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RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Ivar - 06-22-2018

The Leviathan’s quip about his lack of control merits a falsely innocent shrug and a smile, but he doesn’t have a chance to say anything in response, as all eyes in their corner of the party turn to the blonde with the cigarette. She stalks toward them with purpose, and Ivar takes a half step back. He has no intention of standing between Solace and her wife, and he is immediately grateful for his quick decision. ‘No, but this is’, says the brunette, providing the dark eyed man with something he’s only ever dreamt of.

“You can thank me anytime,” he tells her with a grin, pushing back his hair once more.

Svedka is coming up to join them again, having ensnared a pretty blond in a lacy red dress while he was away. Ivar hardly has time to appreciate them before a brunette in a peach dress appears out of nowhere to kiss Kagerus squarely on the mouth.

“Could we please have some more diplomatic research?” He calls to her back, because as quickly as she’d arrived she’s leaving again. As he trails her progression back across the patio, he makes eye-contact with Karat, who is emerging from the changing area wearing swimsuit even more revealing than her lavender dress. Her cousin trails behind her, and the expression she wears isn’t unfamiliar. That’s his gift, after all: setting a spark. For the time he is with them, Ivar can make a woman feel as though they are the very center of his world. And they are, for that moment, but life is so full of moments. In this moment, for instance, Wishbone is digging her well-manicured nails into his hip and his well-pressed pants are beginning to feel uncomfortably snug.

Oh yeah, we’ll get more drinks,” Ivar volunteers following Svedka’s question. He turns to the left, away from the elevator doors where the Casia cousins hover and toward the bar on the opposite side of the open deck. His hand around Wishbone’s slim wrist is viselike; the memory of their last encounter suddenly fresh in his mind as he tugs her through the crowd and toward the bar.

Their detour is quick and doubly satisfying, and when they return (laden with a platter of emerald absinthe Ivar had seized from the server who’d almost caught them), Ivar has already stripped off his jacket and linen shirt, the tell-tale lipstick concealed in the ball of fabric he’d tucked into the base of one of the many topiaries. With a flourish, he hands the first flute to Kagerus, saying: “I think this deserves another ‘thank you?, doesn’t it?” with a mischievous raise of his scarred brow.

RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Leilan - 06-22-2018

He’s not left alone with his camera to play with, unfortunately. Merrik, assuming the girls approaching have his name right, is asking questions but after he’s gotten his answers, not exactly leaving him. Instead, more people arrive - a girl he’s never seen before, but looks stunning, approaches him boldly. Surprisingly, Leilan isn’t used to moves like that, and he blinks at her questioningly before shrugging and letting it slide. She already knows his name it seems, and he doesn’t have an answer readily - not quick enough, since Karat is already pulling attention, diving into the water. Kylin is quick to follow, although she looks distracted, and from the corner of his eye he sees Merrik follow her, a little dazed.

The redheaded man grins at the sight, catching a movement across the pool then, the mysterious dark-eyed girl now kissing Karat -snap!- and Kagerus -click!- only to innocently wave back in his direction - a click, once more. His camera is his favourite plaything, and when he looks back at the dresses woman before him, he grins at her, waving the waterproof thing under her nose. ”Smile?” he asks - he’s taking her picture regardless of what face she makes. He lives through his lenses.

Only then does he lower the little digital camera, wiggling his brow at this girl Rey. ”So Rey, did you bring a swimsuit?” he pries. He didn’t, but heck, his blue chino and wet shirt are of light linen and cotton-based fabric, although the snit reveals their expense. He just has to kick off his linen shoes and socks for a dive. And oh, how beautiful such a long-haired woman would look under water; he’s always had a thing for mermaid shoots and dress-wreckings that involve the water. So ethereal, so eccentric. He wonders if he can get them all on his SD-card tonight. He hasn’t seen the milk-skinned girl in a while, but perhaps that golden-haired man can convince her for him.

Summary; makes pictures of Breckin’s latest interesting escapades because she intrigues him, but otherwise ignores most of the party people to ask Rey for a swim because she looks like she needds it, lol. All are free to swave/yell to get pictures taken, though. Smile

RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Wolfbane - 06-22-2018

“Well Fuck me,” Bane thinks as the unknown woman snags his drink, and he can’t help but mean it literally. He watches the way her throat pulses as she down the liquid, pure fire in her eyes when they snap back to gaze at him with tepid interest. She slides past him, (he can’t blame her, the ice-breaker had been less than smooth) but he appreciates the exit anyways, finding himself flopping back into a waiting chair to watch her go all the way.

He half expects her to join the rest, crews of them slowly losing sobriety and clothes to take a chance at the pool, and if she had jumped in he’d be up and sifting through those lost clothes for valuable articles but instead (and much to his delight) the odd lady dips at the waist to lock lips with an equally attractive blonde. “I have got to get myself invited to more of these.” Bane mutters with the shake of his head.

One moment, the femme fatal motions to him but for her, he’s got hours in wait. Besides, as the girl in carnation drifts to the bar he can find himself a good view of Rey (distracted, it would seem) and a few other high up on the priority list. @[Svedka], renowned and gorgeous as ever, @[Ivar] Stillwater (the lucky bastard) with some gits hands around his … wait … that was @[Wishbone], wasn’t it? The same Leader of the mercenary Leviathans?

Couldn’t be. No way.

Somehow another drink finds its way to his palm and Bane tips it back, watching with intrigue at the way these people let loose when they feel no other eyes are judging them. They have the affluence, the riches and abilities, just not the good sense for decorum but hey … who was he to complain for the handouts? The alcohol was the tits and for one night at least, he could pretend as good as the best of them.

When at last the sultry woman joins him again, Bane replies with a “Breck, truly a pleasure to meet you.” Somewhat mocking her own insulation of his offer at a nickname earlier while one of his heavily inked hands slides beneath his jacket lapel to produce the lighter she’d guessed at. The other takes her drink offering. “I’m not so sure about reputation, though.” He chuckles lowly, flicking the apparatus to life and holding it near her expectant cigarette. “Yours is already blowing mine out of the water. Am I barking up the wrong tree?” He asks, lightheartedly taking a jab at her earlier tete-a-tete with the two women in the pool.

“Or am I judging a book by its cover?” He tries, closing the lighter before dispelling it away to some hidden pocket again. “Not that I mind, there’s nothing quite as sensuous as a woman confident in her sexuality.”


RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Solace - 06-22-2018

Her presence does its job, reminding Kagerus that she really doesn't want to be single, and causing the Catch of the Day to take a step back. Of course, making her point has a cost, but is one she is happy to pay. As her wife brings her face in close, Solace reaches with her free hand into the tangle of wild, auburn hair. She never would get used to those lips. 

Maybe it's the champagne (or the pre-game bottle they shared) but as Kag's tongue glides along the roof of her mouth, the blond woman's face goes numb and the noise of the party disappears. Kagerus aims to pull away, but Solace snags her lower lip in her teeth, prolonging the PDA for a second longer. Fully aware of the lurking photographer and other gawkers, Solace lets her go with a roll of her neck and shoulders.

At this point, Wishbone is openly staking her claim to Stillwater, and after her kiss Solace's smile has changed from diplomatic to content. But Kagerus isn't done there; feeling of fingertips on her skin and a breeze in place which had just been rather constricted, and she doesn't have to look down to know exactly what had happened. Returning the cigarette to her lips, she takes another long drag as she watches an intoxicated girl kiss Kag (who happens to still be attached to her at the hip) right on the lips. The girl is gone as quick as she came, and with a slow exhale, Solace returns her gaze to her equally intoxicated half-sister and her would-be-beau as if the incident had never happened.

"You two make a cute couple," she suggests with a sly smile after Ivar's quip as her lithe, pale fingers dance along the back of her neck to replace the clasp on her dress to its proper place. Her cleavage once again secured, she turns to her twin who has appeared with a pretty girl on his arm at some point during the swirl of activity. "Oh Svedka, you should know I've already promised two different women that a date with you will be up for auction at the benefit next month," she leans in to put one of his wayward golden locks behind his ear, the other hand holding what remains of her cigarette off to the side. "Hope you don't mind, they are really looking forward to a bidding war," she smiles, knowing full well he won't.

"Well, I got what I came up here for," she concludes to the group at large with a final drag, before tucking the butt of her clove into the soil of the nearest topiary.  Smoothing her dress and glancing around the pool at all the faces one more time, Hyaline's CEO takes note of the up and coming donors she will be wooing in five years or so.

"Make some friends Kag," she says with a kiss (much lighter this time) "I'll be back up for you in an hour or so," before sauntering back towards the elevator.

Parties like this didn't come around every day. She had a job to do, and Solace Orion-Rhae would be damned if she didn't do it spectacularly.

RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Wishbone - 06-22-2018

she’s got jumper cable lips
she’s got sunset on her breath. now i inhaled just a little bit, now i’ve got no fear of death

It isn’t long after Solace’s arrival that the pair are ruining both hairstyle and makeup alike. Wishbone’s seen her family’s excessive displays of affection plenty of times (hell, she might’ve been a culprit at some point or another) and thinks little of their quick make-out session. In the meantime, her eyes flutter across the crowd in their background, lingering on a unique hairstyle she’s seen several times before.


The reflection is quickly cut short by the arrival of Svedka and the red-laced woman Wishbone had seen earlier. Another quickfire smile lights up across the woman’s face, even while her fingers dig deeper still into Ivar’s goddamn sexy hip. It blossoms into a laugh when her brother easily hands Kagerus a fanciful flask, further encouraging their sister-in-law. “Damn, Sved, not everyone can hold their alcohol like us,” she teases but her eyes are curiously on the woman her brother’s arm is wrapped around. She’s familiar, from a not-so-distant memory, and it’s only once she’s bitten the suppleness of her lower lip that it strikes her.

“Nymf! Well fuck me!” — she knows there are those in the vicinity that would love to — “How the hell are you?” Wishbone can remember the ex-Leviathan taking a hiatus away from the community in the wave of her husband’s death, a thing which none in their group faulted her for. Although her leave has been longer than expected, to say the least, Wishbone has always had the mentality of ‘once a Leviathan, always a Leviathan.’

Speaking of Leviathans, Breckin is sliding up out of nowhere to plant a kiss upon Kagerus’ mouth. Another laugh, this one edged by her growing tipsiness, falls from her mouth above the chatter of the party, the splash of the pool, and the clinking of glasses. When her Leviathan welcomes her with that ever-so-dainty nickname, Wishbone smiles. “Breckin, enjoying yourself, I see.” There’s another laugh in the back of her throat, but it’s contained into amusement in the husk of her voice.

Wishbone nearly rolls her eyes at Solace’s suggestion — she’s not that much younger than them, after all — but, ultimately, she’s glad for the distraction of her sister’s goodbye. Although Ivar has specific qualities that drag the lioness from the jungle, the Leviathan leader herself isn’t very good at committing to one man only. There’s too many good bodies (among other things) out in the world.

Svedka is mentioning swimming and then drinks and before Wishbone has time to reply, Ivar is dragging her away. He doesn’t really need to drag her though, for this had been her plan in those moments of subtly toying with him. When they resurface to the party scene, her hair is slightly less perfect and her soft lips are swollen and strangely missing the lipstick that used to adorn them. She could get so fucking used to this.

By the time they’ve reached the group again, one of the glasses is already empty on Ivar’s platter courtesy of yours truly. Her desires sated for the time being, Wishbone finds herself eyeing the swimming pool with a feverish look Svedka will know well. The lithe woman turns to her brother, mischief crossing her face as brightly as if a light had been shined upon the angles of her cheeks. “Shall we, dear brother?”

Without waiting for an answer (the only reason she could see him denying would be Nymf standing at his side), Wishbone is sliding gracefully out of the ivory of her dress. Beneath it lies an equally-pale lace set of lingerie which is just as gaze-drawing as her previous attire had been. The gun is still strapped to her leg, but she’s hellbent on keeping it safe and so she nimbly slips it from her body and moves to hide it beneath her dress (in reality, an easy flick of her fingers sends it just past the dress and beneath the table just nearby unnoticed).

Wishbone shakes out her beach waves, arms stretching up and further revealing the abdominal muscles and curve of her hips. If one looks close enough (which isn’t really that close at all) they might find a newly-placed bruise (crafted by teeth and tongue, to be fair) against the olive skin of her right breast, half-hidden by the lace of her bralette. Before getting into the water, the lithe woman makes sure to grab a nearby shot of something — she’s not really sure what, nor does she care — and down it. The sting of the alcohol is familiar on her throat and in her stomach, lighting another flame to fuel the growing fire.

Whether her brother is fully-clothed or not (hopefully not, at this point), Wishbone moves closer to him, attempting to look innocent. It most likely won’t last for long — she has a bad tendency of losing all hope of a filter when she gets tipsy enough — and when she’s been discovered the lithe woman attempts to powerfully shove Svedka straight into the pool. She might go down with him or she might claim a victory today, but either way her attempt is strong with the force behind her well-trained muscle.


honorable mentions: @[Solace], @[Wolfbane] for like 0.5 seconds, @[Svedka], @[Nymf], @[Kagerus], @[Ivar], @[Breckin]
wishbone's lingerie: xxx

RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Nymf - 06-23-2018

It defies all logic that their paths would cross in that moment, as she sat slightly away from the crowd - avoiding his sister. Nymf hadnt been aware that they had been invited, if she had know... the though revealed the depths of her most recent hermit tendencies. It was embarrassing to admit and she wondered what he would think if she revealed to him that he had been her first since Seb's death. It would probably disgust him, that could be so selfish to satisfy her own primal urges. That wasnt to say, of course, that her night spent wrapped in his embrace hadnt been one of the better ones.

His hand tightened around hers and, with one effortless tug, he lifted her to her feet. Tripping slightly over the rediculousness of her heels she slammed into the width of his chest, lacking grace as always. Meeting his eyes she bit her lower lip as she straightened and tugged, once again, on the hem of her dress. He reveals, once again, that he had been looking for her, a fact that she found hard to believe. For a minute she contemplates asking why, but she abandons her endeavor and submits herself to his will. For a moment his face lowers to hers and her heart leaps into her throat. Is he about to kiss me?! Not usually one for PDA, her cheeks flush as the thought of his lips upon hers once again and, she knows, should he attempt such a thing she could not resist him. Gazing into his eyes, the rest of the world is lost to her. For a moment it didnt matter who saw her or what they might think. She was, after all, only human with the same basic needs as any other. And Svedka was particular good at satisfying those needs.

With only a few more inches separating his lips from hers, his head jerked away his eyes suddenly distracted. Glancing back towards Wishbone, she was met by the sight of a few more additions to their friendly gathering. Muttering an unfamiliar name, Svedka's hand trails along the length of her spine, coming to rest upon the small of her back. Ensnared, she is powerless to fight him and he pulls her towards the vivacious group. Just as they are drawing beside them, the elevator door slide open giving Svedka a moments pause. Smiling his boyishly charming smile he reaches into his pocket to reveal the slivered sheen of a flask. Nymf was in need of more alchohol. Finishing off her own glass she set it on a passing silver platter.

All eyes seemed to be on them and she shifted uncomfortably at the sound of their suggestive conversation. Sexuality was a concept that Nymf, being married so young, had only just started exploring. In many ways, @[Svedka] had become her teacher.

Lurched out of her quiet place beside him, Wishbone's greeting (brash as always), illicited a meek smile from her otherwise unsure expression. "Better," she offered in reply with a fleeting glimpse in Sved's direction.

The conversation moves quickly and, before Nymf can offer anything toward its progression, swimming was brought onto the table. Eyes flitted around expectantly and, when she normally would have ran from such a sultry proposition, she smiled. Reaching up the back of her dress she pulled the zipper down, allowing it to fall at her ankles seductively. Exposed she glanced at Wishbone, already stripped down to her ivory underthings. Nymf's, bright red, stood out in contrast. Through a thick curtain of lashes she glanced towards Svedka, kicking her shoes off as she made a grab for his flask. Unscrewing the top, she put it to her red lips and took two longswings, flinching at the burn of its contents. Slowing, beckoning for him to follow, she backed towards the pool. Following her boss' lead, she dove in, glad to have worn her water proof makeup. 

OOC: Welp, that escalated...

What Nymf is wearing:

RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Karat - 06-23-2018

Blood is Thicker than Water

Carelessly she spends much time along the edges of water sources, be them lakes, pools, or oceans.  So it is unsurprising that she is an elegant swimmer.  Even more so, unsurprising that her naturally ivory skin is tanned to a medium beige.  It contrasts lightly against her platinum blonde hair and alabaster bikini.  With a few strokes she appears along the edge of the pool.  Taking a hold of the tiled ledge and waving over @[Kylin] and any others.  

Almost begrudgingly, her cousin follows and slips delicately into the water.  Seating herself on the shallow end and onto a bench partially submerged.  Her attention is quickly diverted to a sudden hand lifting her chin and a set of lips pressing into hers.  There is a moment of hesitation followed by her leaning into the strangers embrace.  A glance shows a woman in a peach gown rising to walk off towards another group.  In shock or confusion, she giggles at what just transpired before she is looking to @[Merrick] seating behind Kylin and shuffling nervously.  This too makes her laugh as he summons drinks to ease flustered nerves.  

Her one hand rises and waves her brother over.  He has had yet to move and if he wasn't going to join her, he could at least be useful.  "Can you hand me my drink Gem?  Its there on that table," the plot was forming in her mind and needing his assistance was just what she needed him to believe.  As I wait patiently, my eyes shift to others beginning to shed their restricting articles of clothing...  

Mentioned @[Breckin] kissing her.  Is in pool and sees Kylin enter and Merrick sit.  Waves @[Kwartz]/Gem over to eventually yank him into the pool Wink

RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Svedka - 06-23-2018

Svedka’s brows rise curiously as a stranger joins them without hesitation, stepping forward to place a kiss onto Kagerus’ lips. He is completely in shock, jaw slackening as he watches what unfolds before him, cerulean gaze flickering between his twin sister and the coupling of her wife and a stranger. Ivar’s comment draws a bout of laughter from Svedka’s mouth, which he quickly agrees in kind: “Yeah, can that be a thing?” Diplomatic research seems wonderful. Perhaps he should partake in it the next time he’s offered. Solac is as graceful as always, finding the random PDA to be quite amusing. Even he finds it in him to laugh audibly, though uncertain if Kagerus would enjoy his comment that directly aligns himself with Ivar. Solace’s reminder is met with a grimace from the young bachelor, lifting his hand to gently grasp her wrist as his sister tenderly brushes a lock of his golden hair behind his ear. “I’ll make sure to get you the highest bidder, Lace,” he reassures her with a gentle chuckle, swiftly kissing her hand before releasing it. This wasn’t Solace’s scene and he knows the beginnings of a grand exit when he sees it. The moment her cigarette is finished, his twin will take her leave once more.

“Yes, Kag,” he says to her with another gentle shove to her ribs with his elbow, “friends.” Svedka quickly side-steps, closing himself nearer to Nymf just in case she decides that he would receive a cold dagger placed to his neck. Svedka turns his attention to his half-sister, who is roving her hands across Ivar’s hips just as he does the same with Nymf. Before he can reply, Nymf has stolen the attention from the group, unzipping her dress to reveal vibrantly red undergarments that perfectly compliment her skin tone. She grabs his flask and tosses back a few swigs, which is met with a widened gaze from Svedka that slowly flickers to Wishbone. “You were saying?” he replies to his sister with a laugh, taking the silvered flask from slender fingers and downing a gulp himself as he watches her walk towards the pool. He immediately follows her (why wouldn’t he?) just as Wishbone and Ivar depart with the promise to return with alcohol.

Svedka watches her, enamored and pulsing with the buzz of liquor, as she dives gracefully into the pool. There is a laugh that erupts from his lips, the water illuminating on the handsome planes of his face as he sets his flask down onto the pool’s edge. He kicks his shoes off just as Wishbone comes to join him, and finishes unbuttoning the linen shirt he had begun to attempt to take off a while ago. “Shall we, dear brother?” and her only response is a wide-spread grin from Svedka as his shirt falls to the ground, revealing the heavily muscled curves of his chest and core.

Quickly, as his eyes meet hers, he notices the mischief that lies in the brooding depths and his hands immediately go up, palms facing her while one turns into a pointed finger towards her. “Hey now,” he manages, but her mind is already made up. Wishbone shoves him, but his already open hands quickly grasp her olive-colored wrists and as he loses his balance, his downward fall into the pool is accompanied by the delightful shriek of his sister.

Immediately he releases her once he is sure she is in the water, breaking the surface with wild laughter. The alcohol seems to soak into his blood vessels more quickly now he floats, a bit ungracefully with his dress pants still clinging to his legs. He tosses his head to remove damp golden hair from his face, raising a hand to wipe excess water from his face. He does not wait to see Wishbone’s reaction - it will be a bad one - and he immediately swims over to Nymf, hoping that being  near an innocent bystander would leave him protected from his sister’s wrath. He glances to wherever Kagerus is, wondering if his sister-in-law would offer to help him or take Wishbone’s side in this alcohol-fueled sibling rivalry.

There are others in the pool near to him and Nymf, and he is sure that their falling in has interrupted what had been a calm night swim for some. He smiles sheepishly at the lavender-haired women, knowing that perhaps the Casia family wouldn’t enjoy the debauchery that seems to follow him. Should’ve tightened up their security, then, if they didn’t want that to happen. He offers the one sitting on the side a wave, hoping that her getting splashed wouldn’t have totally offended her. “Sorry about that,” he offers, pulling Nymf close to him in the same breath, putting his hands gently onto her ribcage. He quickly regains his awareness, however, knowing that Wishbone could easily swim behind him and dunk him beneath the water if she truly had her mind set on it.

“I don’t know what you expected!” he shouts to Wishbone, laughter in his throat.


Svedka follows Nymf to the pool, gets undressed with Wishbone who attempts to push him in, but grabs her so that they both fall in. He looks for Kag to come to his aide, then he apologizes to Kylin for making a ruckus, then turns to taunt Wishbone further.

RE: welcome to the party - anyone - Breckin - 06-23-2018

She'd assumed and he had so wonderfully delivered.  Hungry eyes watch his tattooed hand disappear and reappear with the key to what she craved the most in that current moment.  A deplorable habit, she knew, but she'd managed to limit her compulsions to only accompany the liquid habits she possessed.  Nevermind that it was nearly a daily occurrence, it was still better than doing round the clock.  There was just something so radically intoxicating about the intermingling of nicotine and alcohol she couldn't quite shake, she could pratically feel any reservations being drowned by the indulgences.  It was an unchecked euphoria.

Pressing the now emblazened coffin nail into her flushed lips, Breckin takes a long pull while closing her eyes heavily.  Holding the vapors in her lungs briefly, she releases a steady exhaled plume before deep eyes open to refocus on the gent seated next to her.  Mirroring the smile in her eyes, her voice takes a kittenish quality, "I'd say likewise it's a pleasure to meet you, but I haven't quite decided yet."  The subtle quip at her shortened name hadn't gone unnoticed.

An unbridled laugh works its way between her lips with the latest puff of smoke, cut off short by a small snort of amusement.  If only he'd known that was her first time flirting with that particular line.  But he really didn't need to know that, not now anyway.  Before she replies, she re-lives her previous jaunts, smiling coyly at the revellation that that path was one that she wouldn't mind exploring further.  "That tree splits both ways, Wolfy, so keep barking if you'd like."  Flicking the ashes from the cigarette into her now empty glass, her gaze drifts lazily to the numbers growing within the pool, trying to suffocate the stupid urge to mention something about preferring hardwood.

Taking a final drag from the dying cigarette, she snuffs what's left in the leftover ice before summoning one of the poolside servers to bring her another drink.  Changing her drink of choice again to "bartender's choice," she finds herself tentatively sipping the sickeningly sweet cocktail before making a face.  Never one to waste perfectly good alcohol though, she tips her head back and finishes it of as it it were a large shooter, simply unable to stomach the disgusting beverage for any longer than that.  The hand that had been toying with a knife finally stills, the loop remains around her finger like a ring while the broad of the blade drops to rest precariously against the delicate flesh of her palm.  Plucking the cherry from the bottom of her glass, Breckin drops it into her mouth, stem and all, before raising her arms above her head and arching her back into a languorous stretch.

"Would you believe me if I told you I was one of the more well-behaved Leviathans?" she asks as she rises to her barefeet.  That was a lie of course, and he would likely know it by now, if it hadn't been evidenced by the women she had locked lips only minutes before then it would be obvious in the way she sat the curve of her rear on the armrest of his chair while draping her arm across the chair's back where his shoulders would rest.  The black blade remained tucked safely in her hand, though she made no attempt to conceal it where it rested against her palm near his shoulder.

And to think today had been one of her days off.  She'd ultimately only agreed to be a plus one for her still vanished friend to get a much needed reprieve from her current assignment, but work had a funny way of weaseling its head into her personal life anyway.  That was all too accurate of a statement as she watched from a distance as Bones and Nymf made their way into the throng of bodies in the pool, where the now recognizable Ivar Stillwater was present nearby.  The handsome bloke sharing her company had evaded her inquiry about his reputation and she hadn't taken too kindly to that; it left her with a brazen need to know more.

Dropping her coquettish gaze back to @[Wolfbane], she was careful to remain daringly close without actually touching him too much.  Not yet anyway. She'd be lying to herself if she couldn't admit how curious she was about what other designs lay hidden beneath that well-tailored suit, but despite how intrigueing she personally found his appearance, it didn't quite fit in with the rest of the crowd.  And undeniably her interest had been piqued.  The cascade of her dark locks fall over the generous curve of her breasts as she tilts her head in a show of faux sinlessless."Why are you here, Bane?  I hope the answer is much more interesting than just to chat with an average woman," she asks softly.  No sooner then the last word leaves her mouth, does she push the cherry stem out between her mischieviously grinning, pink lips, clenching the fruitless stem between her teeth.  A simple knot tied in the center of the stalk is displayed; a no-hands trick she had learned some time ago and deceptively useful--in more ways than one, but she would leave that up to his imagination.


I may be out of order but she's only really interacting with Wolfbane at the moment lol.
Also if I didn't describe it well enough, this was kinda how I imagined her sitting on the chair