[private] The sun, moon, and stars. | Zephyr - Printable Version

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RE: The sun, moon, and stars. | Zephyr - Krigare - 11-01-2017

He folds into her like sand beneath dark tides. Krigare wishes he could eat her pain like candy, wishes he could wash away every impure thought she had about herself. But all the stallion could do was try and understand. All he could do now was be there for her.

"It shall be ours if we wish it to be. Blood and bones mean nothing when there is love dearest Zephyr. Nothing."

He pulls away from her, tests the sight he feels she has. If she could see him she would see what he had put himself through for her. For them. The scars that littered his body, the hurt that once burned marks into his chest. The overall hell he had allowed himself to suffer for what he wanted most in the world.


"We shall have our ups and downs as the hills go...but I can promise you I will fight my hardest to keep me with you."

RE: The sun, moon, and stars. | Zephyr - Zephyr - 11-03-2017


The tears stop as abruptly as they had started, and as he pulls away from her, she looks up - a mere reflex. It causes her eyes to shift, and she stares, fascinated, at the gnarled, puckered scars that litter his bodice. They trace around his neck, his stomach, his heart. The heart that so intensely loved her. The heart that would do anything for her. 

She gasps. 

Carnage had taught her much about fear - had taught her that fear is inevitable, to cower to the fear, is just selfish She realizes for too long, she has cowered - because she feels like she doesn't deserve love. She feels like she is incapable of being loved. Coming back from His lair, transformed, allows her to realize something. 

 There is not time for it. 

"Krigare...I love you."

when it's said and done, we'll have our scars to show

@[Krigare] <3

RE: The sun, moon, and stars. | Zephyr - Krigare - 11-05-2017

He listens to @[Zephyr] in astonishment. She had never (That he recalled) said she loved him. His green hues lit with emotion as his mouth worked to form silent words of agreement. 

"I love you too..."

While they are whispered, they are there. Hanging before them like crystals cut from thin sheets of ice.  He wants her to take every bit of him and hold it close to her for the rest of time. He wants her to feel the love that he has smoldering in his chest for her.

He smiles a dazzling smile and thanks whatever is in the sky for giving her to him. 

(This is REALLY REALLY short and im so sorry but I had zero time to write this XD<333))

RE: The sun, moon, and stars. | Zephyr - Zephyr - 11-08-2017


Her now-seeing eyes mean nothing when she has love in her chest. Carnage had given, and he had taken away, and as she thinks to the deep, rounded scar of the rod that impaled her, she smiles. 

She had sacrificed herself for the right person. 

She remembers dying as clearly as she remembers living. She remembers being released as much as she remembers being captured - but the true release, was that she was no longer afraid. She was no longer afraid to love, or be loved. She pushes her body into Krigare, wanting to give him everything she is. This was love, she could feel it in her chest, it beat so hard at the surface. 

"I am so glad I found you."

when it's said and done, we'll have our scars to show

@[Krigare] <3