i am brambles but i am tangled in your love; tamlin - Printable Version

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i am brambles but i am tangled in your love; tamlin - wonder - 04-26-2020


Sometimes it is still a wonder to her that she has such a beautiful family. She had always watched her parents together, the way they loved each other so gently. It is her very first memory, of being curled beside her brother, tucked safely between Pyxis and Daemron. It also something she thought she would never know for herself, not after the bones had ruptured through the chestnut to paint such a grotesque parody of life across her skin. Not even Brigade had stayed with her - and who could blame him? Who could love something so strange, something come to life straight out of a nightmarish story.

But someone had.

There is such a gentle smile on her face when she spots Tamlin among the green and mist from one of the many hot springs throughout Tephra. She knows his shape immediately, knows the exact shade of his beautiful grey skin, and where chestnut bleeds through across his shoulder - could trace it blind with the soft of velvet lips. She knows the curve of his wings, too, and the faint way those blue flowers smell in his hair. She knows without needing to see them through the thick grass that his hooves are like hers, bright and opal and awash in the softest shades of blue dawn. He is the best parts of both of his parents. 

She greets him with such unguarded love despite the ever-present worries she keeps tucked away in her heart that she does not love them well enough. That she has been too absent, that she does not know them as well as a better mother might. “Tamlin.” She says, soft sea green eyes and ocean whisper, her nose buried gently in the sandy orange of his hair. And how, how is it possible that this beautiful boy with his beautiful heart might’ve come from someone like her. “Where are your wolves today, love?” 

i am brambles but i am tangled in your love


RE: i am brambles but i am tangled in your love; tamlin - Tamlin - 05-03-2020

Luckily, there wasn’t much going on in Tamlin’s head for his mom to interrupt. If there were thoughts, they were slippery and slide out of his grasp as soon as he spots his fierce, but sweet, looking mom. A vibrant grin breaks out in his eyes and he bumps his muzzle against her affectionately in greeting - his voice always dancing the line of laughter. “Hi mom.”

He loves that she asks about his wolves, even though he suspects that the fact that his best friends are wolves makes her at least a little worried. “Sleeping I think, there’s going to be new pups soon so I’m giving them some space. Lockie and Thorn the Third are the parents I think.” He can’t get through saying the names without a bright grin and a hearty chuckle. Without the ability to actually communicate with the wolves, Tamlin had given them all names that he made up - and it had been a great source of amusement when Lockie (named after his father) turned out to be a girl and mated to the one named after his brother (after the tragic outcasting of Thorn the Second).

Regardless of the tangled web the names weaved, the prospect of the wolf pack he had befriended growing by a few more members was very exciting.

Quick as he can, he reaches to tug affectionately on his mom’s mane. “I wonder if they’ll be as fun as we were as puppies.” Although Tamlin doesn’t remember the day of their birth, he loved the story of how he and his brother had been pups and his sisters had been foals. It was a source of disappointment that he had not been able to shift back into a wolf since that day, but he supposed befriending the local wolves was good too.

t a m l i n

artwork by space1993


RE: i am brambles but i am tangled in your love; tamlin - wonder - 05-21-2020


She is so completely dazzled by the affection she finds waiting for her in the backs of those warm brown eyes when he bumps his muzzle against her. It feels like she has done nothing to deserve such unadulterated love from anyone in her life, like her love is only capable of corrosion and falling short. But his constant light is like a balm that heals her every day, fills in the jagged chasms of an even more jagged heart with the sound of promised warmth and laughter in his voice.

She takes a mouthful of his mane to tug him in close, curling her delicate body around him as carefully as she can, like she used to do when he was still small. But he’s hardly small at all anymore, and she realises in a moment that his size now dwarfs her more delicate body. How can it be that her little boy is already all grown up? It seems so impossible as she reaches up to gently sweep his forelock aside with careful lips, searching his eyes for that easy warmth.

“Ahh,” she says, and the sound of his chuckle feels like sunshine in her weary chest, “how exciting.” Her eyes sparkle like sunshine in the crest of a seafoam wave. There is laughter in her words now, and a smile that so easily reaches her eyes. The names he gave his friends will never not amuse her - especially Lockie, named after her husband. “I’m sure Lockie will be a great mother. Do you have any names in mind for the new pups?”

She laughs aloud when he grabs a mouthful of her mane, and then leans in to nuzzle his brow and that soft place behind his ear. “I am absolutely certain, with not even an ounce of doubt, that no puppy will ever be as fun as you and your brother were.” She yanks gently at his mane, pulling his head down closer so she can groom him with gentle lips while she retells the story he loves so much.

“You came second, with Thorn, and I had no idea you boys would be wolves, so imagine my surprise when there you were with paws and snouts and the tiniest pointy teeth I’ve ever seen in my life.” She’s smiling now, so soft and gentle because she loves how much he loves to hear the tale. “You were so handsome, all the colors of autumn in every single strand of soft fur, and your eyes the same shade they are now.” She kisses his brow. “And then you looked around like it was the most wonderful thing you could ever imagine to be alive, and that each new thing you noticed was that much better than the one that came before.”

i am brambles but i am tangled in your love


RE: i am brambles but i am tangled in your love; tamlin - Tamlin - 07-26-2020

Tamlin is already grinning when his mom asks about names he’s picked out. He doesn’t even need to think about it - he’s had a running list in his head about what names he’s going to use for the wolves. “Aeb, Rosie, and Wonda are what I’ve come up with so far.” It’s only right that every single member of his family has some wolf named after them. He laughs a little as he finally says this collection out loud. He can’t wait to see whether Rosie is a boy or a girl.

But, he’s always up for new suggestions! “Do you have any ideas?”

He stands patiently, happily, as his mother grooms him while recounting the tale of his birth - it’s such a fun, ridiculous story. The perfect start of a fun and ridiculous life.

“I still look at everything like that.” He comments with a burst of his warm, hearty laughter. And just to mix things up a little bit, Tamlin decides to change the subject from himself - even though he does so dearly love hearing about himself. “Do wolves run in our family?” Wonders idly, his brown eyes moving to the jungle surrounding them as though he’ll see some golden eyes peeking out from the shadows.

t a m l i n

artwork by space1993
