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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

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    yeah, idk
    “The oldest and strongest emotion of mankind is fear. And the oldest and strongest kind of fear is fear of the unknown.”

    Don't you just hate when things are spelled wrong? A letter here, a letter there – the sound is there, but the application is spotty.
    When you came through the swamp you had a dress of oil black, covering those perfect legs of yours, blanketing them in mud.

    The mythology of Queens. Those phantom eyes, those peculiar wings. You'll die by the dragon's tooth and you'll drown in a brook of your own blood, covered in marsh flowers and the smell of rotting flesh. Your spirit will be weighed down like stones beaten by age and force, and down the yellowbrick road you'll go. Paved in smooth bones.

    Neil Gaimen seems to know where they go when they fall. Tumbling down, their sparkling dust, is it what I thing it is? A what ah?
    Oh yes. It is indeed what I think it is. The age of Kings has come and their never know I've taken their sheep – they have so many, any how.

    I just need to borrow them for a bit.

    2 from 1.
    From kingdom or herd?

    Oh sorry, i was under the impression from "1" meant herd. Sorry sorry xD
    buy the ticket, take the ride.
    —  Hunter S. Thompson


    snowphish, city, oleandar, wrena, kota, let, seasick
    chemdog, klaus, padmé, fenwe, claudia, mourna
    Don’t you just hate when things are spelled wrong?- Morigan misspelled Morrigan known as the phantom queen.
    Neil Gaimen- Author to novels/comic books
    Archam misspelled for Arkham a street in batman. Neil Gaiman wrote a two-part story for batman
    Tumbling down Their sparkling dust, is that what I think it is?- Meaning of Naledi is Star, stars sparkling down?
    Down the yellowbrick road- the yellow brick road was named after winding cobblestone roads in Michigan (cobblestone creek)

    Arhcam blocking Naledi and Morrigan

    (05-02-2016, 08:50 PM)Archam Wrote: Don’t you just hate when things are spelled wrong?- Morigan misspelled Morrigan known as the phantom queen.
    Neil Gaimen- Author to novels/comic books
    Archam misspelled for Arkham a street in batman. Neil Gaiman wrote a two-part story for batman
    Tumbling down Their sparkling dust, is that what I think it is?- Meaning of Naledi is Star, stars sparkling down?
    Down the yellowbrick road- the yellow brick road was named after winding cobblestone roads in Michigan (cobblestone creek)

    Arhcam blocking Naledi and Morrigan

    Of Cobblestone Creek
    yupper damn it

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