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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    when you think of love do you think of pain? (herds)

    The pale stallion is not backing down.

    The beast steps forward, speaking of his own misdeeds (he raped his mother?!) and making his intentions even more … clear. Her eyes widen in fear as he leaps over the roan stallion and she shudders when his yellowing teeth graze against her neck. As he touches her the faerie’s ‘gift’ calls out, whispering that she shouldn’t have to take this, she could kill him with a single thought. She shrinks away instantly, leaning into the roan stallion’s side. No, NO. She will never use it. She will never be like her.

    She’s distracted when another stallion approaches, facing the pale stallion (whom he calls Gryffen) and claiming her as his mate. “Wha …?” He glances back at her, telling her to go along with it and she falls silent, struck dumb, though the red roan (who introduces himself finally as Skull) questions him. She doesn’t really think that this Gryffen is going to fall for it (he seems far too wily), but but she isn’t going to argue. At least he’s trying to help.

    She shrinks against the roan’s side again as another figure approaches, but relaxes a little when she realizes that it’s a mare. Syl does her best to smile politely as the mare introduces herself (though the smile is strained with anxiety), though her interest is peaked slightly when Exemplary mentions the Deserts. The Deserts is the kingdom that had defeated her, had brought her down and ended the bloodshed. A worthy kingdom indeed. It’s a pity she doesn’t want the kingdom life. She doesn’t want to be tempted, she doesn’t want to be like her. She just wants somewhere peaceful and quiet where she doesn’t have to think about her ancestry, or what she’s been through.

    When Exemplary approaches, she forces her mouth to work again. “O-oh, I’m Syl. I really appreciate the offer, but I don’t think I’m cut out for the kingdom life.” Skull moves closer, introducing himself first to Exemplary, and then turning to Syl. He offers her protection, and she smiles tentatively. She finds, much to her surprise, that she likes the stallion. He’s calm and collected despite Gryffen’s overt aggression, and he’s rather gentlemanly to boot - jumping in to protect a vulnerable mare in the field!

    She glances at the pale stallion, then back at the roan. Perhaps with such a large group they have a chance to slip away without too much trouble. “Thank you Skull. Can we please get out of here?”


    when you think of love do you think of pain?


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    RE: when you think of love do you think of pain? (herds) - by Syl - 10-20-2015, 02:25 AM

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