The sure extinction that we travel to - Any. - Printable Version

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RE: The sure extinction that we travel to - Any. - Kirin - 02-21-2016

And she'll always get the best of me, the worst is yet to come
All the misery was necessary when we're deep in love
He like the way the male’s eyes bore into his own, as if attempting to penetrate his very skull.  Daggers as they fell past the lavender male’s shining silvered irises. Kirin sighed, dramatically heaving his chest up and down.

The best in show, lights, camera, action.

“I find caution boring Pollock..” He drawls, lighting the air with a husked sound so as to soothe the creased lines in the corner of the beast’s eyes. Perhaps the creature suffered from headaches, though Kirin would not truly know the reason of his tensed nature. “Doing as I please is much, much better. You might say it is an art, molding something to your own desires, when it wants what you want because you have made it so. At first they cry, they do not know the gift which they receive..but eventually, they come around. Eventually they cry for it, they beg. Please, they say..give me more… The web twists and unravels with no beginning and no end.

“If my end is to come, then I delight to say that it won’t be for naught. I shall ascend to the next plane, above such cretins that litter Beqanna, I shall proceed how I like.” He waves the thought away with a lilac colored wing, shooing the nonsense from their conversation. The idea was intolerable, the thought was humorous, he had more important and true matters to spend his time thinking on.

“Oh but we play the same games I am sure…” The movements distract him, the horned beasts eyes snapping shut. “What are you going on about Pollock? Have you taken ill?” Oh surely this divine creature had not been robbed of him already, some ailment slowly working its way through his system. He’d done his best to ignore the strange quirks but truly they had become just too odd and out of place.

Kirin had so been enjoying their game of cat and cat, it was a thrilling spin to his usual cat and mouse and he relished in the sweet and sour taste of it. “The best of games require two players,..” The sheen of his eyes lighting as he paced around, wondering if he was too late to this party, perhaps this one was like Mother and already lost his damn mind.

son of Khaos