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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Winter's Anahi (Beauty)
    Anahi, like most horses, was neither fond of nor hated the winter season; instead, she just went along with it, knowing that it was a natural part of the Earth's cycle. Winter was a time of renewal, rebirth, a time when the planet slept and allowed its seeds to grow anew, spawning a whole generation ready to find its place in the world.

    Anahi had been part of those generations herself for about five years now; she'd seen a few winters and other seasons come and go, but if the gold champagne mare had to pick a favorite, it would be autumn. She loved the beautiful colors of the leaves as they fell, dropping from the branches and onto the earth, leaving the tree available to grow its new covering the following spring.

    Shaking her neck out as Anahi felt some snow drop from a nearby tree onto her coat, the horse snorted at seeing how her effort to rid herself of the frozen water had only succeeded in giving her a white speckled pattern, as the snow had moved from her neck onto her back. Stomping the ground with her front hoof, Anahi reared, her front legs lashing out in a display of pure power. The snow fell from her back, an act that pleased the mare.

    Once she had gotten rid of the majority of snow, Anahi allowed her upper body to drop back to the earth, her front legs kicking up a small bit of snow as her hooves struck the ground. Nickering in content, the mare moved on through the trees, toward the waterfall and lake she'd come across a day or so before when exploring the area.

    When she reached the lake, Anahi was pleased to find that it hadn't completely frozen over yet. The ice was still thin enough that water was laying on the surface, water that the horses who lived here could use to drink. The champagne mare walked toward the edge of the lake, snorting in displeasure as she sniffed at the ice and water. Puffs of frost formed around her muzzle with each breath, but that was to be expected; it was rather freezing outside after all.

    Despite the water's cold temperature, Anahi knew that she still needed to stay hydrated. She'd once once gone through a winter with little water, and suffered terrible stomach pains until arriving at a water source she could use. Anahi learned to never make that mistake again.

    Once she'd had her fill of water, the mare lifted her head, letting out a proud neigh as drops of water fell from her chin to meld in with the snow. Anahi decided she'd head back out toward the main meadow to see if she could find any food under the snow. She knew that there were some other mares flecking the area, but if she kept her distance, perhaps they wouldn't bother her.

    Maybe one day Anahi would allow herself to befriend the horses that lived here, but for now, she was content exploring the area, wanting to know what new kind of territory she had settled down in for her new home.
    The bay stallion does not like to be left alone with his thoughts; not now, as they teem with misdeeds and a strange lack of regret for what had come so naturally to him - he was a stallion after all, and could not help himself when the natural urges came upon him and he knew that at three mares expected foals because of him but not a one of them was his beloved mate with her salmon-pink points and sweet face so full of trust. He knew that trust would turn to disgust if she ever found out about his illicit trysts outside their union so he kept to himself, squandering his time in the trees that surrounded the Falls but even then, he grew bored and missed her company and that of their growing daughter’s. All he could do to content himself was to leave the Falls for the time being and go be of some use in some obscure way that had yet to reveal itself to him.

    He bypassed the familiar trails that could take him to the meadow and the forest nearby; let chance lead him towards the field in the throes of a cold stark winter that made his bones achy and his breath steam on the air. His horns felt heavy - they always did this time of year, heavier than before, but that could simply have been the weight of his own misdeeds rather than the horns themselves. They were still sharp at the point, two great spires of keratin and bone that arched up and away from his face and the black strands of hair that fell down over his eyes. Beneath the mane spilling down his face, his eyes remain watchful but see little that interests him until a mare in a lovely color he has never seen before catches his eye. She is like dull gold that has lost its gleam but somehow her skin is still bright, in a soft sheen beneath the wintry shag that covers them both and makes them hairy beasts.

    Mandan watches her for a while longer before actually falling into step with her as she heads in a particular direction and he just follows her. “Can’t say it is a pleasant day because it is too cold for my liking, but there is something fierce and beautiful about all this snow and ice we’ve been getting lately.” He is rather talkative for once, usually of few words but it is nice to hear the sound of another voice besides his own and she looks rather interesting, especially with that nice color of hers that he keeps looking at. The bay makes no apology for staring either, not that he is without manners but simply that he ignores propriety at times, preferring to be bold and instinctual and right now, the gleam of her champagne coat is rather striking against the mud and snow that coats the world.

    While Anahi knew that there were other horses in the area, she hadn't expected that she would be so close to one; the wind seemed to be against her today, for she hadn't even smelled him coming. So it was quite explainable when, upon hearing the voice of another behind her, the champagne mare skittered forward, quickly whipping back around, ears tilted back in a frightened manner, and eyes wide, to see who had come up from behind her.

    Seeing that it was another horse, a stallion, Anahi calmed down a bit, glad that it hadn't been any other kind of animal. The stallion had a gorgeous bay coat, his black mane and tail thick with good health. His base coat gleamed like bronze, and Anahi found herself staring a moment before focusing back on his eyes. Though, that didn't last long either, for her own eyes were quickly drawn to the horns that sat atop his head.

    The champagne mare was puzzled; she had never seen anything like that before, on any creature, much less a horse. She'd come across a few mountain goats and such during her travels, but they hadn't possessed horns like that. No creature in the world could possess horns like this stallion had.

    But if that was the case, how did he acquire them in the first place?

    Noticing how he kept coming back to stare at her coat, Anahi tossed her head a moment, hoping to draw his attention away from her unique color and back to her so she could speak to him. Not caring if it fully worked, only that if he decided to listen, Anahi's tail swished back and forth as she spoke.

    "It is rather beautiful out here," she stated, her eyes drifting toward the patches of snow littering the ground. Her gaze lingered on one specific patch that had been kicked up, whether by horses' hooves or the antics of another animal, she did not know. "Sadly, it's only beautiful when left untouched."

    He had come from downwind of her for no particular reason, definitely not from a nefarious purpose such as to cloak his scent from her - it simply happened that way but was completely unintentional and he realizes that she is rather taken aback by the fact that he came up so suddenly from behind her without little announcement, neither a betraying footstep or the usual smell that precludes one’s approach and his face shows a hint of the apology that springs to his lips the moment she skitters away from him and shows her fright. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you.” His sincerity is apparent as she begins to calm down moments after, and he knows that she has a good sensible head on her shoulders - she is definitely a smart mare, instinctive and quick to assess the situation and respond accordingly.

    Mandan feels her staring like he had stared at her; he cannot help but smile, knowing her eyes are drawn to the impressive set of horns atop his head. He realizes then that his staring is probably rather uncomfortable and he directs his gaze elsewhere, though sometimes throwing her a polite glance to show that he is still focused on her. It occurs to him (and he can see the puzzlement in her face, like a shadow that crawls across it) that she has probably never seen another quite like him, not that he is rarity in these lands for there are stranger things afoot than an addax-horned stallion but to someone from not quite around here, he supposes he is strange enough. She doesn’t ask though, like so many do though he would be more than willing to sate her curiosity of how he came about those horns, through a mutation of magic before he was even born but he doesn’t offer up this little tidbit about himself.

    He agrees with her sentiment about the wintry land’s beauty; it holds a certain appeal for him and he thinks longingly of stretching out his legs amongst all that powder-soft snow, except he’s rather certain it would be a clumsy run instead of an elegantly beautiful one. “Unfortunately nothing goes unspoiled for very long.” he comments idly, not entirely upset by his own statement because he knows it to be true - all that is good often does not remain so, not wholly corrupted but also never quite the same once it is disturbed. “There are still a few places that retain their magic despite our presence there amidst their grandeur,” he tells her, thinking of what is now his home and has been for almost a year already. “Do you know what you are looking for?” Because he is not the herd type and cannot offer that, but she doesn’t seem like other mares - interested in the first stallion that comes by and pays her attention, she’s smart, he remembers thinking and thinks she would be a great asset to the Falls’ kingdom.

    "That's true, I suppose. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't enjoy the beauty while it lasts."

    Anahi smiled at the stallion, a gentle expression, her brown eyes warm and kind as she turned her gaze back out toward the meadow, which she could see through the break in the trees. Some more snow fell onto her neck from the tree above, and the mare snorted indignantly. With a good shake of her head, the snow fell from her neck, her strong muscles once more visible after the white powder was gone.

    Cursing the fact that some snow did stick to her fur before beginning to melt and soak her champagne colored coat, Anahi let out a sigh, instead choosing to focus on the question that the stallion had asked of her. For a moment, she had to think, somewhat taken aback.

    Since arriving in this land, the champagne mare really hadn't thought of what she'd wanted. After settling in the meadow a few months ago, Anahi had been content with just wandering around, looking at all this place had to offer. There was plenty of food (when snow wasn't covering the ground), a good source of water, and a few horses speckling the area to stave off the feeling of loneliness. In truth, Anahi hadn't known other options existed here.

    Were there other herds nearby? Did this stallion have his own band, or did he live as a bachelor? How many herds lived here? Were there a lot of stallions?

    What would become of Anahi should she decide to join a herd?

    Snorting in puzzlement, giving her head another shake, the champagne mare turned back to look at the stallion, once more momentarily distracted by the gleam of his bay coat before she found the words to speak.

    "I haven't been here all that long; I have had little time to see what else was around this meadow. In truth, from here, I haven't really thought about what I wish to do."

    It was the honest truth, but for some reason, Anahi felt the deception behind her own words. She was a mare, a mare that longed to escape the feeling of being lonely, but up until now, she never felt as if she belonged in the herds that she had come across. She one day did wish to run with a herd once more, to raise a foal of her own into a proud little stallion or mare. But, for now, staying on her own was what she had to deal with.

    Suddenly realizing something key missing from her current situation, Anahi gave the stallion another small smile, "I just realized, I never introduced myself. My name's Anahi, what's yours?"

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