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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A new darkness
    She looks around, frozen eyes looking at the herd. They were pretty, but to her, they gave competition. Her coat blended in with the night. The place smelled of deer, squrierls, hogs, and owls. At least, that's all that Ethaethe could smell. She looked at her claimer. Her icey gaze trying to pierce his fierey one. Fire and ice. Opposites. That meant they would probably clash.


    He had made sure to nip her along the way, to keep her moving forward, to keep her compliant. He really only got 2 more in as this one was far too eager to join him. What a silly creature, she really should have known better. All the same, a willing plaything might be fun- might be.

    It is unearned privileged that they have arrived at night, the cove glowing in a silver iridescence from the moonlight. He had not wanted her to see the beauty yet, he wanted her to earn it, to be a good girl- but the passing of the sun had stole that from him. He thought on this with a growly grumble, pushing past the dark female. This was his domain, their domain, the Children. He spreads his lavender wings wide, presenting the shore to her in all its glory. "Behold pet, Silver Cove, home to my darling little family. You will meet them all very soon I'm sure." His voice is all grandeur and might.

    Soaring sadist of Silver Cove
    The way he says 'pet' makes her grin crookedly. She hadn't noticed the beauty, just the animal prey calling to her. She swivels her hips, itching to lunge at a deer. Her teeth tingling to bite on raw flesh. Ooh, how she wanted to eat a deer! She sees a buck in the distance, her senses tingling. She crouches, slowly making her way to it. Then, before anyone notices, shes eating a buck. Stupid thing. Horses are safe, anything else -- not a chance. Then, blood fresh on her lips, she apologizes. "My deepest apologies. I have a slight, uh, craving here and there. Don't worry. You and your herd are safe. I don't eat horses." she says.

    I know immediately that she is not one of Khaos' children. I wrinkle my nose as she tears apart the hapless beast, feasting on its blood. Kirin will be less than pleased with the mess. Kult and I have subjected ourselves to many a freezing wash so we could please our fastidious elder brother.

    After watching from a bit of a distance I move forward to encounter the pair. Purple hair winds its way down my neck, but it is not this that makes me special. I am exalted because of whom I serve.

    "Brother." I say, my voice holding the lightest of quizzical tones. "Who is this?"

    K E R S E Y
    the academic executioner
    daughter of carnage and killgore


    I love the way that your heart breaks
    with every injustice and deadly fate.

    The rich scent of blood reaches his nostrils, luring him to approach a group he might have otherwise ignored. He cannot resist the siren call of that scent. The only thing that might have been more enticing was the scent of burning things.

    He does so enjoy making things burn. Nearly as much as he had loved being burned. He wishes only that more understood such divine ecstasy. And that, perhaps, is his entire driving force, the impetus for his being. Finding others that understand as he does.

    He eases into the group, mutilated skin writhing with a shell of flame. While he might not have need of its protection, he had never claimed not to be vain. It is simply that he does not preen in the same way that his lovely lavender brother might. No, he revels in the terrible and horrifying sight of his burning flesh rather than the true beauty that might once have been his.

    He slides past Kersey, his flaming skin skimming lightly past hers on an almost gentle caress as he continues forward to inspect this new creature Kirin has brought home. A creature covered in fresh crimson blood. When he finally does halt, he is close to the new mare. Far too close.

    What would she think of the mutilated monster that stands before her? he wonders. And as the thought crosses his mind, a small, faint smirk touches his charred lips.


    khaos x eyrie

    html c insane | picture c naelii.deviantart.com
    She didn't leave a mess. In fact, she never left a mess. "Excuse me, but my name is Ethaethe."[b] she said, hiding her real thoughts. She was a deceiver. Then she looks at the mutilated stallion. She grins her crooked grin. Her eyes frozen, colored like the ice of her heart. [b]"Hello, look what the dog dragged in. What might your name be?" she said, eying him up and down. His flaming skin was what amazed her. "Ya mind movin' back a bit, hot stuff? she said, slightly making fun of him. Then she looked at Kirin. "Now, I don't intend to have foals, so. When ever we do, one of them(she eyes the other mares) is either going to have to take care of the pest, or give it for adoption." she says, looking at him.


    He can't help but be a bit preoccupied as Kersey slinks down to the foothills. A cringe passes his pristine face as his new found mare returns to him, blood smudged along her jaw. Revolting. He turns his head with a small smile for his youngest sister, brushing his wingtips along her purple nose. "This is your gift, all of you." He responds in whispered tones meant just for her.

    Raelynx is soon to join them as well, brushing past their sister with fire lacing his length. Kirin side steps away, putting ample room between the torch and his plumage. Their new addition begins apologizing, before becoming a contradiction. "Well you seemed to have missed a spot." He sneers wishing someone would wipe it off already.

    He isn't expecting what comes next, and so he does nothing to smother the loud guffaw that erupts past his mouth. "Ha! Hahahaha isn't that adorable?" He snidely remarks, circling around her with a hard glare. "WE will not be breeding, as if I would ever touch you in such a way. No, you'll have no children of mine." His hazel eyes dart to Kersey before they linger on Raelynx. "I'll make no promises for my brothers." Who was he to deny them if they wished to have their way with the little wretch.

    Soaring sadist of Silver Cove
    I give my brother a darkly amused look as the tips of his wings brush my nose. He's so thoughtful, my eldest sibling. A gift from him is nearly as coveted as the iron god's approval. I run my purple nose along the graying lavender of his side in quiet thanks.

    A shiver of pleasure flutters up my spine as Raelnyx suddenly moves past, the full glory of his flames encasing his scarred body. I dismiss the rapture that beckons. He and I both have other business. Namely, the new mare in front of us.

    "Your name is only useful if we call you by it," I comment dryly. "I am Kersey."

    I cast a disdainful look on her, one that is both dismissive and curious. Amusment flashes in my eyes as she mentions breeding. If she'd seen Nicia or had heard anything about the true God and his children, she'd know that Kirin would never stoop to breed with someone of her caliber. He'd choose me over this mare in a heartbeat.

    I glance at my scarred brother, my words tinged with impatience.

    "What do you make of her, Raelnyx? Do you think she could perhaps be indoctrinated into the delights you provide?"

    Of course, I expect to come first. I am still the daughter of a god.
    She just sat there, watching them talk as if she weren't there. "Well, good. But, my same rule applies to them. she said. Well, all but Raelynx. She thought to her self. Oh, and that blood on her jaw? Yeah, she licked every drop of that off when Kirin wrinkled his nose. "Nice to meet you, Kers." she says, trying to be nice-ish. If she could just please them, get out, and join the chamber or one of their herds, she'd be happy. If not, she would wreak havoc on all of Beqanna, save the chamber.
    She is waiting impatiently near the border for her lavender love to return. Hooves pace restlessly, wearing furrows in the soft earth, when she spots him. He is leading another into their cozy little home, and in an instant all of her worry and hurt dissipate in a flash of jealousy. The black creature he dredged from some backwoods mud puddle clings far too closely to his side for Nicia's taste.

    She watches carefully as they travel further into the cove. Her eyes track every movement as Kirin and his new toy are approached by several others from the family. Finally she deigns to grace this new creature with her presence.

    Nicia approaches slowly, languidly, each step a performance. She is carefully composed, a predator's grin gracing her lovely face, hips swaying seductively. She is an enchantress. They all were. All of daddy's children were gorgeous, even Raelynx in his own morbidly scarred way. Her voice is a song as it carries through the night, teasing and tempting for those that would listen to it.

    "Well, well, well. What have we here?" She pauses only to plant a loving kiss on Kersey's cheek and shiver delicately in the heat cast from Raelynx before settling in at Kirin's side. She doesn't let the thought of his wingtip brushing their sister or the foul black thing's comments on breeding with her brother's get to her. She is a hunter just like the rest of them, and nothing will stop her until she's had her fill of fun.

    Nicia catches the last comment that the dark girl says and merely laughs at her. A cold laugh, all pretense of friendliness gone as she leaves Kirin's side to circle the girl. Who is this mare to enter her family's home and attempt to impose her will? Nicia was just starting to get along with Kersey, their mutual love for their family placating their need for dominance, and now this child comes along? Well, tonight she would have none of that.

    "Oh my dear, you don't get to make the rules. I do. But no worry I would never allow any of my dear brothers to debase themselves so far as to produce offspring with someone so inferior. Further more you will address my family by their full name, if they allow you to speak at all." She stops once more in front of Ethaethe, A cruel, iron mask forming over her face in the shape of a wolf's skull, the expression seeming to shift between rage and indifference. When she smiles, the mask smiles. A fearsome, dripping thing, all teeth and sharp edges. She is terrifying to behold and she smirks at the blood spattered creature.

    "You poor, little girl. Do you know what you've gotten yourself into?"

    (ooc: sorry! apparently Nicia didn't want to play nice xD I can change it if it's a problem)

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