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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    The Reaper

    Age: 28

    Gender: Stallion

    Breed: Hybrid

    Height: 16.2hh

    Player: savage


    Color: Black ()

    Eyes: Yellow

    Markings: A red "V" on his chest

    Mane & Tail: Black

    Maintains the form of a shadow creature.


    Creepy. Not in an overtly sinister way, but there's something in the smile and in the voice - so much like fog - that suggests there might be something wrong.



    Kensley (Jarris x Plumeria) and Anaxarete


    with Beyza,
    The Fates

    with Evia
    The Water Nymphs

    dragged from hell,
    the Death Priestess

    Livinia (twin)
    full siblings,



    Genetic Traits: Death Magic, Flickering Glow

    Non-Genetic Traits: Ghost Whispering

    Trait Genetic Code: tegteg [DEATH MAGIC][GLOWING][GHOST WHISPERING*][shadow creature][fog manipulation][shattering][undead][immortality]


    Very weak until age four.


    Born in Pangea in January 2020.
    Spent the first part of his life mastering his abilities.
    Tagged along with his twin sister to meet Beyza in Pangea.
    Traveled to the field and invited Padmé to Pangea.
    After returning to Pangea, he summoned a portal to the river, where he met Evia.
    Taking some time to recover, he traveled to the forest and met Balto. Things did not go well.
    Returned home to Pangea and encountered Beyza. He refused her attempts to help him.
    Woke up one morning and all his weakness was gone. Immediately traveled to the river and encountered Evia again.
    Sometime later, he and several others were summoned to the Mountain by Carnage. It did not go well.
    Came back from the Afterlife where he traded his conscience for Ghost Whispering and a misguided understanding that the after-Afterlife is his true home.
    Beyza, thinking he was the grim reaper, killed and harvested a soul for him.
    Entered the Alliance and had to battle Balto in the third round, very traumatic for everyone involved.
    Defeated Gale in the final round to win the Alliance and that's when everything really went south.

    jamie's Forum Info
    Joined: 12-22-2019
    Last Visit: 03-25-2024, 10:07 PM
    Total Posts: 134 (0.08 posts per day | 0.15 percent of total posts)
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    Total Threads: 12 (0.01 threads per day | 0.06 percent of total threads)
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    Time Spent Online: 2 Days, 11 Hours, 42 Minutes
    jamie's Threadlog · View Profile
    Thread Participants Posts Last Post
    [open] A God's Creation
    on 02-01-2024
    The Chamber Deiti 11 Last post by Deiti
    on 02-14-2024
    [private] all that you suffer, all the disease, maurtia
    on 05-09-2023
    Forest Maurtia 8 Last post by Maurtia
    on 04-23-2024
    [TAKEOVER] who wears the crown - any/all
    on 05-06-2023
    The Chamber Iris, Ruhr, Abrus 5 Last post by Iris
    on 05-16-2023
    [open] i got a secret starting to rust
    on 03-12-2023
    The Ruins Iris 14 Last post by Iris
    on 05-09-2023
    [open] the devil's gonna set me free, any
    on 12-12-2021
    Pangea N/A 1 Last post by jamie
    on 12-12-2021
    [open] i've been down, i've been defeated, any
    on 09-19-2021
    Pangea Desire 5 Last post by jamie
    on 10-16-2021
    [open] collided into you, any
    on 08-30-2021
    Forest Dretch 5 Last post by jamie
    on 09-08-2021
    [open] did I build this ship to wreck
    on 06-29-2021
    River Tiasa 9 Last post by Tiasa
    on 01-17-2022
    [private] show me who you are
    on 04-13-2021
    Pangea Beyza 11 Last post by Beyza
    on 06-03-2021
    take me under, take me home
    on 03-09-2021
    Pangea Beyza 8 Last post by jamie
    on 04-12-2021
    [open] the nothing war, any
    on 03-08-2021
    Forest Aela 3 Last post by jamie
    on 03-23-2021
    [private] lost and can't be found, liv
    on 02-08-2021
    Forest Random Event, Livinia 6 Last post by jamie
    on 03-10-2021
    [private] break these bones until they're better; sam pony
    on 01-11-2021
    Forest linnea 4 Last post by jamie
    on 03-07-2021
    [private] take the black out of the night, jamie
    on 01-09-2021
    Pangea Desire 8 Last post by jamie
    on 02-25-2021
    [private] came in like a vision, balto
    on 01-03-2021
    Forest Balto 11 Last post by jamie
    on 06-18-2021
    cut open my heart, right at the scar, laura pony
    on 01-02-2021
    Forest evia 15 Last post by jamie
    on 03-23-2021
    [private] to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you
    on 01-02-2021
    Meadow Beyza 13 Last post by Beyza
    on 02-26-2021
    ROUND FOUR: Jamie v. Gale
    on 12-19-2020
    Plains Leah, savage, Gale 7 Last post by jamie
    on 12-30-2020
    ROUND THREE: Balto v. Jamie
    on 11-25-2020
    Plains Leah, Officials, Balto, savage 8 Last post by Officials
    on 12-19-2020
    ROUND TWO: Titanya v. Jamie [Update 10/22/2020]
    on 10-20-2020
    Plains devin, Leah, Titanya, Officials 8 Last post by Officials
    on 11-25-2020
    ROUND ONE: Jamie v. Sabbath
    on 10-02-2020
    Plains Leah, Officials, Sabbath 5 Last post by Officials
    on 10-20-2020
    from the ashes we will rise - pangea meeting
    on 09-15-2020
    Pangea Straia, Anaxarete, Ripley, gospel, Astra Daggenhardt, Beyza, virgil, Iris 10 Last post by Straia
    on 10-06-2020
    [private] what we owe to each other
    on 09-11-2020
    Tephra Beyza 16 Last post by jamie
    on 10-21-2020
    [open quest] they all go into the dark, round IV [MATURE]
    on 08-29-2020
    Mountain Archives Carnage, Sabrael, Svedka, Celest, Ashhal, Anomaly, Astra Daggenhardt, Dacian, Beyza, echis, frenzy, Manikin, Blasphemare, mae, sybella 16 Last post by Dacian
    on 09-05-2020
    [open quest] they all go into the dark, round III [MATURE]
    on 08-18-2020
    Mountain Archives jenger, Carnage, Sabrael, Svedka, Celest, Ashhal, Anomaly, Astra Daggenhardt, Dacian, Beyza, echis, frenzy, Manikin, Blasphemare, mae, sybella 16 Last post by Dacian
    on 08-24-2020
    [open quest] they all go into the dark, round II [MATURE]
    on 08-09-2020
    Mountain Archives Carnage, Sabrael, Svedka, Celest, Ashhal, Anomaly, Astra Daggenhardt, Dacian, Beyza, echis, frenzy, Manikin, Blasphemare, mae, sybella 16 Last post by sybella
    on 08-15-2020
    [open quest] they all go into the dark; ROUND I [mature]
    on 08-02-2020
    Mountain Archives Carnage, Sabrael, Svedka, Celest, Ashhal, Sabra, savage, Anomaly, Astra Daggenhardt, Dacian, Beyza, echis, frenzy, Manikin, Blasphemare, mae, sybella 17 Last post by Sabrael
    on 08-08-2020
    [private] shadowgames
    on 07-22-2020
    Forest Livinia 7 Last post by Livinia
    on 09-17-2020
    [private] i came out of the woods by choice, evia
    on 07-20-2020
    River evia 11 Last post by jamie
    on 08-23-2020
    a killer come to call, beyza
    on 06-09-2020
    Pangea Beyza 21 Last post by jamie
    on 08-18-2020
    some foreigner's god, radar
    on 06-09-2020
    Forest Balto 17 Last post by jamie
    on 09-11-2020
    [private] we are slaves to the sirens of the salty sea; jamie
    on 05-21-2020
    River evia 23 Last post by evia
    on 06-30-2020
    [open] Watch it all fall out.
    on 04-17-2020
    Field Padme 5 Last post by Padme
    on 05-04-2020
    [open] first blood
    on 02-13-2020
    Pangea Livinia, Beyza 7 Last post by jamie
    on 03-02-2020
    32 active · 2 closed · 16 need replies · 34 total