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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    With my speechless calm eyes - Roan <3

    "With my speechless calm eyes."

    He had been busy, maybe even too busy, ever since Offspring had taken over the reign from Hurricane. It wasn’t a bad thing, not at all, and he loved to see the Tundra slowly waking up from her slumber, but he cannot help but to feel that he was letting her down. Even though the kingdom mattered to him and he would do anything for her, she wasn’t the only one in his heart. The petite bay roan girl was maybe even more important to him than the Tundra. And he clearly hadn’t been giving her enough attention.

    The snow crisped underneath his hooves, the sound alone would be enough for Roan to hear him coming, if her sensitive nose wouldn’t pick up his scent before that. They were alike, except for the fact that he had somehow be able to get himself to see. Although he feels a little bad and self-conscious for paying so little attention to her, he cannot help but to be in a good mood. The early spring sun warms his back in a comfortable way, but she isn’t yet strong enough to make him sweat in his thick coat. Before they would know it the summer would come, and the Tundra would be painted green for a short while.

    Even though he loved the snow and felt comfortable when the lands were white, the change was welcome once in a while. But whenever the first snow would stay on the ground it was almost like he was falling in love with the Tundra all over again. The same feeling overtakes him as he nears her, finally crossing the last distance between them. Not able to keep himself calmly walking he pushes himself forward. Years ago Brynmor would never have thought he would be able to trot and gallop around like this. On top of that he had gained invisibility, which came with his rank in the peace caste. Not that it would matter anything to Roan, as she couldn’t see him anyway. Even when he was invisible, she would always know he was there.

    ”Roan.” He breaths her name, whispering it underneath his breath, before gently pressing his muzzle against his shoulder. Taking a deep breath he takes in her scent, letting it fill him to the brim, as he bakes himself in her prescence. ”I’m sorry..” he murmurs against his skin, as his lips travel up her neck to affectionately nibble her mane. ”I should’ve paid more attention to you.” He knows that she’s a real Tundran mare, that he knows how things go around here, but it doesn’t stop him from feeling bad. He had taken it upon him to take care of her, to keep her happy and safe, and by being so busy on kingdom matters he had neglected her. Or, that he thought.

    "Nothing is coming to rise."


    Hey, not sure if you saw this? It's old by now, so maybe we could do something new because of Anahera and Henson?
    #English is not my native language.

    Amorette - Gyps - Jinju - Kylin - Reeva
    All are only semi-active.

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