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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Learning The Ropes- [Sunfall, Any]
    Darn it, he must've seen her. As if the dark red blood on her hindquarter wasn't enough to give her presence away. Raxa risked a quick glance backwards, seeing that Jedi was heading in her direction. Knowing that he was probably going to question what had happened to her, the mare tried to limp a bit faster. Jedi had looked busy with those two fillies, watching out for them while their dam was away.

    Doing her best, Raxa tried to hurry toward the trees, intending on hiding there for the time being until Jedi left to return to watching over the fillies. She didn't want him to trouble himself with watching out for her; she was a full grown mare, she could take care of herself.

    A rock Raxa didn't see caused the mare to stumble. She fought to keep her balance, putting weight on her wounded hind leg. Squealing in pain, the mare swung her weight back so she could get off her injured leg, gritting her teeth in pain as she looked through teary squinted eyes at the trees again. She set off, intent on reaching them before Jedi reached her.
    Mandalocks and Sunfall say "Okay. See you later!" At the same time, Sunfall nodding once while Mandalocks went back to asking about how patrols work. Sunfall thought for a moment, then gave her opinion. "Well, it's a way to get outside the main kingdom, and to see edges of the other kingdoms, except for the Amazons and the Tundra. You see the smoky, smelling Chamber, the Dale, the Valley, and can enjoy your company and the quiet time away from all the noise. I think it's a great duty and very calming." Sunfall says, her nose crinkling slightly at the memory of the Chamber's smoky, volcanic odor; her ears swiveled a few times and she stomped her hoof at a flie.
    @[Jedi] aha it'll be entertaining when Blazed returns with a fiery filly.
    order Jedi, Raxa, me sound good?
    Holding Out on Grades
    OOC: Sounds fine to me.

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