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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Black Widow (any)
    Darkness clouded her mind, she was lost deep down in the darkness.
    Help me she pleaded to herself, so lost.

    Before she knew it, she'd stumbled on this place. Full of chatter and noise.
    No noise, no, no she muttered to herself, pinning her ears back into the black mess of mane.
    Let me be.

    Wandering aimlessly into the middle of this mess, she stopped suddenly, lifting her head and shaking the forelock from her listless eyes. Blinking frantically, the light was bright, she was used to the darkness. At home in the darkness. And yet I want to be free. Hypocrite, hypochondriac, failure. NO! she yelled, frightening even herself at the strength of her voice. Looking around frantically, had someone noticed? This bat shit crazy mess of a woman.

    Siggy's knees buckled, there was nothing graceful about the crash, the earth stung her knees and she squealed in annoyance. Why even bother getting up Siggy? Just lay down, give up.

    Get up, GET UP.
    She scrambled, most un-gracefully to her feet. Her head low, her black forelock covered all but the tip of her muzzle. Which was scrunched, and taught with anguish.

    You should've known better.  
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
    There is no help for you here, not in the way you wish you poor, poor thing. Perhaps in another life, on another day something warm and consoling would have found you here in the field, bickering against yourself. No such luck I’m afraid.

    Kirin doesn’t have an inner voice to tussle with and if he did he’d be the clear winner of that fight. His mind and the wicked thoughts in it were his and his alone, just the way he liked it. His life was always just so and he was apt to keep It that way, he was apt to continue selecting and nibbling at Beqanna’s mass of women just as he always had. Even when there were none here, well, he made his own at home- go figure.

    If you think the lavender stud is beautiful, you’re right, there’s no shortcoming in appearances for the ‘king’ of Silver Cove. Even the sun dare aid his trysts, lighting his lavender hued skin in brilliance as he sails over the spring touched fields. Another broken thing catches his eye like a shining metal object to a magpie though her coat is an unremarkable pitch. The silver in his soul reflects through his hazel irises and he touches the earth with a gentle kiss of hoof.

    His smile only broadens as she seems to struggle with some inner demon, finding her feet in a knock-kneed gracelessness. Oh but those inner demons, they just don’t have that same pain factor and allure as the ones veiled in flesh and blood. Adorned with pastel plumes tucked to their sides, towering over men and women alike in a regal fashion and carriage.

    “My, my, best take it easy.” He cooed, lacing his words thick with smoke and honey, a stout bourbon on a bitter night.

    son of Khaos
    Siggy had stood for some time, minutes, hours had passed? Days? No surely, not. Seriously, how much longer would she have to play the pathetic and pitiful act...... The faint sound of hoof beats caught her attention, but she didn't move a muscle, not yet.
    And so silence passed for a minute, the wind continued to whisper to the trees as she waited and a voice, thick with sweetness and sin carried to her ears.

    Drawing herself up, the feeble, wounded little bird blossomed before his eyes into a black swan, her neck curling around. Eyes as black as the coat she wore, they met his, with a burning gaze and a smirk curled across her lips. Her head held high now, she was equally impressive in size, well minus those silly feathers anyway and she turned to face this intruder.

    What trick was this being played on her? Surely this purple, pastel, winged poof hadn't spoke in such delicious chords. Siggy tipped her head in confusion, you're purple, she coos. Taking advice from a purple man, that's a first for Siggy. Walking around, the high stepping temptress reached out to nip at the brutes back. Thank you for your concern, though I do believe I'm just fine now. Her voice was thick, and rich, with a graininess to it. Like molasses on a cool evening, oozing in all it's sticky glory.

    She stopped now, shaking her head to organize the coal black tresses, exposing those eyes, you could almost see the devil himself in them. She peered, curious at the reaction of this brute. Would he be gentlemanly, and fawn over her like some wounded bird? Or was he just the man she was looking for, dark, controlling, dirty, spank me and make me call you daddy... Her tongue crossed her lips in anticipation, and she blinked slowly, batting those long black lashes, taunting him.

    I'm gonna love you, until you hate me.

    Feel free to put her in her place. X)
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
    What an ungrateful little sod. The delicate mare twists like a viper in the grass, snaking her way upward to reclaim her footing. Terrible thing that she would soon learn she was a crow among eagles, at least to Kirin she was.

    There was no way she could have known that her ill temper would only entice him more, would only make the game greater in the end when he stood victor. Purple, purple, purple… Was he purple? More of a lavender or a thistle if you asked him. Once he actually had been purple, long ago it seemed, back when he was a young fledgling. It seemed forever ago now and more years had passed him than his appearance let on- Kirin’s mind was much older than his body was.

    “Hardly my dear,” sweet hickory littering his tenor, “not anymore anyways.” It is simple, it is truth and it is known- around here anyway. Words spread like wildfire around Beqanna and Kirin only deigned to fan the blaze he started.

    Just fine,… Oh no, no, no. Almost just fine until that little pinch caught him on the shoulder. His own lilac head coiled around, placing a firm bite on her hip. No love taps, no nibbles like one would use to delicately eat away at one of those gourmet cupcakes. Kirin meant business, gnawing her flesh like a juicy red apple at its peak of ripeness. Should there be a warning shot? Hmm, no I don’t think we can spare one.

    Another moment and his weight is pushed forward, hoping to knock her off balance just enough to lose her footing. “When little girls are bad they are punished aren’t they?” His anger boils within only to flash with a silver fire across his hazel eyes. Even at the height of his rage, he’s kept his tone an even, dark cup of coffee but an underlying table saw edges to the surface.

    son of Khaos
    Siggy was curious of this brutes reaction, and it almost pleased her when he lashed out. His teeth pulled at her taught skin, the follicles of hair ripped jaggedly from her flesh leaving an open, pink graze. The pink clashed terribly with her ebony coat, and Siggy snaked her head around, pinning her ears back almost instinctively. They twitched forwards again, well that was rude..., but before she could finish her sentence this winged fool had pushed himself against her.

    In that split second, that pleasing moment when his flesh connected with hers, sent a shiver down her spine and she drank it in, like deep red wine. Nostrils flared, hungrily gulping in his dusty, musky sent and a squeal split the air, her tail switched angrily against her flank. Ultimately knocked off balance, Siggy side stepped, crossing one foreleg in front of another, frantically, determined to stay upright. The impact had knocked the air out of her. Her brain now processing without those dirty, lustful thoughts she panted, regaining some composure, her former elegance. 
    With an annoyed toss of her head, she dipped her muzzle to ground, nuzzling around at the dirt, unsure of her approach now. Part of the proud mare wanted to react, but the pathetic, pitiful side wanted to bathe in the glory of submission and defeat. Siggy raised her head, but only enough she could meet his gaze which was quickly diverted to the ground again, those black orbs of hers softened, and when little girls are good, what happens then? she cood. A sultriness lingered on her words, and they drifted softly towards him like leaves on an Autumn breeze.

    Those eyes though, those dark pools of devilry were hesitant to meet his, she could see the sharpness in them, hear it on his voice. You fool, she thought to herself. Are you to roam the lands alone for the rest of time, lonely, barren... She shook her head in annoyance at the thoughts, Leave me alone.... Oh Siggy, you poor twisted, confused little girl. Who shall help you now?

    You Used To Be Thirsty For Me
    And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
    All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
    What led the woman to these circumstances is unknown. Perhaps she was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. Maybe she had called to him in some unknown, soundless voice. Either way he was there, she was here and the matter at hand quickly escalated.

    First the parting of her flesh, a sweet scrape of skin revealing the pink beneath. Hair tearing from skin and skin parting ways to reveal muscle and life underneath. Kirin did not have a hankering for the taste of blood but he delighted in the beads of red all the same. Blood was a part of the reward, his reward, as well as the gasps and groans that usually accompanied such injury. It was these, these marks that drove him, it was their squeals that he took pleasure from. Thus he made them, again and again.

    Each push, every pull was his to give- to take. Just as each cry and stumble and fall was made because he dreamed it so. With a wry smile he laughs, the mare losing her footing so easily against his shove. "When little girls are good they get to come with me." He assures her of this like it is a common fact, something that is absolute and known. Needless to say both good and bad little girls usually came with him but that was simply a detail- nothing to worry your pretty head about.

    "I have just the place for the well behaved, it's called Silver Cove. I'm sure you'll like it there, everyone does." Once there they do not often leave save for when Kirin is done playing, even then there is always the chance they might become some toy for his many siblings or children. Alas, he wont be the one to explain this, that would ruin all the fun.

    son of Khaos
    I shall post for you at Silver Cove. *^_^*

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