Assailant -- Year 226
"But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

Crown of Bone and Thorn
Age: 12
Gender: Mare
Breed: Hybrid
Height: 15.1
Player: Neo

Color: Silver smokey black (Ee/aa/nCr/nZ)
Eyes: Silver
Markings: Goat pattern
Mane & Tail: Silver
Horse build: Morgan Goat Hair Appearance: Kiko She is silver smokey black that appears as a dark brown. She has marking accents that look like a goat. Her horns spiral outwards from the sides of her skull. Mane is thin and short like a mules and tail very mule like(goat hair) and a mix of coat color at base and silvering out to the ends. Her wings were removed and all that remains are scars. Eyes are silver with blood that drips from them(lasting effects of the plague) and stains a tear trail down her face red.
Sadistic, manipulative, cunning, lacks humor and most emotions.
Parents: Bruise X Kaurma |
Children: |
Genetic Traits: Goat Mimicry(horns/hair/hooves), Fear Illusionism
Non-Genetic Traits: Trait Immunity, Darkness Aura
Trait Genetic Code: tegteg
Defects: Blood drips from eyes(plague)
Was given to Solace to hide her from her father Bruise. She went to the mountain as a foal and played with the goats. A mischievous fae gave her goat hair as a result. Met her father after that and during the plague. Eyes started to drip blood from them as her symptom of the plague. He took her away for to join her krampus family and to train in the ways of the Krampus. Returns to BQ yr 232 to continue her father's legacy. Visits Pangea on her return before going to the Chamber. Kills Ouija in The Chamber for his fear illusionism trait(AQ). Carnage rips wings off in the forest. Returns to the Chamber again. Visits the lake and the entity tree. Finds no one there so she challenges for a takeover.
Kreed's Forum Info | |
Joined: | 08-21-2018 |
Last Visit: | 12-15-2024, 02:38 PM |
Total Posts: | 42 (0.02 posts per day | 0.05 percent of total posts)
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Total Threads: | 18 (0.01 threads per day | 0.09 percent of total threads)
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Time Spent Online: | 1 Day, 8 Hours, 18 Minutes |
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Thread | Participants | Posts | Last Post | |
the stars a bright tonight
on 11-17-2024
The Ruins | Salomea, Random Event | 4 | Last post by Random Event
on 11-24-2024
[open] a glow
on 11-02-2024
Forest | Random Event, wilt, folklore | 4 | Last post by Random Event
on 11-02-2024
[open] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 07-21-2024
The Chamber | Tiernen | 7 | Last post by Kreed
on 12-15-2024
[open] Crown of Bone and Thorn[Any]
on 06-26-2024
Pangea | margot | 3 | Last post by Kreed
on 07-07-2024
[private] ReBeL jUsT fOr KiCkS
on 06-13-2024
The Chamber | Zain | 5 | Last post by Zain
on 06-13-2024
[open] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 05-26-2024
The Chamber | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 05-26-2024
[private] Crown of Bone and Thorn(Rapt)
on 05-20-2024
Meadow | rapt | 5 | Last post by Kreed
on 07-21-2024
[open] Not All That Glitters Is Gold [Jack]
on 05-07-2024
The Chamber | AuroraElis, Jack in the Box | 12 | Last post by Jack in the Box
on 05-16-2024
[open] skin to bone, steel to rust.
on 05-03-2024
The Chamber | Set, Orieta | 14 | Last post by Orieta
on 06-16-2024
[private] She's Just a Girl, and She's On Fire [Kreed]
on 04-24-2024
The Chamber | Escence | 4 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-27-2024
[open] Crown of Bone and Thorn [Inhabitants & Entity]
on 04-19-2024
The Chamber | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-19-2024
[private] Crown of Bone and Thorn [PQ Quest]
on 04-15-2024
The Chamber | NPC | 3 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-15-2024
[TAKEOVER] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 04-14-2024
The Chamber | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-14-2024
[open] Crown of Bone and Thorn [Any]
on 04-11-2024
The Chamber | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-11-2024
[open] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 04-09-2024
The Chamber | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-09-2024
[mature] Crown of Bone and Thorn [Carnage]
on 04-07-2024
Forest | Carnage | 3 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-13-2024
[complete] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 04-14-2024
Mountain | Neo, Cloud Fairy | 5 | Last post by Cloud Fairy
on 04-27-2024
[Auto-Quest] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 04-09-2024
Mountain | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-09-2024
[private] Crown of Bone and Thorn{Auto-Quest}
on 04-05-2024
The Chamber | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 04-05-2024
[complete] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 03-31-2024
Mountain | Officials | 2 | Last post by Officials
on 03-31-2024
[open] Crown of Bone and Thorn
on 03-30-2024
Pangea | N/A | 1 | Last post by Kreed
on 03-30-2024
[private] Can you See the Truth Behind a Curtain of Lies?[Bruise]
on 11-17-2018
Meadow | bruise, Random Event | 5 | Last post by bruise
on 12-03-2018
Can you See the Truth Behind a Curtain of Lies? [Fairies]
on 11-07-2018
Mountain Archives | Beqanna Fairy | 2 | Last post by Beqanna Fairy
on 11-14-2018
summer beach party ♥ all young horses WITH PRIZES
on 10-16-2018
Hyaline | Warlight, Clayton, Rhaegor, ivy, Sviko, Chryseis, Eifa, Kensa, phaetra, litotes, Achlyss, Tähti, Knaught | 29 | Last post by Warlight
on 11-03-2018
Can you See the Truth Behind a Curtain of Lies? [Clayton, Solace & Family]
on 10-03-2018
Hyaline | Solace, Clayton | 7 | Last post by Kreed
on 10-24-2018
22 active · 3 closed · 10 need replies · 25 total |
Kreed's Signature |
//Fear Illusionism-Trait Immunity-Goat Mimicry\\
Goat Mimicry Characteristics- Goat hair, Goat horns, Cloven hooves
*Illusions intensity is up to player* -Immune to mental traits- |