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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Quick Suggestion
    So from what I have gathered, these TEGTEG babies are to help reduce the act of making BQ like a breeding simulator and just breeding for traits, rather than breeding to play the foal.

    Some possibly suggestions I've heard kicked around are to maybe reduce breeding season to a couple of times a year? Or even extend the entire BQ calender - 2 real life months are now one BQ year/ 3 real life months are one BQ year. This would curb breeding extensively, as it would reduce breeding to only 3 or 4 times a year.

    Another factor is the breeding ads board. I feel like the ONLY reason for breeding ads is really to advertise or look for a specific mom/dad, or whatever - no plotting involved. While I understand it's exciting to have options, I feel like again this ads to the simulation effect which the TEGTEG babies are trying to diminish.

    Just wanted to throw some ideas out there for you guys!
    I suggested the calendar thing too <3

    Also, maybe only one or two breeding every other month/every two months instead of three every month? It gives people time to build threads and plots to lead up to and fully immerse the foal into before and after.

    And I completely understand the reasoning behind curbing the breeding, because it has gotten out of hand, but TEGTEG is rough. It not only affects the current generation, but the next and a good portion of the one after that. It's intimidating and makes the fun of breeding your favorite ponies, who you have plots and threads with, not very fun anymore. It makes sense to curb it all but adds a fear factor to it. Sad

    A longer BQ year might be nice. Smile

    I agree with Hanna that the Breeding Ads contribute some to this issue and there are a ton of recent babies out there that have no connection to the parents that will simply be database fodder because of it. :/

    You guys are awesome. Thank you for the awesome work that you do.
    Calendar thing is nice! I wouldn't mind that at all.
    Call would like to see more quests done to EARN traits instead of breed for them/increase interest in charries one already has Smile
    [Image: ca94dsg_by_calltherp-dcioghd.gif]
    I don't like to say much but I like Call's ideas. I have a few characters I would be overjoyed to earn traits for. Quests and quizzes are fun! Also the calendar idea is good as well.
    I ALSO have a really simple idea..Maybe every year we can all have a birthday pony where we get to select wings/horn/immortality, or maybe a higher percentage of something cool? Maybe people would wait for that one time of year to breed their two favorites. I don't know..I love birthdays Smile
    Anneliese - Pothos
    I like Call's idea with the quest and all, but only if this doesnt make traits (when earned by quests) only available for the better writers. For example look at myself. I have joined quests and had a lot of fun writing them, but there is this language barrier that has gotten me kicked out before the deadline.

    I know that there is a choice to be made between contestants of the quests, but I would always have a slight dissadvantage and so will there be more like me. So if traits will be linked to quest results only or mostly I think this does need some extra attention to even things out..
    #English is not my native language.

    Amorette - Gyps - Jinju - Kylin - Reeva
    All are only semi-active.
    we've had several quests in a row recently, so I'm not quite following the need for MORE quests. we have more lined up, and if you have an idea for a quest or would like to run one, feel free to PM an owner because we are ALWAYS looking for people to host quests! it makes our jobs a little easier Smile

    as I mentioned in madie's suggestion post, we've come up with several ideas for breeding restrictions - both in number per player and activity requirements. I personally don't like the idea of switching up the calendar, and I know we (officers) have talked about it before and kind of agreed on that. but if enough players support it, we might have to bring it up again.

    the birthday idea is a good one! we've done things like that before, but not consistently so that's definitely something to bring up. I like that.

    as always, feel free to PM any officers or owners if you have questions or concerns. of course we welcome q's & s's here as well, but if you feel more comfortable with it not being so public you can always come to us directly.
    [Image: Leah.png]
    Awesome, thank you Leah. Wink
    YES, Me and PRP actually were talking about how we wished that we had a little birthday board here with a list of all our names/birthdays, and on our birthday as a present we could create a character or add to an already existing character with a horn/wings/or immortality. That would definitely be fun, plus it would only be once every year Smile

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