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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    --the stars in her eyes [scarlet/any]

    The walk would be long from the field. The bay woman walked aside her newest herdmate with a small smile. Eyes shifting every so often as they moved, her concern for the tawny female present on her features. Ygritte liked Miamore. She liked that she was kind and that she took her chances with Ygritte. She saw how hard it was for the other woman to agree within herself to trust the russet Falls woman.

    Their small talk was light and chipper. It always helped to chat as the time seem to slip away just as the field grasses bend to the ground and are replaced by the nutrient rich soils of the falls. Thankfully spring was in the land of Beqanna to rush in the humidity and warm the lands. As they enter the embrace of the Dazzling Waterfalls, Ygritte begins, 'Welcome home, Miamore. This is the Dazzling Waterfalls. As long as you reside here, the waters will heal you of any injury or soreness. The rulers are Texas and Tyrna. I'm sure they will be along to introduce themselves but as for now please feel free to make yourself comfortable. Explore and feed your curiosity", she pauses with a coy smile, "Also here we do have a system of ranks. If you are interested, we have a warrior side and diplomatic side." Ygritte did not fathom Mia to fancy the warrior side but who knows? It was not Ygritte's decision. "But I know this is all new and a lot to take in. I am just so happy you decided to join us here." The velvety voice is low and warm like the embers of a fire. Honey hued pools look to the new mare, awaiting her reaction to her new home.


    ((ick, it's short but ygritte needed to show some face lol))

    ((also, kahzie, wasn't sure if texas knew that she is his daughter. we can play it out however. up to you :) ))
    Mia was still running off of a high from anticipation. The ground gave way to her quick dancing, the earth's tresses crumbling briefly beneath each step. The pleasures of feeling wanted gave her an optimistic outlook on what should have felt like risky business. Here she followed this stranger with whom she'd only exchanged a few words, really, all the way to this place she referred to as home. Nonetheless, Mia didn't pause to consider any of this. She was still young, weathered from travel, yes, but young, and not quite damaged enough yet to be weary of the peculiarity of this exchange. She had seen a few sires try to persuade her mother to follow them before, some even forcefully, but her mum had always had more fight in her than any of the brutes ever expected and inevitably, they either lost her, or let her go.
    Miamor heard the silence as Ygritte stopped walking and began to speak about something. Ah, that soothing voice; Mia let the melody sink in before rattling herself back to listening. The rulers? That sounded important. "Tyrna and Texas," she muttered, locking this information into her mind. Mia continued to pace gently as she listened to Ygritte's story of the lands. She was riddled with energy: You're here, Mia. You're home - Mom'd be proud - she would, Mia emitted a squeal at this thought, before tuning back into Ygritte's words. Warriors and diplomats? Mia's childish outbursts came to an abrupt halt; her muscles tensed and she focused on Ygritte as she began to explain the ways of her kind. How many of "us" are there? Mia's mind proposed questions, but she swallowed them back, sure that these answers would reveal themselves in time. Her black eyes opened wide into question, but Mia engraved a smile. "You," she stepped towards Ygritte, while staring back into her sincerity, "You've shown me such kindness." Mia paused, unsure of what it meant to follow Ygritte here. What sort of debts had she'd signed herself into? She cringed at the thought, but shook it off because this -had- to be the better way. All her life she had ran - from this - and loneliness had crept upon her along the way. Today - today she felt something different. Perhaps it was the cleansing feeling of change, or it could have been the dissipation of the yearning that she had held onto for so long. Either way, Mia basked in it."What are you, Ygritte?" Mia could not stop wondering about what she had mentioned before, "Are you a warrior? Or a diplomat?" She stared inquisitively into Ygritte's eyes, trying to imagine her in either costume.

    ((Sorry for the few day gap - I'm right in the middle of my final exams for this school semester and I'm just riddled with stress over them. Organic Chemistry. Blech. But - It's all over Wednesday! Woo!))

    Ygritte finds herself fond of the dun mare. She is as kind as she perceives and that makes her smile. In the bay woman's opinion there wasn't enough kindness to balance out the cruelty that exists in Beqanna. There must always be an equal balance between all things in the world and this is partially why the salmon stained female existed in the Falls.

    Lobes flicker towards her new friend curiously as she inquires as to Ygritte's stance. "Of the diplomatic side, Mia. If the rulers should ever need me to take up their side in battle I am more than happy to oblige but I am more suited to use my words instead of my hooves." Ygritte says this with a little wink as she chuckles softly. "But you are more than welcome to chose where ever you would like to be." Dark eyes drift to search for a familiar face of one of the kingdom leaders to welcome the newest member of the kingdom but for now Ygritte would have to do.

    Slender limbs move the doe towards the waters of the falls, beckoning Mia to follow. Slowly Ygritte enters the warm waters. Their healing powers soothing and relaxing as she dips deeper into the clear liquid. She turns herself around to watch Mia. "Come on in!" Ygritte gives a small giggle as she splashes a bit, enjoying the feeling of being weightless.


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