Take Me to the Waters Edge {K Family} - Printable Version

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Take Me to the Waters Edge {K Family} - Kove - 11-17-2018

Take Me to the Waters Edge

I remember Ischia.  It had not been my birth home but soon after I was born we had been instructed to leave the volcanic island.  My mother insisted we go back to Ischia, the kingdom belonging to her father.  I was willing beside my mother's side, but Ketzia's fear of water had consumed her.  That is the first time, my twin and I had parted ways.  I lived nearly a year in the tropical paradise, amongst the colorful parrots and vibrant flora.  Coming to know my younger sister and another my age that I could call sister.  We had played for some time together, but the thought of Ketzia had never left me.  How I longed to be at her side once again.  And that is when I had left my island home.  To find my other half and feel complete once again...

Since then, time has come and gone.  I had found my sister by chance in the redwood forests and when we had made it back to our birth home, she left me.  Again.  It was okay and I had my elder siblings to keep me accompany, as well as the new friends I have made; Snout and Nalia.  They had traveled to Ischia though without me, knowing of the peril the outside world was experiencing, so I was told to stay here.  And I obeyed even though my inner defiance was rising.  My sisters, my family could still be there and I worried for their safety as much as my other siblings...

They had soon returned with scowled faces.  Apparently it had not been a good visit.  Karat had attempted besting my brother into a crown by siding with the new king there.  With the Brotherhood of my mother's blood long gone, the land had fallen into the hand of vile creatures.  Monsters from the depths of the sea and Krom forbid Karat stay.  Reason soon found my sister when Krom unleashed his own poison onto the land...

I had greeted them upon their arrival in Tephra with relief that they were ok.  Unscathed by disease that was threatening to consume them all.  My happiness was meant with conflicted gazes, and Karat was quick to storm off into the volcanic lands.  I watched as she disappeared into the sulfur smog before turning to my brother, "Went well I see."  My jest was given a smile and roll of emerald eyes.  Karat was being Karat again, he claims. Shocker.

I give a nudge to my iron sibling with my snipped muzzle before asking of Ischia.  The shy of his gaze tells me all I must know of my once home.  A discussion best for another day.  

"So now what do we do?" Did you find any of our family there?" I inquire of the once protector of Tephra. I watch his head turn towards Ischia and then to another isle upon the horizon.  We keep searching, is all he says.  I know he means for our family, others sickened by the disease but slightly for a place and purpose of our own.  The silver-lavender of my eyes turn to the far island as well in wonder at what is there.  Who is there and if @[Eifa] or @[Kyveli] are safe.

His body shifts in the direction of the Island and I am quick to be at his side, "I want to go.  It is one of the safe havens given by the faerie so you have no excuse on why I cannot come..." My boldness shocks him, turning his face and gaze to me.  The worried lines of his face and lips soon lighten.  He mutters a quiet agreeance and I squeal in delight.  Unconsciously I gather strings of daylight and begin to glow with the rays of the sun, beaming with joy.

I bound happily to the waters edge of Tephra, pulling at the light of day to envelope us and transport us to the white beaches of the new land...

This is basically to anyone but Kove would obviously love to meet up with her sisters and @[Kylin].  I will write Krom here as well and then he will explore the island.  Would love for him to run into @[Kerberos] Wink

RE: Take Me to the Waters Edge {K Family} - Kromium - 11-18-2018

Blood is Thicker than Water

It had been a long and trying journey home to Tephra.  Silence was mixed with a lot of trying to get Karat to see he had nothing but her best interest at heart.  She wanted the island, their birthplace, to become a haven once again -as did he. But he would not let her haggle with the sea monsters and fall victim to their savage ways.  They could have the plagued island. For now...

Kove was very opposite of Karat.  So when spit and fire are found within the light hearted filly he is taken aback.  A chuckle almost leaves his lips at her sudden demands.  But he decides to allow her this one serious moment and simply nods in agreeance.

Their journey is a swift one and he finds them standing on beaches nearly identical to Ischia.  Even the tropical flora matches the very jungle he had grown up in.  Perhaps in the changing of lands this island had separated from the other to form its own territory.  A safe haven created by the merciful fairies.

Emerald eyes scan the length of he sea shore and he wonders just who calls this place home.  He only knows of its sanctuary from the plague and that is conveniently near the kingdom of Tephra.  The island would make a nice addition to the West factions purpose he thinks...

With a smile given to his younger sibling, they wait patiently.  He allows an announcement of their arrival to echo from his vocals.  If anyone lived here they would hear the call and come to find them still on the sandy beaches...
