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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    Wyrm darling

    show them the joy and the pain and the ending

    A blanket of velvet blue night stretches out behind her, the eastern edge tinged by a wash of warm pink and purple streaks. Dawn is coming fast, and the roan and white mare is wide awake.

    The deep wound on her chest is healing. It is a slow and painful process, but the mangled flesh had finally crusted over, skin pulling tight to mend torn skin. It will scar, but that does not concern her overly much.

    No, what concerns her now is that her life has been left at rather loose ends. With no home, she would need to find a new situation.

    Fortunately, she knows just where to look.

    She has kept an eye on him (quite literally), and his recent actions had intrigued her greatly. Of course, she has been rather fascinated with him since the day they had first met, but that is largely due to the challenge he had presented. Now there is much more to draw her to the Gates where he currently resides.

    Where he has taken the throne.

    This is perhaps the most intriguing prospect of all. She has, it seems, a soft spot for kings.

    She crosses the border without hesitation, never once doubting she would be welcome. Even were she not, she is perfectly capable of extricating herself from any number of sticky situations.

    She knows just where he is. She has any number of spies who can give her that information, albeit not always quite willingly. Not that they are even aware of her intrusion; she has had years now to perfect her intrusion.

    As she draws near, dawn has truly taken hold, the sky lightening as golden amber light stretches across the land. A slight grin tugs at the corners of her lips as eyes of crystalline blue linger upon him, noting the inevitable changes adulthood has wrought in his green frame. She finds she rather likes how he had turned out.

    ”Wyrm,” she says by way of greeting, her tone tone softly lilting. ”Fancy meeting you here.”


    i filled up my senses with thoughts from the ghosts

    pic c lancerey.deviantart.com

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