All mimsy were the borogoves;any - Printable Version

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All mimsy were the borogoves;any - Sarkis - 08-09-2015


  She seemed to flutter through the Jungle foliage, the leafy greens brushing her backside with each step. It wasn’t unusual to see the roan filly roaming about on her own, the epitome of warmth and happiness. Sometimes, if they were so unlucky, she could be seen talking someone’s ear off. A look of inconvenience on their face as they thought of a polite excuse to free themselves from her trap. The past year though, they had learned, learned to avoid the girls ramblings. Just as well if they could not avoid her, they had learned to tolerate the very vocal young lady.

  Today, was a day for usual company. Jungle animal company. She was such a bright child, cheerful and open child, the animals did not regard her as a threat. It was not odd for her to be seen yapping at the resident creatures. Though most let her be, even tolerated her company, there were still some that she avoided. The crocodiles for example could not be reasoned with, no matter how hard she had tried. Sarkis had become quite a mother hen to be honest, perhaps because the animals were so submissive. Not one to like being bossed about, she found that when the tables were turned, well, she liked to do the bossing. That is if you could really consider it bossing. It was the usual helpful thoughts of a concerned mother that passed her lips. Did you clean behind your ears? She would ask the monkeys as they sat in groups grooming, sometimes even picking her mane clean of nits. You have to eat the leaves too, not just the petals. She coaxed a young elephant, whom had taken to plucking off only the tops of the blooms. Look both ways before crossing the path.’ She harped on two Ant eaters crossing her path. Hardly what one might consider controlling.

  Currently she was conversing with a sloth, though she was doing most of the talking. At the very least, sloths were good listeners.

RE: All mimsy were the borogoves;any - Scorch - 08-19-2015


My dear little Sarkis, how curious you are. Since day one you were the best kind of trouble – all go and no stop. A good listener to be sure, but an even better talker. For years it seems you can blabber on, never missing the chance to get a word in edgewise. One day I’m sure you’ll have no trouble putting that to good use on the diplomatic side of things. And unlike your mother, you’ll be making your parents proud; they, at least, have the capacity of being proud of you. When Scorch was your age, well… There was no winning. Even now, Scorch still fumbles over whether Echion is proud of her accomplishments or simply disdainful and worried over the blood missing between them.

Ears twitching when a familiar, feminine voice pierces the general boom of things, the Khaleesi looks over her shoulder with something of bemusement and slight fear. This one really did inherit the crazy. Charred lips cracking into a smile at the thought, Scorch swivels her hips and crashes through the dense underbrush, ducking her head so as not to disturb the sloth in question.

Unusually affectionate – and pregnant – Scorch extends her naked grey neck to bump her yearling daughter’s jaw with the tip of her hard nose. Straightening, she swishes her tail in a slightly playful, slightly concerned manner. “Who’s today’s best friend, Sar?” She rumbles, smiling. However much prejudice she may hold against her daughters, Scorch simply cannot be cold towards her youngest today. Every other daughter got the hard treatment… And however unfair, Scorch has finally decided to at least try and be nice.

Wish her luck.


Khaleesi of the Amazon Jungle

RE: All mimsy were the borogoves;any - Sarkis - 08-29-2015

is mommy a rhino in this post? D: i will edit if not


The creature simply looked back at the young filly, blinking its big eyes slowly as words tumbled out her mouth. It did not speak back of course, nor did it seem to make any acknowledgement of her declarations. It peered down, uninterested as it clung to a branch wrong-side up. It did however seem to be smiling, its flat face and protruding forehead quite amusing. It was kind of cute, in an ugly sort of way. The green-tinted, shaggy hair covered its body like a cheap wig.

The crashing through the leaves and vines, the roots and stems, does not go unnoticed by the young roan. Her dainty ears flick against her dark mane, her neck and head turn just in time to be greeted with a nose bump. An odd sight if not an adorable one, the lightest of touch against the girls jaw. She knew it was her mother, even before the ton sized herbivore spoke. Sarkis was friendly, even overly so, but a grown rhinoceros rarely had reason to approach her.  The babes sometimes allowed her quick visits, their mothers not far off, keeping a close stink-eye on her.

An excited nicker left her mouth, a jubilant noise as she rubbed her velvet nose to the rough gray. ”Im not exactly sure!” As always, everything was excitement. Emotion rushing out through her words as she spoke them, creating contagious atmosphere. ”I think I will just call him ‘Smiles’, look at his funny flat face.” Her hazel eyes darted back to the odd fury creature, and still it sat staring at them both. ”He stays so still mama, just hanging there upside down all day, I don’t think he’s moved a single inch.” She found this rather impressive, and wished to impart the information to her mother.  Sarkis could never have accomplished such a feat, even the thought was a terrible idea to her.