[private] B A D W O L F || Ouija - Printable Version

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B A D W O L F || Ouija - Gryffen - 09-07-2017

a ghost in the darkness.
It was amusing how quickly the appaloosa stallion had gone from being a pawn to a bloodthirsty magician  to now plotting and scheming on his own. The man wanted to stretch his limits, to test his boundaries. The red eyed wraith understands that need, that desire. When Ouija had set off for Sylva, he had not gone after him or stopped him. He knew it was to their benefit in the long run. Now some time had passed since Taiga had been swallowed. It was time to catch up.

Slinking free from the dark woods where they once more resided, he makes his way towards the open plains of the meadow. There were so many here that the crowds served a purpose, making it hard for eavesdroppers. There was no set time or place for a meet up, he knows the man prowls as much as he does. It’s only a matter of time before he comes here. Red eyes scan the distance as he watches by the tree line. Waiting.

RE: B A D W O L F || Ouija - Ouija - 09-07-2017


Within the stale darkness of the Forest he had came to the after party.  A wallflower waiting for this moment.  When the ghost would give a glance to the shadows and walk off into the darkness.  

Silently the ghost slipped away from the crowd gathered.  He lingered a bit longer before following to ensure no one was tagging along.  He listened.  Only one set of hoof beats was heard in the forest debris.  A wicked grin curled his lips as he stepped forwards.  The vibrant red of his eyes always watching for the slightest of unwanted movements.  

When the stallion finally halted they were on the edge of the meadow.  Satisfied that none had followed he slithered to the others side.  "My Friend, it is good to see you again," his words were quiet but strong.  He has come to seek direction and give info on his whereabouts.  Quickly explaining his absence but his intentions, "Sylva is weak itself but there is a strength in it's leader, Djinni." His eyes scan the area to ensure no one was listening.  His ears positioned to catch any news from the pale stag. 

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RE: B A D W O L F || Ouija - Gryffen - 09-11-2017

a ghost in the darkness.
It doesn’t take long for the spotted spy to find him. Ouija had the drive for such work but needed a little fine tuning in technique. That was something that could easily be remedy, he would have plenty of opportunity to practice. The only movement from the white wraith is the flicker of ember reflecting in his burning gaze. He doesn’t say a word, merely waiting for the information the other must hold. Otherwise he would not be here.

Ouija had not disappointed him. Crimson meets crimson and he allows the blanketed stallion to see the glimmer of approval. ”What kind of strength?” He responds quietly when he falls silent for a moment, calculating in his mind.  ”How many are in Sylva?” The cerulean mare had great revenge on her mind, he could help with that. He would help with that simply because it would benefit him in the end. Benefit his cause. However his appetite was far from satiated since Taiga had been wrecked and the vision his magic had pulled from her had only made the gears in his head spin once more.

The only sound that follows whatever response is given is the sound of his stained whipchord snapping thoughtfully along his flanks. ”I have an idea.” He states slowly, each word rolled along his tongue with a distinct flourish. ”However there is one more thing I need you to do.” He considered the task, eyeing him closely. ”I need you to go to Nerine. I want you to assess the situation there. Don’t let yourself be discovered by it’s leader, try to avoid anyone that may catch you out.” Another lengthy pause, formulating exactly what he wants. Hoping the man had enough common sense to erase all traces of him and the meadow, to cover his tracks. ”See if there may be any interested in our cause but be discreet.” This is the lesson Ouija must learn to excel in his field. ”The more information you can bring me, the better.”

Do not disappoint me is the unheard warning that lays heavy in the air. ”Come to the Forest when you’re done. We will be gathering soon.”

RE: B A D W O L F || Ouija - Ouija - 09-12-2017


Overhead the trees lay bare to winter's coming.  Only the tangles of branches caked in snow created the shadows fore which he lurked.  At least in the day light hours.  The jackal preferred the night to prowl but duty had called.  The ruler of Sylva had greeted his hastily and with prior judgements.  Perhaps she knew more than she let on.

Meeting fire to flame his eyes met the white stallions.  Blackened horns twist to catch his question, a slight grin playing on his lips, "She is quite a fancy thing.  Wearing trinkets in her ears and on her ankles.  She is a teleporter, at the least." Pausing briefly to allow the info to marinate in the others mind, "I did not see any others.  The last time I had paid a visit there was a roan mare but she did not come this time.  Djinni must be strong to have kept a kingdom to herself with little to no help." His words are not more than an eerie whisper on the winds.  Their destination to only one set of ears.

He quiets, concealed within whatever shadows he can find.  Shifting uneasily at feeling  He waits hungrily at what the ghost next proposal is, an idea... Devilish lips curl to expose his white canines dripping in anticipation.  Nerine... Discreet... Forest... Those were his directions.  To gather info and return.

With no more than a nod of his crown the jackal turned towards the shadows of the Forest.  Slipping into their obsidian abyss once again.  Carefully choosing the same path he came.  Leaving only an eerie distant cackle behind.   

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