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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura


    Age: Adult

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: Hybrid

    Height: 16'2"

    Player: Calcifer


    Color: Black Sabino (Ee/aa/nSb)

    Eyes: Amber

    Markings: Holographic White

    Mane & Tail: Mixed black and white


    Art Link / Inspiration link / Music link

    Tiberios is a true mix-blood of hardy, Spanish breeds. He was a stocky bloke from infancy, all sharp angles and no soft edges. His black-and-white signature look suits him, as his worldview is somewhat similar. In his early youth, Tiberios participated in a dangerous quest that left him permanently scarred. No magic has yet to heal the wound. He continues to change as the years go on, but one reminder of his angelic heritage remains: his shockingly rich, amber-colored eyes.

    She twines her spines up slowly towards the boiling sun,
    And when I touched her skin my fingers ran with blood



    Classification: Unicorn | Faction: Ranger (3rd Level) | Alignment: Neutral

    Abilities List


    Constitution\Strength Dexterity\Intelligence Wisdom\Charisma


    Natural Explorer
    Feral Senses

    Elemental Control (High)
    Dual Horned

    Personality Traits

    Ideology: "To each their own" | Bonds: N/A | Flaws: Prone to Melancholy

    One True Love: Talulah, a metallic silver mare
    Favorite pastime: Playing with fire
    Locations visited: The Dale, The Falls, The Valley, Silver Cove
    Quest Tally: 1
    Kill Count: 1
    Death Count: 1
    Traits Gained: Liger Shifting, Faun horns, Hologrpahic Markings
    Traits lost: None


    Parents: Tiphon x Miraposa

    Tyrna (x Shatter Me) (M)
    Khalis (x Shatter Me) (S)
    Kolt (x Sawflesh) (S)
    Noroëlle (x Rhosyn) (M)
    Abraxos (x Protagonistical) (S)
    Melrose (x Coronis) (M)
    Titanya (x Talulah) (M)
    Terran (x Talulah) (S)
    Irys (x Glenna) (M)



    Genetic Traits: White Fire Manipulation, Faun Horns

    Non-Genetic Traits: Liger Shifting


    Defects: Badly burnt left side of body


    - on "The Beach", dam died during childbirth.
    - raised by a mare named Daria in his mother's homeland "The Dale".
    - Ignorant of his lineage, as his father Tiphon was leader of "The Dale" during this time.

    - reaching maturity, Tiberios left his homeland but quickly returned and joined ranks as a warrior-type.
    - was quickly promoted and journeyed on a fairy-given quest.
    - gained his fire manipulation powers, but was left permanently scarred by the ordeal.
    - fell into a quick, easy romance with a mare named Shatter Me (Shatter)
    - struggled with his desire for another mare named Talulah, who was also romantically involved with his father Tiphon.

    - live primarily in a territory (Kingdom) known as "The Falls"
    - Fathered several offspring
    - Captured and held captive by a Magician in a place known as "The Valley"
    - returned to "The Falls" and was appointed as co-leader of the territory
    - he and Talulah finally reconcile and express their affection for another, leading to Tiberios' abdication
    - on his way back home to "The Dale", Tiberios was mauled and killed by a wolf-shifter known as Lupei

    - met a mare, named Bright (but unknown to Tiberios), who confirmed his death and current existence in 'purgatory'
    - roamed the Afterlife as a restless spirit

    -In Bq Year 214, Tiberios was resurrected from death when he passed through a magical rift in the Afterlife's gates.

    - entered Beqanna during the eclipse, a time when the world was cast into total darkness
    - survived the chaos, met Beyza at The River and pieced together a little bit of the history he'd missed during his death
    - ended up in a small herdland known as "Silver Cove"
    - his body transformed; Tiberios grew a pair of small horns and began shape-shifting
    - the great cataclysm occurs, drowning more than half the continent of Beqanna and revealing new creatures known as "Baltians" and "Stratosians"
    - Tiberios fades into the common lands, as he cannot swim nor fly

    - after years of solitude, Tiberios catches glimpses of other horses and finally is reunited with Talulah (who is immortal)

    Tiberios's Forum Info
    Joined: 04-01-2015
    Last Visit: 03-23-2023, 11:38 AM
    Total Posts: 65 (0.02 posts per day | 0.07 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 14 (0 threads per day | 0.07 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 1 Day, 1 Hour, 40 Minutes
    Tiberios's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [private] all I know is we're going home; Tiberios
    on 03-05-2023
    River Talulah 5 Last post by Talulah
    on 04-20-2023
    so it goes; any
    on 02-21-2023
    The Ruins Cryptid 2 Last post by Tiberios
    on 02-22-2023
    [open] What fickle flame - (Chemdog, Any)
    on 06-22-2021
    Silver Cove N/A 1 Last post by Tiberios
    on 06-22-2021
    [private] What fickle flame - (Phae pony)
    on 05-06-2021
    Forest brunhilde 8 Last post by brunhilde
    on 06-27-2021
    [private] out of your head
    on 04-08-2021
    River Beyza 13 Last post by Beyza
    on 06-24-2021
    [private] Oh, what fickle flame
    on 03-30-2021
    Beach N/A 1 Last post by Tiberios
    on 03-30-2021
    Oh, what fickle flame (Jenger Pony)
    on 04-02-2016
    Afterlife bright 3 Last post by Tiberios
    on 04-11-2016
    Oh, what fickle flame {Lupei}
    on 10-26-2015
    Beach Shatter Me, Tyrna, Talulah, Ramiel, Tiphon, Chezter, Nadyah, Lupei 10 Last post by Talulah
    on 11-03-2015
    What fickle flame (Straia, any)
    on 09-28-2015
    The Chamber Gryffen, Straia, Kushiel 9 Last post by Tiberios
    on 10-09-2015
    Trees are poems the earth writes upon the sky.
    on 09-24-2015
    Field Pruor, Warship, Weir 5 Last post by Pruor
    on 09-24-2015
    SUPER POWER FIGHT - any/all
    on 09-21-2015
    Meadow Lokii, Joscelin, Calcifer, Belgarath 5 Last post by Belgarath
    on 10-04-2015
    Oh, what fickle flame... {Talulah}
    on 08-22-2015
    Meadow Talulah 7 Last post by Tiberios
    on 09-25-2015
    By Moonlight
    on 08-14-2015
    Field Sarah, Yael, Ledger, Neso 18 Last post by Neso
    on 08-21-2015
    There was never any question (Tiberios)
    on 07-31-2015
    Meadow Shatter Me 5 Last post by Shatter Me
    on 07-31-2015
    All the lights that shine strong only last for so long (Diplomats, Tiberios)
    on 04-16-2015
    The Dale Tyrna, Talulah, Tiphon 7 Last post by Tyrna
    on 05-11-2015
    Oh, What Fickle Flame... [Smother, Any]
    on 04-14-2015
    Meadow Shatter Me 4 Last post by Shatter Me
    on 04-23-2015
    Oh, What Fickle Flame...
    on 04-11-2015
    The Dale Talulah 7 Last post by Tiberios
    on 04-21-2015
    17 active · 0 closed · 10 need replies · 17 total

    Tiberios's Signature