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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    between the shadows and the soul

    Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction

    Kratos sees his father stumble and then fall, just as the grey stallion fell - but he is blinded by the need that he has for her. A need that far exceeded lust or love, a need that surpassed bloodlines, it was an elemental thing that woke and went wild in their veins whenever the other was near. He hears his sisters screams but is deaf to her words. He feels his powers burn her and bounce Kitra into the ground as she slams into his side, but he continues to smother the group in lightning. He doesn't even turn his head to check on his singed and howling sibling when he barks an order at her.

    He is loping down the dune as his father takes to the sky and the gray stallion wobbles to his feet beside the armored mare. They are already on their way out of the Deserts, bellowing of the Chamber when he sees Rhy’s head snap back and then she crumbles into the ground. By the time he reaches Rhy’s fallen form and the smoldering sphere of burnt sand around her, she is slowly climbing to her feet.

    The ravens were gone but Wichita’s body (or what was left of it) still lay smoldering between them. “Oh, hi, Kratos, right?”  She asks, but he isn't listening. The giant merely steps over the near-skeletal, still smoking form as he pushes his face into Rhy’s neck, breathing her in with a wild feverish need. He expects claws to shred his ribs at any second, or for fangs to sink into his neck as the mare shifted into a lioness to better punish him for his selfishness, his absence. But instead of claws and teeth she merely pushes him back with mild confusion, tilting her head quizzically at him.

    It takes him a moment to realize what's happened and once he has, he never once thinks to tell her what has really happened. Not now, not when he has a chance to fucking have it all. He knows he can beg his king-father to help keep his gift untarnished by the truth, Yael would be another matter. But that's a different issue for a different day.

    Because today he has his Rhy and today he will join his father in battle. “Yes, my name is Kratos and you are Rhy,” he says, his voice softer than the usual wolf's growl that rumbled in this throat, “We should be,” he indicates to the charred body between them, “but we had to take care of those that came here to harm us first,” he lies, turning to face the smoke that rose from the Chamber and a wicked smile crawls onto his face, “now let's go to war.

    Let the battle cry be heard in the land, a shout of great destruction


    vanquish x lyric

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