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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Life Outside the Dale- [Any!]

    Josie had traveled from the field were her mother was to the playground, she was almost a year old and has never been away from the Dale, until now. There were foals of all ages around, and she was over loaded with emotions, she didn't know how to act. Would anyone want be her friend? did these foals know each other since birth? The horses all carried different scents, none that she recognized (The Dale). Josie had a rough start to life, she was born very weak and at times was still weak. She couldn't run around as easily or as long as the other foals, making it hard to keep up. She looked around the playground swaying her small tail (that was raised like an arabian). The petite filly hoped another would approach her as she was to shy to approach someone on her own.


    Challenges are what make life interesting


    i've been saving my soul for someone like you. so let's love while we're young.

    The girl is in the playground for similar reasons. Her mother had born her some time ago in the forest and the bay child had little interaction. Curiosity comes naturally to children whether it is a good thing or bad. The teal shaded limbs move the spindly form rather ungracefully (as all colts and fillies were). Her matching blue-green eyes look from beneath a small tuft of the teal hair till she sees another.

    It is a girl and this makes the young lass feel excited, comfortable already with the same sex (they were far too young to discover boy already) and so Keilani smiles genuinely as her direction changes to near the pretty ebony girl child. "Hello." Her voice comes out meeker than she hoped, the tones hushed and shy but the young child tries her best to connect with another living creature. "I'm Keilani, what's your name?" Her voice is soft like the petals of a rose, hushed and velvety. If she could blush from embarrassment she would be red all over. Hopefully the older filly would not think she was some stupid baby and shoo her off.

    self-aura manipulating, light armor equipped daughter of pazuzu and lirren

    ( pardon my short post. i just had to jump at the chance for keilani to make a friend )

    Josie jumped slightly to her right at the sound of another, as she turned she saw a beautiful bay and teal filly. She has seen a lot of magic from the equines in the Dale, and has seen a few odd colored horses, but she has never seen a foal with the colors of this one. She gave a smile excited that the filly chose to speak to her. She instantly felt at peace the foal, ready to consider her a friend. The filly appeared to be younger than Josie, but Josie was barely taller than this foal. The mare pranced in place full of excitement to befriend another "Hi! My name is Josie!" she said in a high pitched almost squealing voice. The filly stopped prancing, standing in place as her tail swayed with excitement. "What kingdom are you from?" she asked, she knew from her mothers stories that there were multiple kingdoms in beqanna, although she has only met Dale horses.


    Challenges are what make life interesting

    OOC: glad you posted! sorry the posts will be short until I am fully understanding of Josies character

    i've been saving my soul for someone like you. so let's love while we're young.

    Relief floods the little girls features when the pretty onyx lass speaks up, and with excitement! This heightens the smile on Keilani's lips and allows her to approach. "Gosh, nice to meet you!" A laugh follows, high and light like the tinkle of tiny bells. The teal eyes look back when Josie inquires to her dwelling and there is a bit of confusion that clouds the younger girl's brow.  "Kingdom? I was born in the forest...outside the kingdoms." Did this change things? Did this make her a renegade or unsavvy?

    She sighs softly for a moment as the smile fades away from her small features, unsure of things now. "Were you born in a kingdom, Josie?" She tastes the girls name on her tongue.

    self-aura manipulating, light armor equipped daughter of pazuzu and lirren

    Her heart fluttered as the two connected, Josie feared the others wouldnt get along with her, whether it be because she was weak, or because she never left the Dale. She returned a confusing glance to the filly who said she was born in the forest, not a kingdom. She didn't know equines were born outside of kingdoms, although she didn't know much about equines aside from her mother. She has never even met her fsther.

    Regardless of where her teal friend was born Josie still wanted to be around her well whats the forest like? I was born in the Dale, have you ever been there? the black filly asked with a smile. She enjoyed the Dale, perhaps because it is  all she has ever known, and would love to show her new friend the kingdom. She of course was interested in seeing the forest, a place she has never heard of. The innocence children hold, careless of a status, or home an equine was raised from.


    Challenges are what make life interesting


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