I'm in it with you (stallions) - Printable Version

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I'm in it with you (stallions) - Jord - 09-03-2016

- Jord -

 Jord slowly gained her strength back.. Leaving the side of Magnus as he helped her at the base of the mountain. Her ebony pistons carried her bodice to the depths of the forest, just trying to get away from it all. She took her time.. grazing from patch of grass to patch of grass, every now and then a breeze would whistle through the trees. She lifted her skull every now and then to see if anyone was around Nope.. no other souls that she could see.

Jord felt alone. silent. quiet. She had just learned that her only living family memeber, her brother had found someone to love and keep by  her side, everyone she had met in BQ since even before the mountain formed seamed to have someone near them. Theres gotta be someone out there as lonely as me.. She thought to herself as she walked close to a random tree and her pistons folded up underneath her as her bodice lowered, letting her lay down. She licked at her wounds as they got itchy as they slowly healed, the blood drying and slowly forming scabs. Her forelock and banner draped over her face and nape. She closed her orbs. just wanting to get away from the world and get some rest.

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Baymax - 09-03-2016

He must have fallen asleep next to that bear-shifter. It wasn't surprising though, laying about leisurely was his favorite thing to do! The bear and the two children he'd met were all gone when he woke. He thought it might be night, but then the forest always seemed a bit darker to him, bred and raised in the bright meadow. Cool greys passed over the splashes of white in his coat, the rest of him struggling to be a sunny gold buckskin.

Deep brown mane lay loosely against his neck, fully brown except where it met a patch of white in his coat and paled to creamy strands. He rested comfortably beneath a large tree, in no hurry to remove himself from the pool of warmth he'd created. He wondered where that bear had wandered off to -or stallion, he supposed-. He remembered seeing him change to a big black stallion before he dozed off.

A rustle of forest debris shuffled around as someone lay on the other side of his tree. Curious, he stretched his neck around for a peek, still sprawled upon the ground carelessly. He tipped his chin up, the top of his head against the ground, ears shoved to splay about awkwardly. Her eyes were closed so he huffed a breath at her to get her attention, the gentle gust lifting her forelock a little.

Nose to nose he watched her with a lopsided grin on his face.

She seemed sad. That wasn't allowed here. He'd have to fix it somehow.

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Jord - 09-03-2016

- Jord -

 Jord was rustled out of her mediative state as a warm small gust of air blew her forelock slightly. Her hazel orbs opened to be nose to nose with a funny looking stalion, all spralled out on the ground, his ears flopped in a funny way. She couldn't help but smile, he was a little goofy. She closed her eyes only for a moment to huff a bit of warm air out her nose as well at him. She laughed softly to herself. Well, hello there. She spoke with a smile, her voice soft yet kind, the complete oposite of how she was not too long ago. My name is Jord. her voice said.  What's your name? She said; her hazel orbs scanning the stallion. She shook her skull, shaking her charchol forelock out of her eyes so she could see him better. Her ears pricked looking forward to his response.  

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Baymax - 09-03-2016

His smile widened when she opened her eyes to meet his stare. Then his eyes lit with glee as she said hello back the same way he had, with a breath of grass-sweetened breath in his face. She laughed a little and he congratulated himself on his progress in cheering her up thus far.

Warm brown eyes fell to her lips as she spoke, watching carefully. It was odd doing this upside down, but he'd been reading lips for a long time. Enough to understand her words. Most likely. She said hello, and gave a name. He hadn't a clue what it was, but didn't really care for names anyhow. It was probably beautiful though. He could never chance to say them back without butchering them, not without the sense of sound. Then she asked his, as they always did.

He steeled himself to say the only word he'd ever say to her. It was the one he practiced with his father as a child over and over and over again until he could say it properly. His sisters however, had found something entirely hilarious in it and so he thoroughly disliked speaking aloud and avoided it if he could.

"Baymax" he said shortly, his voice a low moaning sort of throaty sound. He would never talk like everyone else without being able to hear himself, he just hoped it was normal enough not to cause her to leave his company. It sometimes did that when others figured out something was wrong with him, his hearing, his speech.

His eyes fell to her limbs tucked so gently beneath her. Blood seeped from the fresh wounds, gaping cuts and scrapes all over her. Concern pulled his brows together and he twisted around to lay on his belly. Like an army crawl, he shimmied closer to have a better look. Very carefully, unsure if she'd allow it, he nursed the closest one with a soft lick.

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Jord - 09-03-2016

- Jord -

 Jord smiled as the stranger spoke his name.. Baymax.. he said. She nodded... repeating it slowly with a smile. Bay.. max. Her orbs glistened happy to meet someone so kind. She watched him ad he rolled over onto his tummy and looked like a silly worm as he wiggled over to her. She watched him almost a little paniced as she watched him look at her wounds. She hurt. She winced a bit at first but the gentle warmth of his lick on her wound was almost relaxing. Someone was by her side, finally, offering her care. She hadn't had something.. someone like this since she was a child and Akkadian still cared about her. But that was the past. She looked at Baymax once more and nodded with a soft smile.. letting him know he was okay being close to her. She took the energy she had to turn around and lay next to him, she gently laid her skull across his rump, hoping he would tend to her wounds on the other side as well.  She tried her best to slowly say Thank ... you.. baymax. a soft smile on her face. Jord had an idea the stag before her may be deaf as his speech was not perfect, but she didn't hold that against him, his other senses were probably sharp as a tack! 

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Baymax - 09-03-2016

He looked at her hesitantly to see if she minded his treatment, his eyes worried. Rejection hurt, even from complete strangers. Especially beautiful ones. But she gave him a small smile and nodded her consent. He grinned sheepishly back, and watched her shift and settle in next to him, her warmth melding with his.

This was the best stranger he had met. She immediately accepted him without question, flaws and all. He felt at ease with her, as if he'd known her for years though he still had no idea what her name was. Those were harder to spell out on lips with all the different sounds they could be. He often just settled for nicknames, like Blind-Bear for that..well, blind..bear he'd met previously. He didn't have a name for this one yet though, it would have to be something special.

His eyes fell to her lips again as he caught her words of thanks. He took that as permission to continue and gently nursed the deeper cuts on that limb, slowly working his way to the other. It felt good to care for her. Being so close to someone always made him feel more comfortable but often times people were taught to give eachother so much personal space.

After he'd tended to both her forelegs, he looked to her again. There was something foreign to her, something exotic. It was magnetic, drawing him in. He'd been born and raised in the meadow, among the wild flowers and sunshine. He had only ever known peace in his lifetime, unless you count the obnoxious telepathic siblings that always came to check in on him like a child. They just couldn't understand how a deaf guy could want silence. But they didn't have to be talked at by themselves all day, or they'd know. He was bored of their useless prattle.

As he watched her, he wished he knew what was so upsetting to her. By the state of her appearance she had clearly been in a rough situation. He looked around them warily, thinking perhaps an enemy of hers might come for her. He didn't see anything though. Just dark trees looming over them. It dawned on him how intimate this might be. Did she think so? He didn't want to overstep any boundaries. He thought he might slide away from her a little but she looked so relaxed there, her head resting on his hip. He wouldn't interrupt her peace, he was sure she must deserve it.

He tapped his nose to her shoulder lightly -a friendly caress-, then lay his head in the dirt, letting out a deep sigh of contentment.

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Jord - 09-04-2016

- Jord -

 Jord smiled peacefully as the kind stallion tended to her injuries. She had never met anyone in her life care for someone with out asking questions. She closed her orbs, still resting her head on his hip. She felt him look around probably worried aout how she got these scars. She nuzzled his hip just slightly to let him know everything was okay now.. and for him to not be scared.  She kept her eyes closed.. completely content. She then heard his skull lay down into the dirt. She opened her hazel orbs, tapped his hip then used her eyes and a nodding of her skull to point to her hip, that he was welcome to rest his head there... making the shape of a ying yang with their body, so he didn't have to lay in the dirt. She felt so relaxed. Proabably the most relaxed she had been since she came to BQ. 

ooc :  sorry muse is falling asleep. first day of work tomorrow then im off monday!

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Baymax - 09-05-2016

He felt her brush against his hip, reassuring him they were safe, and he thought again how nice it was to have someone as touchy as he was. Someone that could speak his language. They were surprisingly not as common as one would think.

It wasn't long after he'd laid his head down that he again felt her tap him lightly. He lifted his head to look at her, curious. She flicked her chin, gesturing to her own hip for him to rest his head on. His eyes slid to her generous hip, then back to her eyes, smiling.

He kept his gaze trained on her as he lowered his muzzle to her hip, watching for any negative reaction as he huffed and smelled her a few times in the same general area. His breath brushed through her coat, nose nudging lightly. Satisfied he was good and familiar with her scent, he gave her a good final lick and tucked his chin on her rump.

Looking out to the trees around them, he thought maybe he should get up soon. He was thoroughly enjoying sharing his affection with this beautiful stranger, but he was afraid to get his hopes up. He didn't want to get hurt, even accidentally. His brows were creased in his concern for himself, but he finally let his lids fall for a brief nap.

Baymax woke a little later. He yawned silently and nuzzled his comfortable bedding. His eyes opened when his nose told him it was a person. Then he remembered his lovely new friend. A grin immediately tugged his lips as he looked over her still resting form. She'd allowed him to be touchy, speaking his language with him. It was wonderful.

He had his doubts though, and wasn't at all sure if this was just a passing thing or if maybe, just maybe, he'd found someone special. His parents had mated for life, so madly in love with each other the entire time. Picture perfect. He wanted that too. But... Perhaps he was being too hopeful, too naive.

He rose quietly and stepped away, closer to the line of trees. Sad eyes looked back to her. He didn't want to leave, but he thought maybe it was best if he did. Indecision stayed him though, as he stared through the still-dark forest. Uncertain what he would do...

RE: I'm in it with you (stallions) - Jord - 09-06-2016

- Jord -

 Jord stirred as she suddently got cold, her hazel orbs slowly opened from their groggy state and looked back at her rump to see Baymax was gone. Her eyes saddened. Her skull swiveled, almost franticly looking for him. He was so kind to her, she didn't want to lose him. She slowly rose to  her feet, almost dancing in one spot out of nervousness. She trotted through the trees, looking for him. Where could he have gone.. She thought to herself. She let out a soft winny of stress.. even though she knew he coldn't hear her..  She wished he could.  She wondered thru the forest trying to find him.. Baymax! She called out to him.. just hoping somehow he would hear her.