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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    its a big world out there {any}

    She looks around hesitant at first, not willing to cross the borders quite yet. She had heard rumors that this was where her brother was. There were whispers that her sister was roaming about as well. She would find them, maybe in finding them she would find her purpose in life as well.

    It was something that would take time she knows that well enough, but at least it was a start. She could take a step and then another eventually it would lead somewhere, and here it was that she stands at the borders of her brothers herdlands, or so she assumes. Who knows what had taken place in the times that these words had tickled her ears, and the time that she finally was couragious enough to step forward and take the chance.

    She hoped that there would be someone there that would know her. Someone there that would welcome her. She knew nothing of her life, nothing of her family, only that she had a sister and brother. She couldn't even claim to know who her parents were. The fairies had taken care of her as a foal. They had done the job, that a mother was supposed to. Teaching for of right and wrong, learning the ways of the world. How to talk, and act all horsey like. Now, well now its time for her to venture from them.

    Or so they say, she is sad as she watches them flit to other foals leaving her with a few waves and kisses. She had come to love the little dears. But now it was time for her to venture out and create a place for herself in this world. Already to she had a child, or two. She was a little ditzy or so the other foals had said when she was growing up, and memory wasn't her best aspect. Eventually she would get better at that, maybe her next child would be better and she would raise it, dispite how she would feel over it.

    Softly the mare nickers into the chirping of the twilight. A beautiful moon and silvery beaches lay infront of her sprawling till foamy kisses lurche and grab at the sand, before falling back into the body of salty water. It was beautiful and her heart lept at the site. No wonder her brother picked this for a home.

    Destruction and Chaos
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love

    Ever since Kirin had, had that first taste of sex he could not get enough. He was an insatiable lover. That thrill of power, of control, of ecstasy, that was everything. The way the body took over and was no longer victim of the minds rationalizations, that was divine. Take, but not until he said. Waiting, waiting until that perfect moment, that precise timing when he would steal their pleasure from them. It was his, it was theirs, but only because he had given it to them. He would never forget the way the face twists, or the body quivers, and he would have it- he would have all of it.

    Kirin was not biased either, man, woman, they all could help ease his need for satisfaction. They were all nice, but his favorite was still Nicia. She was not just his lover, she was his fighter, she was the only one that ever made him take it- but not until she said.

    And so it is not a surprise when Kirin growls mid tangle, his ears turning at the call of another. A stranger. He reluctantly uncoils, glistening with sweat and panting. Who the fuck is there? A question, one he thinks like a man answering a knock at his door from ill timed company.

    Kirin does not come to her on lavender wing, instead he curls around a formation of rock, sliding through the crystalline waters of the shallows. The moon brings a silver glow to their surroundings, reflecting light off his hide and casting a feigned glow. A curious look passes his features, he doesn't remember sending Kult for any mares but here one is. He yawns lazily, peeking at her through heavily lidded eyes, still recovering from his most recent tryst. "Sorry, remind me your name again?" He purrs as he approaches her because she has not yet crossed his border, no, she was being a very good girl.

    son of Khaos

    the soft carress of waves rush, and ebb away. The soft rustle of sand being tossed away perks her ears. It startles he that someone would approach her so quickly. He curls, and turns, glistening under the blue light. Apparently she had enturrupted a quite vigirous activity.

    As he steps closer, a edge of frustration apparent on his features, she steps back once, cautious of what could result from this meeting. I am Kalamity She nods to him, quirking her head to the side a bit. You are? She isn't sure exactly what to make of this, maybe this was her brother? Maybe related to her in someway. Hestitant she glances at his wings, all of him the same color as herself. Well they had to have some form of relation for that to occur.

    He tail switches softly against her hind quaters, she wasn't afraid, could never be accused of that. Simply not stupid either. I was told my brother resides here. Her soft blue eyes blink at the stallion, unsure quite how to proceed, she inches closer to the border, her lungs tasting the air for some sign of relation residing there.

    Destruction and Chaos
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love

    His silvery eyes rove her, waiting for some cutesy moniker to press her tongue against her teeth. He lingers over long on her curves, clearly calculating, inspecting. Judging.
    She wasn't entirely plain, she look much like himself actually, a gender bent version of his lavender flare. Perhaps that was why she was here, come to make little miniatures of herself. He would be happy to oblige her, she had impeccable tastes if that was the case.

    So long as they stay here, they must always stay here.

    His head tilts, his thoughts pulled away from the acts of child making. Her name, Kalamity. Odd, he was expecting something more..frilly. Then again there was the fact that it began with a 'K', and that as he knows it, is not common practice.

    He's not the welcoming, overjoyed relative one might expect. In fact he still isn't sure they are related at all, but there was the pinch of possibility. Then she's asking, questions tossed at him as if he were the one to be answering. Amusing he thinks, eyes flashing as he draws closer to her, invading her personal space. "I am Kirin, this is my home, my families home. As it was for our father before us, as it always shall be. The only brothers here are mine."

    It's unheard of, for stallions to mingle together in the herd lands, but it is only natural for the Cove. The siblings shared many things, they would gladly share everything given the chance.

    "Now," his voice is less accommodating, if it had ever been to begin with. The words take on an edge, a sharpness because Kirin is quite calculating. "You'll find your brother there." He steps aside, raising the wing opposite of her, lifting it up to showcase the cliffs. The silver moonlight glints on the iron statue, one that is forever over looking the crystal waters.

    son of Khaos

    Her lids squint, watching him with discust as he looks her over. Who did the idiot think he was? no one would force her to do anything. Much less be stuck in a land as a baby maker. Then again he was bigger then her, and if he wanted to, it wouldn't be difficult for him to over take her and force himself. 

    Ah well she was sure that whatever happened she could take care of herself. He steps into her space and she hisses through her teeth. He begins to get very arigant in his words. As he speaks she smirks her tail flicking in annoyance. Well then how did my brother come to be standing there? her concern for her brother isn't completely unfounded considering that he was now iron. and this jerk was saying that the land had belonged to his family for quite a while. 

    Then there was also the fact that she knew of whom she was speaking. How did he come by that knowledge anyways. How you even know that is my brother.

    Destruction and Chaos
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
    He presents the statue to her, gesturing at the thing with a lack of empathy. Showcasing it like the models on the price is right. Not that Kirin doesn't miss dear old dad, he has just come to accept that he was a never waking statue. It was normal to him, it was as it should be, it was a reminder. They hadn't pleased him enough that was quite obvious but he was sure as hell trying. They were all trying, the Cove had seen great prosperity as of late. It could be better, they could do better.

    The revulsion she displays only kindles his amusement. A flick of her tail in irritation can be seen in many different lights. Kirin would only think of the best lights, invading her breathing space even further. "Let me tell you." A lavender head snaking in near her check before pulling out again, a taunting tone in his movements.

    "Your dear brother, Khaos," Kirin emphasizes the name, coiling around the woman now. "Well, he came here to Silver Cove to make it his. A handful of mares to his name but it was just enough to give him children. Enough to claim the lands as his own. He was great, he made them greater, they were blessed. He bred them when they were worthy of his seed, he made many children. And one day after a disappearance, he was found on the cliffs. As you see him now."

    His voice was enamored by the tale, eyes wide and bright. He could not wait to say the words to tell her what she did not know.

    How you even know that is my brother? He feigns an abashed look, pulling his wingtip to his chest, mouth wide. "How do I?...Oh Aunty..you wound me." His voice grows as his sentence lengthens, eyes gleaming with a malicious light. He knows what she does not.

    In this family, Family is everything, in this family- they stick together.

    son of Khaos

    His words drone on, a buzzing in her head. It builds into a fog, a cotton sort of feeling clogging her brain. So this would be the way that she would meet her brother. It had been ages, longer then she had ever dreamed would pass since she last saw him. Obviously he had developed into quite the looker. A silent stone gazing into the distance, nothing left, nothing for her to revel in. Nothing to exchange sweet words of a bond that should have exsisted.

    She had not been one sentiments, ,but as of late. Faced with the inexplicable lack of company, she found her heart yearning to once again reconnect with the family that she used to know. Never did she dream that she would be to late. Late she was though, for as distant as she had been so is her brother now. The lavander lady didn't even consider a flicker of a hope that he would remember her, much less mention her existance to others. From what his child is saying though, he must have. How else would he know that she was this ones sister.

    Then as confirmation, her thoughts of past summer days romping with her siblings fades and his voice comes back into focus, hot salty breath clouding her nostrils. Aunty? Yes that was the word he used. So she had found her family, and they didn't seem to exist quite as she had expected. Well at least he had done a better job, then their mother had. Least this part of the family remained as such.

    That was what was inportant, just as he stood proud on the hill, so did his legacy stand proud in front of her. Have you heard word from, or about our sister? As much as he discusted her, she would have to change her tune somewhat. Not that she wouldn't still be irritated with the idiot, but heritage is everything in the world that she knows, and he was of her blood. So at the very least she could not completely disregard him. Maybe, possibly she wouldn't bite him. Sorely tempted as she was.

    Destruction and Chaos
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
    it was rare for Kirin to exercise such patience, most of all with what was in truth, a stranger. An unknown. He does what he must though, simply because this one is kin. This one is family, an aunt, another lovely woman of his heritage. Perhaps most consider it unnatural, ungodly the Kirin inspects the women of his kinship. The way he considers them for more than their vocal company, not that they couldn't vocalize otherwise. It was however, far from ungodly in his mind, it was keeping the lines pure. Of his children the one he had produced with Nicia was his favorite, though he supposed they were all pleasant as far as children go.

    Her question pulls him from his thoughts, his wandering eyes returning to her face were they had scarcely lingered.

    "Sister? None here but mine. I'm afraid Father's side is scarce for appearances." He muses, though it is not untruthful. This is the first of outside family, besides Uncle Killdare, that he has met. The first aunt, the comely thing that she was. "You're welcome to stay here until you can locate her. Actually, I insist dear Aunt, can't have you roaming the wilds, mingling with common folk. Not when we have a perfectly good place right here you can rest in." He coils, eyes flashing silver. "Or you don't have to rest at all, I'm sure we can find plenty of things to keep you busy in the meantime." He hints, tracing her hip with his wing. Just as quick he is backing perching for liftoff.

    What a beautiful little family he had, indeed.

    son of Khaos

    let me know if you want any changes, bit of a godmoding fool he is Smile

    So her sister may not be aware of the state that their brother had gotten himself put into. Her lips purse, and her eyes lower to the sands before her in deep thought. Her body sidled away from him, unaware of her action, she pins her ears and flicks her tail in annoyance at his insistance of the physical touch. She had not been brought up wtih it, and could never fully appreciate it.
    I see, She mumbles it under her breath. Brows furrowing at the thought of him not knowing their sister. Why had Khaos kept that part quiet? Why protect their sister from this sphyco's knowledge but not herself? Her hoof stamps a little harder then she intends digging up a few grassy roots with the tantrum. He pulls her from her thoughts just as fast as she is lost in them.
    I'm sure that YOU can think of many things to fill your time with. Mine, well I have more pressing matters at hand then to relax and indulge on the good will of others. Becoming fat with laziness has never been on my agenda. She smirks, the snarky comments filled with venom, maybe it would warn him away, just possibly she would be able to scare him enough to keep him from trying to press the matter further. Maybe she would have a opening to run off and never have to look at this place again.

    Destruction and Chaos

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