Breed Information

Below is a list of the current cross-breed names we're aware of and that will be used in the database from now on. It does not apply to every breed so don't try and do the same for Friesian Hybrid and Andalusian (Frielusian/Andasian/etc etc) as you would for Arabian Hybrid and Mustang (Abstang).

We're using registered crossbreeds only, if you are aware of some not here then you're more than welcome to tell us on the Question and Suggestion board. If you have any questions or are confused, then feel free to ask and we'll do our best to explain.

Arabian x Mustang = Abstang
Arabian Hybrid x Mustang = Abstang Hybrid
Arabian x Mustang Hybrid = Abstang Hybrid
Arabian/Mustang x Hybrid = Abstang Hybrid
Abstang Hybrid x Hybrid = Hybrid
Abstang Hybrid x Arabian/Mustang = Abstang Hybrid
Abstang Hybrid x Abstang Hybrid = Abstang Hybrid

Arabian x Quarter Horse = Quarab
Arabian Hybrid x Quarter Horse = Quarab Hybrid
Arabian x Quarter Horse Hybrid = Quarab Hybrid
Arabian/Quarter Horse x Hybrid = Quarab Hybrid
Quarab Hybrid x Hybrid = Hybrid
Quarab Hybrid x Arabian/Quarter Horse = Quarab Hybrid
Quarab Hybrid x Quarab Hybrid = Quarab Hybrid

Arabian x Paint = Pintabian
Arabian Hybrid x Paint = Pintabian Hybrid
Arabian x Paint Hybrid = Pintabian Hybrid
Arabian/Paint x Hybrid = Pintabian Hybrid
Pintiabian Hybrid x Hybrid = Hybrid
Pintabian Hybrid x Arabian/Paint = Pintabian Hybrid
Pintabian Hybrid x Pintabian Hybrid = Pintabian Hybrid

Arabian x Morgan = Morab
Arabian Hybrid x Morgan = Morab Hybrid
Arabian x Morgan Hybrid = Morab Hybrid
Arabian/Morgan x Hybrid = Morab Hybrid
Morab Hybrid x Hybrid = Hybrid
Morab Hybrid x Arabian/Morgan = Morab Hybrid
Morab Hybrid x Morab Hybrid = Morab Hybrid

Arabian x Appaloosa = Arappaloosa
Arabian Hybrid x Appaloosa = Arappaloosa Hybrid
Arabian x Appaloosa Hybrid = Arappaloosa Hybrid
Arabian/Appaloosa x Hybrid = Arappaloosa Hybrid
Arappaloosa Hybrid x Hybrid = Hybrid
Arappaloosa Hybrid x Arabian/Appaloosa = Arappaloosa Hybrid
Arappaloosa Hybrid x Arappaloosa Hybrid = Arappaloosa Hybrid

Other acceptable crossbreeds (examples above apply):
Arabian x Thoroughbred = Anglo-Arabian
Quarter Horse x Thoroughbred = Appendix Quarter Horse
Arabian x Welsh Pony = Welara
Kabarda x Thoroughbred = Anglo-Kabarda
Akhal Teke x Appaloosa = Nez Perce Horse (up-and-coming new breed)
Appaloosa x Any Gaited Breed = Walkaloosa
Appaloosa x Pinto = Pintaloosa
Iberian Horse x Quarter Horse = Azteca
Lusitano x Quarter Horse = Azteca
Andalusian x Quarter Horse = Azteca
Andalusian x Criollo = Azteca
Andalusian x Friesian = Warlander
Saddlebred x Friesian/Clydesdale/Shire/Percheron/Belgian/Irish Draught/Gyspy Vanner/Spotted Draft = Georgian Grande
Friesian x Lipizzan = Haute Cheval
Andalusian x Arabian = Hispano-Arabe
Irish Draught x Thoroughbred = Irish Sport Horse
Morgan x Friesian = Moriesian
Arabian x Saddlebred = National Show Horse
Andalusian x Percheron = Spanish-Norman

Difference between "Paint" and "Pinto":
Pinto - Tobiano/Overo/Tovero/etc of Any Breed
Paint - Tobiano/Overo/Tovero/etc limited to Paint, Quarter Horse, and Thoroughbreds

Skewbald - not a breed, also any color & white
Piebald - not a breed, black & white

Palomino/Buckskin/Cremello/etc - are recognized "color" breeds but are not acceptable breeds for the Members database because they are not in fact, breeds at all.

This way it'll provide variety instead of looking at a million "hybrids" and it gives people a better idea of what their character looks like. Or a better way to remember what breeds are in their character's bloodline if the same breeds are bred together over and over. Oh and for say Pintabian Hybrid x Another Breed = Hybrid

This has been written by Kristin to help you judge what your horse is now called, and it also applies to those breeds not mentioned, in terms of if there are three or more breeds the horse will likely become a 'Hybrid', but it depends on the breeds involved, but if you are confused just look in the database to see what your horse is now (it will take us a while to get through them all so be patient)

NEW PLAYERS/JOINING HORSES: When joining a new horse, if the breed is one of those mentioned above please try and follow the new guidelines. If you do not understand it enough and don't want to make a mistake with the breeds, join the horse as you would and we will figure out what breed the horse will be. Check the database for when your horse is added and you will see what its breed will be called.

BREEDING SEASON: Try and look at the database come breeding season as to what your horse's breed is now called, but if it has not yet been updated or you enter it as it was (not as it now is) then the foal will either have it's new breed worked out when the stats are given, or it will have to be changed later on. So keep checking the database.

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