1 2 3 take my hand and come with me {{Felinae / open}} - Printable Version

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1 2 3 take my hand and come with me {{Felinae / open}} - Ghoest - 09-27-2015

{we all are living in a dream}
{and life aint what it seems}
That large "K" scarred across her side, bald and grey, stood out so well from her otherwise gorgeous roan coat. Still, Ghoest was happy, despite everything that had ever happened to her. Sure she had issues, probably more than most, but the little roan fae felt like she was quite possibly free for the first time in her life. Her son was grown and had left to have his own life, so now the mare was eager to meet new faces, and approach life without fear.

Living with Khaos had been hard, but as she had so painfully discovered living without him was just as difficult, possibly even more so. At least with that brute she had had a home, plentiful food and someone that protected her from the other brutes. With his death she had needed to learn how to take care of herself; something she'd never done before. And on top of that she'd needed to take care of her son as well. It had definitely been rough, but Ghoest had managed to get through relatively unscathed. Hopefully no more mistakes would be made.

She lifted her nose to the air and bellowed out a joyful neigh, eager to greet the others in the meadow. Ghoest still wasn't too sure how to approach others, as a youngster the mare missed out on every bit of socializing that most others horses had the opportunity to learn. And living with Khaos hadn't helped... most of the time she talked to anyone there it ended with a fresh bruise on her roan pelt.

Ghoest trotted playfully through the area, throwing in a couple bucks as she did. It was so perfect, everything was just so perfect. How could the sky be such a perfect shade of rich blue? How could the songs of the birds be so cheerful? Had some equines been blessed with this freedom since birth? Eventually she slowed to a stop, with a couple darkened, damp patches showing on her chest and behind her elbows, and she neighed again. Certainly there were horses around, their dark bodies spread around the landscape almost as if they had been painted there. A small frown crawled across her maw. Did nobody want to meet her?
tags Felinae / Open, 374 words. notes, _______.

RE: 1 2 3 take my hand and come with me {{Felinae / open}} - Felinae - 09-27-2015

I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.

The small bird spreads her blue wings, letting the breeze carry her on. It was nice to feel the wind underneath her wings again while the sun warmed her back. She flies across the lands, across the horses that stood spread around the meadow and even passed by a few trees that were poorly gathered together. These lands had been her home for a long time now and most of it she had spent in solitude. But with the appearance of Zeik – during a time she had most needed the company – things had changed. No longer did Felinae feel lonely, as now she had someone to come back to.

As she flies above the lands, moving her wings to keep her body go forward, she hears the call coming from below. Slightly the left she spots a roan form and her sharp eyes notice the strange marking on her side. In a reply she calls out to the mare, but the shrill sound gets lost in the wind. Knowing how lonely she once had felt in these fields the bluebird starts to circle as she slowly nears the ground. She lands to the ground not too far away from the still stranger, not too close but still in sight. And then she shifts.

Shifting wasn’t something that always happened gracefully, but luckily today was one of the better days. At the place the small bluebird had landed now stood a young bluish mare. Just like her feathers her coat sported a blue color and just like the mare in front of her she had was a roan. Softly Felinae whinnies, replying to the mare’s earlier call as she carefully steps closer. Not at all had she thought of the fact that her shifting could surprise the other, or maybe even scare. She simply was too young and too enthusiastic for that, not really able to think things through yet. ”Hello” she softly greets as a warm smile adorns her lips. ”I’m Felinae, and who might you be?”

RE: 1 2 3 take my hand and come with me {{Felinae / open}} - Ghoest - 09-28-2015

{we all are living in a dream}
{and life aint what it seems}
The roan vixen hung her head a bit. Though a couple other horses had tilted their heads in her direction, every single one of them had returned either to eating or their chatter with friends. Her heart sank deep into her gut, and the pressing, claustrophobic loneliness started to smother her. It was one thing to feel invisible, but she felt all too visible and entirely ignored. A long sigh escaped her maw as Ghoest glanced around, looking for a direction to head.

Only moments later a small bird landed a little ways off, and seemed to stare at Ghoest. "Well hello there cutie," she hummed towards the bird, blue and beautiful as the sky. In a swift whir of confusion, the tiny little bird began the grow and bulge, like a strange claymation. Within seconds the charming bug-eater had stretched and morphed into a blue hued equine. Ghoest was terrified but also fascinated, and being unable to move her entire body flinched with her feet planted firmly into the ground. Red soldiers perked forward on her skull to catch the soft sounds of a friendly whinny, and Ghoest visibly relaxed.

She was pleasantly surprised by the visit, though perhaps a bit startled. A slightly shaky smile immediately crawled across her small muzzle as she knickered in return. This blue fae seemed friendly enough.

"I'm Ghoest...."

Suddenly the mare wasn't really sure what to do. While she longed for company, the lessons she had learned her entire life took over and she felt as if she shouldn't really be speaking. Though the stranger in front of her was clearly young, Ghoest had always been at the bottom of the ranks, beaten silly for talking out of turn or for not saying the right thing. A look of concentration furrowed her brow as she briefly gazed at the ground and unconsciously ducked her head a bit closer to the ground. "Um... how are you doing today? You did startle me a bit with the bird thing, but it's pretty cool..."
tags felinae / open, 339 words. notes, _______.

RE: 1 2 3 take my hand and come with me {{Felinae / open}} - Felinae - 09-29-2015

I'm so excited, delighted. I won't deny it or fight it.

Her ears catches the words just moments before she shifted and now she stands in front of the red roan as a young mare. Well, this was obviously a little strange, it wasn’t every day that she hears someone call her cute. Even Zeik hadn’t used that word during their meetings. The sudden fear was easily to be read on the other mare’s face and Felinae couldn’t help but to feel somewhat… guilty. She wants to step closer, but the young bluish girl doesn’t move, afraid that her new found company would flee if she did.

Carefully she approaches Ghoest and the smile on her lips grows. ”It’s nice to meet you, Ghoest” she replies and at the same time she dips her head. From the looks of it she had been through a lot, but that didn’t meant that the young mare didn’t respect her elders. So every time that the red roan lowers her head Feli follows that example. It eventually causes her to whinny softly, as she steps even closer to the older mare. Hoping she would not offend Ghoest she even steps in the mare’s personal space, pressing her nose gently against the mare’s cheek in attempt to guide her head up again. And only when she was content enough she stepped backwards again.

Now it is her time to get flustered. If it was possible for horses to blush, her cheeks would have supported a crimson red color. She instantly realises how stupid it had been to shift like that in front of a stranger, especially since she had been so close to Ghoest. Her dark blue head dips closer to the ground as she casts her gaze down too, mumbling a soft ”I’m sorry..” Carefully Felinae looks up, meeting the other’s gaze again. ”I didn’t meant to startle you.. but yeah, it’s pretty cool. I love to hover on the wind, it makes me feel so free” she starts to enthusiastically ramble. Her youth shows in this, not able to stop herself and consider another’s feelings.

Felinae shakes her body and rolls her shoulders, as if she tried to stretch her wings out. Her muscles are a slightly sore from the flight and standing still like this doesn’t make it any better. But she had landed to spend time with this mare and so she would, unless Ghoest, of course, didn’t want her to. ”I’m good. Even though it’s cold, the sun shines so it’s a great day go out” she finally comes back to the first question that was asked, a silly grin adorning her lips. ”And you? How are you doing. And what brought you out here in the meadow?” Felinae is not at all aware that her questions might be impropriate. Partly because of her youth, but also because of the time she had spent on her own. To be around others is new for the cobalt blue roan girl, yet she thoroughly enjoys it.

OOC: Not my best post, blame it on me being sickish. And I guess I got a little carried away~