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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Look at things different, see the bigger picture; OFFY


    Isle had loved her, had been the first to touch her and love her so completely. Lieschel hadn't known what the look had been back then, when she had been a lonely no one in the Den. It had confused her at first, until Nevi had explained it to her. Had told her that that look meant she was loved and at home. Then she had seen it in Offspring's eyes, remembered how sad and happy his eyes had been when they had taken her home. She remembers meeting Mari and Argo for the first time. Had even seen that love there in their eyes.

    It had been amazing and so overwhelming.

    Now their family was a little ragged. Mama and Daddy were upset with one another. Mama felt like Nevi did and Daddy didn't feel like he was enough. She had watched as the trio of babies had made their way to the warm cave. She hadn't known what exactly had made her look out the opening, peeking her black face out into the cold to see where her daddy was and whether or not she would see Nevi again.

    Their trip had seemed like forever. But finally they had returned, covered in blood and pain in their eyes. Weary bodies had snuggled close and then Leelee had seen no more of her parents.

    So she was seeking them out, looking for them amongst the snow. The winter wind was cold. Thankfully she had grown rather thick fur this winter and so while it was cold, it was not completely unbearable. She knew her daddy would be up where it was the coldest, because that was how he was when he was upset. So she made it through, narrowing her eyes until she saw his black body silhouetted there in front of her.

    She waited until she was closer to call out to him. "Daddy?" Her steps taking her until she could slid her body against his warmth and snuggled right up against him. "Daddy, are you okay?" She says, peering up at him.

    That awkward moment when you're laughing so hard but no noise comes out so you sit there clapping like a retarded seal.

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