I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Printable Version

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I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Molotov - 04-30-2017

I'm gonna set this world on fire
Where the fuck was she? Walking what seemed to be FOREVER!  Since that worthless hag dropped her into this world.  Fuck her.  That bitch was weak and could die alone for all she cared.  See ya later, Mom.... NOT!  She hadn't even needed to speak the words.  She just pushed them into her mind.  Forced them upon her.  Some may say she an angry little thing.  Ok bitch... An angry little bitch.  There I said it.  No, she was honest.  Blunt, forward, no regards for restraint of any kind. Why lie?  Covering your true feeling up with butterflies and Band-Aids.  Pointless.  Since she discovered her power she didn't hold back anything.  She ripped into your most private thoughts and devoured them.  And when she was through with you she moved onto the next poor sap.  No words needed, just thoughts...

Ebony eyes looked over the immediate area.  Focusing on one form and then another.  Searching for her next victim.  The contrasting colors of red and black of her frame stood out amongst the many gathered.  Guess that was one thing that bitch gave her.  Maybe her powers.  Who fucking knew!  She had never met her father... Probably never would.  Hell he probably had a good time and didn't know she even existed.  Typical man.  She stood there out in the open.  Fire red tail flipped back and forth as she scanned through the mish mash of brain activity.  A slight chuckle escaped her as one couple stood beside one another.  The mare having visions of their potential future together while the stallion had one thought... Yeah, must I elaborate!  Didn't think so...

She was discovering more and more about her gifts as time went on.  At first she had to really focus on one particular subject.  Standing directly in front of them.  Pulling and pushing thoughts.  Now though she could do it from a short distance away.  Sifting through what she wanted.  Rarely did she actually speak.  Hell it had been so long she had forgotten what her voice even sounded like.  Why do something you didn't have to?! I'll save my breath, thank you.  Now where was I....?  Oh yes, interesting thoughts. Hmmm... Must be someone around here worth 'speaking' to...

OOC: I guess drinks brings out the Molotov in me XD

RE: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Amet - 05-02-2017

if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

Amet had barely found a time or a reason to leave the Lake since he and Iset had claimed it. The territory was beautiful and cozy and, most importantly, he and his sister were still hidden from Him. The young Akhal-Teke, just this season changing from a colt to a stallion, as if he was suddenly a mature adult, can never find it in himself to ever truly relax, however. Sakir is always in the back of his mind, the brother he had left behind.

An exasperated sigh escapes his mouth and Amet shoves his guilt and anxiety deep into the depths of his mind. He weaves his bronze and gold dragon-scaled body through the trees of the Forest in hopes that the change of scenery will clear his mind of good memories that now make him feel bad. Quickening his pace, the dragon-boy lopes through the foliage, his bright amber eyes concentrating on the path in front of him. The forest breaks suddenly, opening up to a small meadow currently being occupied by a few meandering horses.

It's the ebony filly with an intriguing red splash that catches Amet's attention. But it's not entirely her coat - it's also the girl-on-a-mission expression strung across her face. He moves towards her, the verdant grasses swaying around his belly, but the sun is still able to glint and play across his scales. The gold and bronze dragon halts a few yards away from the girl, a pleasant smile on his face, "Hello there. My name is Amet, who are you?"


RE: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Molotov - 05-03-2017

I'm gonna set this world on fire
Shit it's cold! How is a girl supposed to stirr up trouble when she's freezing her arse off?! A shiver overcame her as a violent chill penetrated her thick coat.  Burrr... Black eyes danced about the area but in finding nothing of interest she started to move onward.  Long crimson legs carried her to another open area of the Forest where more creatures gathered. A concoction of the norm and un-norm amongst them...

WOAH!  What's that?! Her eyes narrowed upon the metallic figure moving across the lands.  Ebony ears thrusted forward at the anomaly headed straight for her.  Coming to an abrupt halt as she scanned his cranium for thoughts... Well thank you.  I am quite intriguing aren't I... A snark grin playing upon her lips as she resisted pushing her thoughts into him.  Let it be a surprise...

He was a bit older than her.  A tad taller, a smidge stronger(probably) given she was only still under a yearling.  She had a bulk to her and some height for being young... Curves if you will.  As he neared she examined his peculiarity.  The sun dazzled off his...scales?! Brow cocked in curiousity and didn't fade from her face as he stopped before her and spoke. 

 Huh... What? I'm sorry I couldn't help but get distracted by your reptilian skin. Amet, is it... Quick question? Can I touch your... scales? Before she even knew what she was doing she had pushed her thoughts into him.  No filter what so ever.  Focus still remained on his skin.  She was almost tempted to go ahead and do it as she took a step towards him.  Don't do it... Do it... No dont!  COME ON touch it!  Red muzzle reaching out to graze his shoulder as neck extended...

RE: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Amet - 05-03-2017

if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

Amet is surprisingly warm in his gold and bronze scales, but that doesn't mean that he doesn't miss the cozy warmth of his Lake. There's a certain amount of protection within his home that is not offered in the mingle lands of Beqanna. He knows the contours of his Lake and can picture them now, even as he travels through the Forest, but it will do him some good to learn the other lands, now that his own is memorized.

The ebony girl turns to him almost as quickly as he had turned to her and he can see the way her bright eyes rove his metallic scales. Amet grins playfully, though he's still not entirely comfortable with the notion that he is in possession of something that could draw such attention. He had asked the Fairy for his dragon scales so that he may officially, finally, totally separate himself from the Dunes, and it had been done - but the young stallion had not considered what would come after

The dragon king finds his voice, greeting the black-and-red girl as politely as he can muster while still allowing his amber eyes to appreciate her coloration and the curious look upon her face. She inches closer, her gaze hungry, and Amet nearly speaks again, but then...

'Can I touch your... scales?'

It takes the Akhal-Teke a beat before he realizes that the girl's pleasant voice had been in his head. His ears flutter and twitch, his face twisted into a confused expression. Beqanna had shown him a plethora of interesting traits, but never had it introduced him to telepathy. After another moment or two, he recovers and the playful smile finds his lips again, his nostrils flaring to better appreciate her unfamiliar scent.

"Only if you're gentle," he whispers with amusement.


RE: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Molotov - 05-07-2017

I'm gonna set this world on fire
His words came up short as she had already picked his brain.  She loved how she could pluck through their thoughts with or without them allowing so.  Gentle... A cackle rung through her mind as his thoughts clearly were not gentle. Be good and be bad, they conflicted... Oh so very bad she was...

As her crimson muzzle had made contact with his scales she brushed her lips across his shoulder.  Their rough texture playing with her senses.  Just as he had said "gentle" her lips pulled away leaving her ivory teeth to rake across them.  Her mind pushed thoughts into his, like this? A sly grin played across her muzzle as she slowly retracted, but only slightly.  Mmmm she hummed mentally.  Damn, somebody slap me! Bad... So bad. Fuck, what fun was it being good!  

If her flame shaped markings could have ignited they probably would have.  Rising as they engulfed the pair in a fury of heat.  Careful as to not burn her golden treasure though.  Ruby lips reached for him once more.  Gently placing a kiss upon the spot her teeth had contacted.  An I'm sorry, not sorry sort of gesture...

RE: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Amet - 05-21-2017

if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

Amet feels so entirely out of his league in front of this ebony girl and her extraordinary mind, but then he realizes... she can probably see that. Or hear it. Or however it works. The dragon-king gulps almost audibly as she nears, the fire in her bright eyes fueling his own adrenaline and giving him the strength to continue to grin at her with something akin to mischief.

She's at his bronzed and gilded shoulder now, and Amet closes his amber eyes with anxiety prompted by the filly's close proximity. She seems so familiar with the feeling, though, that the young Akhal-Teke refuses to truly voice his insecurity. Not that she hadn't already picked it out of his mind like the fullest, reddest apple in the whole damn tree.

Like this? He feels her lips peel away from her blunt teeth and then his scaled shoulder is being pinched. He laughs good-naturedly, but can't help the way his muscles twitch in response. The kiss that follows turns him hot again and the dragon-boy extends his own sleek neck so that his muzzle is just below her ear. "I'd love to show you my favorite spots at the Lake sometime, if you'd like to come for a private tour." Scandalous, Amet. What will Iset think?


@[Molotov] I'm so so so so so sorry that this took so long D:

RE: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Molotov - 05-22-2017

I'm gonna set this world on fire
Aww how cute! His mind suddenly reeled with insecurity and she was quick to quiet them. My sweet golden boy, fear not.  I shall cherish your thoughts quietly.  My lips are sealed... Her ivories begged to taste him once more but she resisted temptation. For now...

A wicked grin creased her ruby and onyx face.  Dark eyes examining his features.  Sliding along his jawline, his deliciously muscled neck... Deep chest and broad shoulders... Fuck!! She did not push her private thoughts into his mind but damn it if her biting her lip didn't give them away.  He stood so still, so willing beside her.  As she stood facing him and just close enough to feel the heat rising from between them, he leans nearer.  Whispering words he hadn't needed to say.  She knew her response before he asked aloud.  A twinkle in her eye as she fed him all he need know If you show me yours can I show you mine...?! A slight wink of her obsidian eye hinted to a deeper suggestion... Much deeper 

RE: I Came in Like a Wrecking Ball... [Open] - Amet - 05-27-2017

if there's a light at the end, it's just the sun in your eyes

Molotov's silent voice coos in Amet's head, swirling around his thoughts and disorienting him even further. There's something about it that's sensual, or maybe it's just the realization that any nosy eavesdroppers would only hear his side of the conversation. Either way, the young stallion's heart is pounding hard enough for the filly to hear and his mouth is just about as dry as a cotton ball. She grins before moving closer again, her muzzle moving slowly against the dragon scales at his jawline. The king of the Lake remains frozen, his amber eyes fluttering closed to allow Molotov her exploration.

"I'd love to see yours," he chuckles nervously, before pivoting on his golden appendages and flicking his eyes mischievously towards the girl. "Where to first, my flame?"


@[Molotov] this is grossly short -_- post her wherever you'd like them to go next & just tag me in it! (: