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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    A new darkness

    I love the way that your heart breaks
    with every injustice and deadly fate.

    He pays little mind to her words. He has never been big on them (words, that is), though he uses them well enough. Enough, at least, to (usually) be slightly more eloquent that Kult. But only slightly. Her name he has only a passing interest in. He doesn’t usually bother to remember names. Other than his siblings, of course. And Cordis. The thought of her sends a faint shudder rippling across his heavily scarred skin. What he wouldn’t give to find her again, to experience the ecstasy of her touch. There are so very few he truly respects, and she is one of them. She and the dark god, of course. Not their father, the god that his siblings worship, but the other one. The infinite and all powerful one who had marked him, changed him forever. The one whose brand he wears in the very center of his forehead, nearly lost amidst the network scars marking his burned skin.

    But that is a thought for another time. For now, it is simply the new mare and his siblings. He would try to remember her name, but there are no guarantees in this.

    The talk of breeding piques his interest, bringing the nubs of his ears forward and a causing a slight quirk to his lips. This is a subject in which he holds a fair degree of interest. He has discovered the allure of it, though not necessarily in the way that others might suppose. It is a tool within his arsenal, one he is not shy about using. In truth, he had been rather fruitful for such a young stallion. And though he has little interest in the products of such encounters, he has discovered some amount of satisfaction in providing a new generation of their hallowed blood.

    Kersey addresses him directly then, asking him of the newcomer's potential. Dull eyes dutifully surveying the black mare, he rasps simply ”Hmmm. Perhaps.”

    Finally, Nicia elects to join their growing group. She is immediately asserting her dominance, telling the darker mare, in no uncertain terms, just where in the pecking order she stands. Everyone has always fallen so easily in line with what the young mare wants that leadership had fallen quite naturally to her. Raelynx is, perhaps, the only one who has never been quite so easy to predict. He has come and gone from the group in a way that none of the others have.

    So it comes quite readily to him when he decides to stake his claim upon the mare. Not in word, but in deed. A clear, silent statement that he would do as he chose with her. With a small, almost cruel smile curling across his features, he edges closer to the blood and death scented mare. His bland gray eyes find his sisters as he lifts his fiery chin over the mare’s back (not touching her, not yet, though no doubt the nearness of his fire would be quite uncomfortable if she did not move away). Not quite an outright defiance, but a standing of his ground.


    khaos x eyrie

    html c insane | picture c naelii.deviantart.com

    Apparently Raelynx doesn't want to play nice either, haha :|
    She grins crookedly as Raelynx goes over her. She loved this. But, eh, a wee bit of defiance here and there couldn't be so bad, could it? So, she plots out in her head little pet names for all of them. Raelynx would be Lynxie. Nicia would be Nics. Kersey, Kers. And, Kirin, Rin. Maybe breeding with Lynxie wouldn't be soo bad. I mean, possibility of cool kids? Who could pass that up? she thinks to herself. Lynxie, dear, would you please let me get up? Legs getting kinda stiff, ya know." She says. Oh, maybe she wouldn't defy him but the rest, oh yes.


    He smiles, because he has brought them the nicest of gifts. He smiles because they receive it so well. He smiles, because Nicia has come to join them.

    The gilded Queen finally makes her debut, a sultry dance as she progresses to their gathering. He watches in amusement as she pecks at Kersey with both love and hate, and purrs when she nestles into his side. Kirin may have his playthings, but he has eyes only for her. He brushes along her mane, nibbling at the delicate hairs nestled between her ears. His lips linger overlong, take such painstaking care to adore her.

    It's in smug silence that he watches it all unfold. He would expect nothing less from their iron goddess, or his small, corrupt family. Her mask is a work of art, terrifying to behold,  igniting distress as it should. Well it should, perhaps not to the Covelings because they were not on the receiving end. His grey eyes flash at the new comers insubordination, and he starts to impress his displeasure but Raelynx is already on her. He smiles gently and settles, his younger brother had a penchant for pain and inflicting the fire on others. That would do well for punishment, softly he says, "Little closer perhaps Raelynx?" A mere suggestion because he did not order his family around like a pack of dogs.

    Soaring sadist of Silver Cove

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