good gone girl, she's got nothing left to lose; any - Printable Version

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good gone girl, she's got nothing left to lose; any - Darking - 06-05-2015

good gone girl,
she’s got nothing left to lose

It’s been months now since they first brought little Rune home, and they are only just beginning to acclimatize to the blazing hot weather.  Darking has never lived somewhere so hot in her entire life, and of course, therefore neither has Rowyn.

Up ’til now they’ve mostly kept to themselves, except of course for the occasional ‘playdate’ with Rune, but Darking knows that needs to change.  Rowyn is over a year old now, and she needs to interact with other horses than the little sparky colt they ran into in the field.

So today they’ve approached the main oasis, and settled in to the shade of a small cluster of palm trees.  Darking knows they won’t necessarily meet anyone new today, but it will be at least good for Rowyn to see what the main part of the kingdom is like.

For her part, the black filly is enchanted with the larger oasis - all of the ones they’ve visited up ’til this point have been small, and on the outskirts of the kingdom.  She immediately dashes off to play in the water, snapping her little teeth after the fish that swim about.  Darking doubts that she will catch one, but it’s certainly amusing to watch her try.


RE: good gone girl, she's got nothing left to lose; any - Camrynn - 06-05-2015

so you wanna play with magic?
The Deserts, perhaps more than any other kingdom in Beqanna, seems to be home to fringe dwellers. Not that Camrynn minds this – she's happy to have them there, regardless of whether they choose to interact with the rest of the residents. She's happy to have her kingdom be the one that offers shelter to everyone, regardless of who they are or where they come from. She's happy to have the Deserts be the umbrella of strength for anyone who needs it. After all, you can only be an umbrella of strength if you are, first and foremost, strong.

But she is also happy to see them come out of their shell, as Darking and Rowyn do today. She feels them approaching the oasis although she herself is many miles off. After some months as queen here her magic has started to intermingle with that of the kingdom, and she feels things here acutely – more or less if a rabbit so much as stirs (not that there are many rabbits here) she's going to know it. And when two horses stir and move, she's absolutely going to know it.

She watches as they come across the main oasis, mostly quiet today. She smiles as the young girl finds her way into the water, chasing fish that run away too easily. With a thought, the black mare melts into existence within the shadows of a tree across the way. Close enough that Darking would probably notice her sudden entrance (assuming she's that kind of telepath) but far enough away for it to not be threatening (or at least, that's the idea). She watches for a moment as though she'd been watching from there forever. She blends well in the shadows, entirely black without any markings. Today, her color changing eyes are a bright leaf-green, a celebration of the springtime that riots across the rest of Beqanna (although here in the Deserts, you'd almost never guess). The gilded crook-and-flail of the Deserts crown sits proud across her chest, reflecting stray beams of sunlight that bounce up from the sand around her. And across one cheek a string of diamonds and gemstones drapes gracefully, catching the light intermittently.

She steps gracefully from beneath the shade of her tree, crossing the oasis toward Darking. Her long mane and tail float in the breeze, more graceful and free of tangles than any wild horse's has any right to be. That's one of the perks of magic: she's able to quite freely keep her appearance everything she'd want it to be. Where other horses are bound by the rules of what's normal and what's possible, Camrynn is able to do exactly as she pleases.

Pausing as she passes the lake, Camrynn brings into existence a decently large silver fish. It is maybe six inches long, a koi fish with silver and pewter designs etched into its scales. It glows with a dull luminescence in the waters of the oasis, delicate, almost like a lantern. Camrynn releases her creation to temporary sentience, instructing it to play (gently) with Rowyn. She'll no doubt reclaim it when she's done with it (or more accurately, when Rowyn's done with it) but that's not for a bit yet.

"Hello." she greets Darking, smiling gently. "Welcome to the Deserts."
co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery

RE: good gone girl, she's got nothing left to lose; any - Pevensie - 06-06-2015

It goes against her nature, being stuck in the thick of it. She is a creature of quiet habit, not speaking unless spoken to, not venturing her opinion unless someone asks. Yet, as a Queen, she knows that will not do. She must go from advisor to leader, from sheep to Shepard. As with anything, a transition is in process. She cannot fight her nature, but she can try and adapt. Slowly but surely, it's starting to work and she is beginning to come round.

Pevensie has remained by the oasis for the past few weeks, trying to get to know her kingdom better. She has passed the time of day with every horse that has asked for her company, smiled at the ones that have not, generally tried to be better seen. It's a strange habit, after a life of trying to live in the shadows to suddenly come forward into the light. She glows today, being more accustomed to freely show her powers. These are her people now and before them, she has no reason to hide. At least, she hopes she does not.

A black mare approaches the oasis, a young one in tow. It is the foal that pricks her attention. Her last 'foal' was Camrynn, and that was now years ago. Her instincts draw her towards babies, regardless of if they having a living mother or not. She makes her way around the oasis by foot, not feeling any necessity to create her golden wings to fly today. However, a horn sits atop her head, burning brightly like a beacon of sunlight atop her head.

By the time she makes her way over the sandy shores, her co-Queen has made an appearance. Pevensie smiles at Cam, bobbing her head firstly to her daughter as she draws further into their little fold and then to the new mare, whose face is that of a stranger to the buckskin. She smiles no less warmly though, despite not knowing her.

"I am Pevensie. This is Camrynn. It is a pleasure to meet you both," she says, taking the liberty of introducing them both, turning her head to watch the foal play in the water. How wonderful, to be so carefree, how liberating. "I hope you have settled in well, the kingdom has plenty to offer everyone," she finishes, turning back to face the mother.

RE: good gone girl, she's got nothing left to lose; any - Darking - 06-10-2015

good gone girl,
she’s got nothing left to lose

She’s watching Rowyn chase after a particularly quick fish, when she becomes abruptly aware of a powerful mind. It appears without warning, out of nothing, and decades of experience have taught Darking that means only one thing. A magician.

She is immediately on the alert, and sends feelers out - never probing into the mind (no, that would be asking for trouble), but feeling around it, getting a sense of it. Thankfully the presence does not appear hostile, but she is still wary. She has had many experiences with magicians over the course of her long life and she knows they are not to be trifled with.

The presence shifts and draws closer, and Darking suddenly spots a black mare approaching them from the other side of the oasis. The mare pauses at the lake side for a moment, and Darking senses some magic at work before the mare continues in their direction. She barely has time to register a delighted squeal from her daughter before the mare is standing before her.

The stranger welcomes them, and Darking bows her head and smiles politely. “Why thank you.” She’s still wary however, and takes a few steps towards the lake so that she can see what had caught Rowyn’s attention. A large silver fish is bumping gently against the yearling’s legs. Hmmm. She shoots the magician a glance. She has a strong suspicion where that came from. She’ll let it be for now (it doesn’t seem dangerous, and she doesn’t want to risk offending), but she plans on keeping an eye on it.

She’s about to introduce herself, when the sound of yet more hooves sliding through sand catches her attention. She’d been so absorbed with the presence of the magician, that she hadn’t even noticed the other mind approaching.

It’s another mare, with a tattooed buckskin coat, and Darking suspects that this one is also more than she seems. Thankfully the buckskin introduces both herself and the magician, and Darking nods to the both of them. “A pleasure to meet you as well. I’m Darking and my daughter over there,” she flicks her head to the oblivious yearling who’s now giggling and chasing the silver fish, “is Rowyn. And I think we’ve settled in quite nicely, thank you!” Or at least Rowyn certainly has.


RE: good gone girl, she's got nothing left to lose; any - Pevensie - 06-19-2015

There is something about this mare. She seems uncomfortable, shifting in their presence. The way she looks at Camrynn in particular, the slight shift in her gaze. Of course, Pevensie can't read minds. She isn't even an empath, but she is old. As such, she has had plenty of years to judge and analyse the body language of her fellow equestrian, a skill she found particularly enabling in her years as a diplomat and doubtlessly has it's uses as a Queen as well.

"I'm glad to hear it. If there is anything at all we can do for you, don't hesitate to make us aware," she extends the offer, her smile growing in warmth. It is her instinct to make her fellow creature feel welcome and safe, to extend a courteous hand and bring them into the fold.

Her attention ebbs away from the mother, turning to her child. The little pony-Queen has always had a great affinity for children. This one is no exception. Her curling lips broaden as she looks to the yearling, taking a step towards him as he paddles in the water, chasing the fish. "Each oasis has different ones in you know, and if you go to the right parts of the Deserts, there are camels to chase. A young stallion called Gaza showed me once, I'm sure he'd be happy to take you too," she suggests, flicking her ears back to the mother-mare, waiting for some hint of approval or disapproval at the idea.

RE: good gone girl, she's got nothing left to lose; any - Camrynn - 06-28-2015

so you wanna play with magic?
Much as Camrynn may be dangerous, she will never be dangerous to the citizens of the Deserts. She's sworn on everything that she holds dear (in other words, her magic) that she will rule to the best of her ability, and that means keeping the citizens of the kingdom from danger, not throwing them into the thick of it. And much as Camrynn may be capricious, much as she may be unpredictable, much as she is dangerous, none of that is worth upsetting the vow she's made. None of that is worth losing her magic.

Camrynn knows immediately that Darking is uncomfortable around her, and the black mare can't help but sigh. It would be easier, she thinks, if she were to just blanket her magic around horses like these, who can read it and who treat her differently for it. She considers, for a moment, wiping the memory from their minds, making them forget that she's anything but a black mare. But that too would be disingenuous, not to mention probably a violation of the oath she'd sworn.

Before she can speak again, Pevensie joins them, and Camrynn gives her fellow queen a gentle smile. They may have had their differences recently, but Camrynn respects Pevensie in a way she doesn't respect most other horses. Pevensie introduces them both, and Camrynn nods along. The mare returns the favor, introducing herself and her daughter. It doesn't surprise Camrynn when Pevensie moves toward Rowyn; the buckskin mare has always had a way with children. Camrynn remains standing over by Rowyn.

She doesn't have to be a magician to know that her presence makes Darking uncomfortable. She, like Pevensie, can see the way the mother moves closer to her daughter. She, like Pevensie, can see the way that Darking's focus is so strongly on her, and so almost secondhand on Pevensie. She sees it all, and it saddens her, but it is inevitable, unavoidable. It is the price that Camrynn sometimes pays for having magic, and it is a price that she would happily pay thousandfold. She is her magic, and her magic is her. They are inseparable, and it would ruin Camrynn if that were ever to change.

"If you'd rather, I can remove that fish." Camrynn says to Darking, her voice amiable. "I just couldn't help noticing how excited your daughter was to see them, and thought she might like a special one to play with." the black mare smiles, gently. "Even with us magicians, sometimes a silver fish is, well, just a silver fish."
co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery

Well, that was gross :| sorry guys.