Cat Scratch Fever ( Lagertha & Rhy & Any ) - Printable Version

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Cat Scratch Fever ( Lagertha & Rhy & Any ) - Naga - 11-07-2015

She takes her time coming back from the meadow. She had been slinking around the outskirts of the jungle and slacking off in the meadow. Naga is five now, no longer a naive, wobbly filly. She knew it was time to take the sisterhood more seriously. They had taken her in when she was young and scared for her life, Scorch lead her in with open arms. She regrets not taking initiative and actually participating in her "adoptive" home.

The compact mare presses on, her long ebony tail flicking lightly. Even though she is not in her alternative feline form, she still shows catlike mannerisms. The warm orange light washed over her back, the sun was beginning to set here in her beloved jungle. She can smell her sisters and the warm lush scent of the jungle. Naga slinks, her head low, large green eyes glowing in the sunlight, her movement is practically without sound.


She thinks to herself as she now passes the border. She is happy to see all is well, nothing is on fire so that is good, right? She does not know of Scorch's passing, nor that Lagertha is now Khaleesi, since she has been ignoring life completely. Her pace pushes into a slow comfortable trot, her tail still flicking. She lets out a warm welcoming deep whinny. Her mouth curves into a warm smile. Home again home again, she forgot how beautiful it is. The vines draping beautifully along green mossy rain forest trees, all the lush foliage and warm soil. Nothing was better than this, she couldn't ever think of leaving this place for anywhere else. Plus where else would a panther prowl? Certainly not a cold mountain top or a dense forest of pines...she was meant for the humid jungle life.

She comes to a stand still by a small stream, this seemed like a good place to collect herself. Plan out what she would do from here, maybe she would find Scorch and tell her she is ready to join the ranks. Though, being the feline minded girl she is, she would much rather shift and climb into a tree and find a nice sunny branch to bask on. But alas, she cannot, but she can always find a little time to bask...


the jungle panther of atrox and shadowmere

RE: Cat Scratch Fever ( Lagertha & Any ) - Lagertha - 11-11-2015

I am iron and I forge myself

Like recruits, Lagertha puts little faith in the children of the Jungle until they decide to swear their allegiance (and even then, actions speak louder than oaths) or are actively learning throughout their childhood. She is glad to see Nayl around again, and hopes that Sarkis and Vi will stay in the land their mother loved so much. Anguisette she doesn’t have to worry about, though the mother in her would like her children to meet sometime soon. If Fennick keeps his word, the Princess will have the freedom to come and go as she pleases, so perhaps she will return home for  brief visit sometime soon. If not, well she doubts Vidar will leave before he is two.

She doesn’t worry about her second son, either. She tries to foster a sense of independence in her children from a very young age, encouraging them to explore the hidden mysteries of the Jungle while she takes care of the day-to-day minutiae of kingdom business. A call sounds from somewhere - it is muffled by the density of the trees, but it sounds vaguely familiar. It comes from inside the Kingdom too, which means it isn’t an outsider. Hmmm… Lagertha turns on her heels to investigate, picking up an easy trot in the general direction of where she thinks it came from, relying on her smell from there on out.

Eventually she finds the black and white mare, and while she can’t immediately identify the woman, something pokes and needles at the back of her mind. In the end, despite the fact that she can’t place the face or smell, something tells warrior Queen chooses not to be overly hostile. Just a little bit. Cause the trespassers (if she is one) are getting on her goddamn nerves. “If you’re not a returning sister, I strongly suggest you get the fuck out of my Kingdom.”

That’s only a little hostile, right?


warrior queen of the amazons

RE: Cat Scratch Fever ( Lagertha & Any ) - Rhy - 11-12-2015

and when i breathed

my breath was lightning

She knows that call. It takes Rhy a minute to place it, but she knows the sound of that voice. It’s one thing she’s always been rather good at, remembering faces and names and smells and sounds. It makes her job as a diplomat far easier, when she can recall who she’s met in the past. Introducing yourself to someone who’s remembers meeting you never makes for a particularly good impression.

Then, after a moment, the feline edge to the sound hits Rhy, and she grins. Naga.

Rhy had a particular affinity to the girl, given that they both lived as both horse and cat. Naga actually belonged in the Jungle as a panther, unlike Rhy’s lioness form. But still, they could pull out claws and play without worrying much about hurting the other. There were only so many Rhy could actually be herself (or at least one part of herself) with.

Not that Lag didn’t enjoy some roughhousing, but in the end, Rhy had to be careful even with Lag. She was tough as hell, certainly, but she scratched just like anyone else.

Rhy slips through the Jungle easily, catching Lagertha’s almost friendly greeting. It was the best anyone could expect from their Warrior Queen, honestly. But Rhy just chuckles as she slips from the trees and into view of the others. “Naga. I almost didn’t recognize you. You’ve grown so much.” But she knows it’s Naga, without a doubt.


the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle

RE: Cat Scratch Fever ( Lagertha & Any ) - Naga - 11-27-2015

Soft soil sinks slightly underhoof as Naga leaned down for a sip of cool fresh jungle stream. As she gulps away contently the trickling stream the sound of quickly approaching hooves cues her dark head to rise swiftly. Her green eyes wide and ears pricked far forward. Ready for anything, she holds her ground curiously. The owner of the hoofbeats comes into view, it takes Naga a moment to comprehend the mare before her. She held herself like a queen, yet….she was not Scorch. As the mare booms a...straightforward greeting Naga’s eyes grow wider. As she is about to reply, another joins them. She could recognize her...but it took her until she began to speak that Naga realized who she was. Rhy...she was so warm and reassuring the day she and Scorch took her in. Naga smiled brightly. Her now deepened voice flowed like silk, definitely much more grown up than the last time they had seen each other.

”Rhy! It is so good to see you, aha, yes, I’ve done a bit of growing.”

Her tail flicks happily, though she then turns her attention to the other mare. She felt rude that she got caught up in her excitement. It was unlike her not to address that, she is quite an honest and blunt girl.

”I am sorry, I got consumed by my excitement. Rhy was one of the mares who took me in and gave me sanctuary as a foal. To me she is the closest I have to resembling a family member figure. I do not believe I have met you before. I am Naga, Scorch and Rhy took me in here when I was a filly. I’ve spent time in the meadow, trying to find myself, but my soul brought me back here. I know this is where my heart is. So yes, I am a returning sister. A forever sister.”

She pauses again, her words full of honesty and passion. Her attention then flicks back to her curiosity of the whereabouts of Scorch. She may not have spent time with Scorch or talked with her much, but she was the first one to find her and give her a home...that was the most motherly thing anyone had done for her. Scorch was her vision of a mother. Her eyes hopeful as she looks to the dark grey mare that seemed emanate...royalty.

”Pardon my asking but, is Scorch still here? I’ve been gone for a good amount of time, I was hoping to see her when I came back.”

Little does she know that the mare before her took the place as Queen, and that Scorch had passed on. Though she would not be completely distraught, she would probably be quiet for a while, but with the greeting she received she wondered what type of personality this mare possessed. Who was she, what is her position. All would be known soon. As for Rhy...she knew the mare was a feline shifter as well...she hoped that after all the greetings and chatting that they could have a little fun feline scuffle...she could use a little practice using those claws. They could come in handy someday.


the jungle panther of atrox and shadowmere

ugh sorry its so late!! It got buried and I totally forgot I could subscribe to threads, but hey I found it and its not too late since she has not really talked to much of anyone yet!

RE: Cat Scratch Fever ( Lagertha & Rhy & Any ) - Lagertha - 12-08-2015

I am iron and I forge myself

Rhy’s soothing voice interrupts whatever confrontation may have occurred, not only because Lagertha is loathe to be so brazenly violent in front of her, but also because she identifies the mare by name, and seems fine with her presence. So the iron lady sheathes her proverbial claws, but doesn’t apologize, simply nodding her head as an indication that she is now ok with the situation. The mare’s explanation is wordy, and she finds she doesn’t have much patience for it - but that’s just how she is. Why say something in ten words when you can say it in five?

“Well then welcome back, Naga. I’m Lagertha - was probably the General when you were a filly.” She pauses. Apparently Scorch was more popular than she thought the old hag was. This news of her death thing was getting old. “Unfortunately, Scorch is no longer with us. She passed away about two or so years ago. I’m Khaleesi now, and Rhy is Erinak.” She offers the gold and white woman a smile and allows it to continue on to Naga. “Nice to meet you. Looking forward to seeing you around the Jungle.” For Lagertha, that’s about all the niceties and pleasantries a stranger will get. She purposefully looks behind Naga, as if something is demanding her attention. “I’ll leave you two to catch up.” And with that, she slips back off into the greenery, no doubt taking care of something else on her perpetual to-do list.


warrior queen of the amazons

sorry, she's not one for small talk!

RE: Cat Scratch Fever ( Lagertha & Rhy & Any ) - Rhy - 12-11-2015

and when i breathed

my breath was lightning

Rhy isn’t entirely surprised when Lagertha takes her leave. She was a little more hell bent on the Amazons living up to their warrior women status than Scorch had been. Not that Rhy necessarily blames her for that (or ever expected anything different), but of course, the two have never really agreed on that matter. Rhy would pick peace in a heartbeat, would try to stop a war if she could. Of course, she’s also not naïve enough to think that they can stop the Chamber. No, Straia and her crew were pretty hell bent on war. At least the Sisters decided to aide the Gates…though really, for Rhy, it didn’t help.

She wouldn’t be fighting. Lagertha knew this. It was a war that pitted one side of Rhy’s family against the other. Besides, Rhy could pretty much single-handedly defend the Jungle, so her and a few others together could keep any intruders out. She would be more useful in the Jungle than on the battle field, if someone she was told to fight her own cousin. Not that she didn’t think Lagertha wouldn’t take Straia for herself.

Oh dear god. Best not think about that one.

She grins at Naga instead and simply asks, “How have you been Naga? I’m glad you’ve decided to come back for good.”


the electric lioness of riagan and rayelle