home and hope you like it. There’s plenty to do there, and lots of horses to meet. You could meet Demian, our king.” Fennick brightened a little at this idea. Demian was a little bit like Erebor in that he had many good qualities and used them to his advantage, rather unlike Fennick, who had good qualities, but could never remember what they were exactly. His excitement was short lived, however, and quickly his face crumbled into one of concern.

    “We will, however, have to go south to reach it. I don’t suppose there’s another way to get there?” Fennick looked to Erebor, as if he might have some idea of a less southern route to the Valley. It was absurd of course, but that was Fennick for you.

    Whale and Rea's amorphous, ever-changing son

    some are lost in the fire

    some are built from it

    Erebor listens intently as Teta describes the kind of home that she wants. He is unaware that his presence makes Fennick so uneasy – Erebor is entirely without hubris, and it does not occur to him at all that he may be in any way gifted or superior. For all his gifts and capacity to use them, he's never thought of himself as anything but lacking. His one virtue – if he would even call it that – is his work ethic. He tends to push himself rather tirelessly for the glory of the Chamber, and the glory of the Chamber is best served and enhanced by him becoming more physically strong and diplomatically cunning.

    And in this, one of his chief faults is revealed: he has very little concept of how to have fun. Sure, he can banter and take jokes, but actually let down and let loose? Nope. Not ever. Not even when he was little. His uncle liked to poke fun at him for it, and his mother and father both seemed eternally grateful for it, but he'd pretty much literally popped out of Straia's womb a fully formed adult. He'd never been a clingy or overly attached child, and he'd been fanatically, almost terrifyingly dedicated from the moment he'd hit the ground.

    And look where it's gotten him.

    His attention turns politely to Fennick when the stallion starts speaking. Erebor would not have thought to speak first; the boy respects the order of things here in the field, and it would be impolite not to let Fennick get a word in edgewise. He is almost surprised to hear that this stallion is from the Valley – although in typical Erebor fashion, his face reflects nothing but neutrality and polite attentiveness. He had thought the Valley in decline, and he finds himself surprised and pleased to see that it is evidently bouncing back. Or at least, getting there.

    When Fennick queries Erebor about another way to get to the Valley, the black stallion takes the question in stride, as though it were entirely normal. He considers for a moment, and without missing a beat, shakes his head. "What's south tends to stay there." There is no irony in his voice, nothing mocking. He's simply answering the question as asked.

    And then he turns back to Teta. "I cannot offer you a herd either." his eyes watch her as he speaks. "I'm dedicated fully to my home, the Chamber, a kingdom like the Valley." He pauses, wondering just how much this mare might know of Beqanna and its ways, the differences between herds and kingdoms. "Kingdoms are like herds in that the members grow close, but unlike a herd in that you can pursue membership and advancement in the arts of war or diplomacy." he pauses again. "There are ranks, and after you begin to work for a kingdom, you'll be able to rise through those ranks and could one day be a leader. In fact, the rulers of the kingdom are typically chosen from the hardest working horses in the ranks, another difference from herd life."

    "These basics will be true in either the Valley or the Chamber. In fact, our kingdoms are probably more similar than they are different." he looks toward Fennick as he speaks, making a mental note to visit the Valley again sooner rather than later. "There's really nothing for it but to guess where you might fit best." His voice is rich and deep, but his words are from the heart.

    "For myself, I cannot imagine living anywhere but the Chamber. It's where I was born, and it's where I hope to die." He speaks softly, almost reverently. "It is a kingdom for the strong, and every one of our members plays an important part in our safety, defense, and power. Our kingdom is probably twice the size of a typical herd, and I'd be happy to introduce you to our queen, Straia." He pauses again. "And of course, if you didn't like it, you'd be free to leave"


    heat manipulating lord of the chamber

    warship x straia


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