into the lions den--any - Printable Version

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into the lions den--any - Imogin - 12-08-2015

Well the mare knew it was high time for her to uphold her end of the bargain to Prague. The silver hell-cat could be anywhere right now. With a big breath, the young mare-child makes her way towards the scent of other equines. The spring air mingled hotly with the humidity of the jungle and the scent of women. The sequined skinned girl walks on thin legs. The scar, a tell-tale of her binding terms, ripples the sequined skin. Imo knows she will stand out but she is happy. The magician woman had granted her the ability to change her skin but now she should do the polite thing and introduce herself to the rest of the Amazon women.

Dark eyes peer out and strain for any signs of life. Lobes flicker and waltz till she catches sounds of other mares. A call is given as to not startle anyone and to be respectful. She nears the other creatures and begins without much hesitation should decide to take her for a trespasser. "Amazons, I am at your service. As part of a bargain with your magician, Prague." Vocals are high and thin as a filly's is. She falls silent and waits for a response or order or both. The youth did not know what they could have in mind for her payment for the magic.


silver white sequined daughter of giacomo and yoal

((sorry it's short...i hate intro posts Tongue))

RE: into the lions den--any - Naga - 12-08-2015

It felt nice to be back in the jungle after so many days milling around the field looking for recruits. She had a few run ins, but none have worked out in her favor thus far. She doesn’t understand how this place is not more appealing than being a herd mare or just not being interested...ugh. Oh well. At least she is home now. No point in sulking over the unimportant. Right now was about the time she should take a little stroll around the borders of the jungle kingdom.

She walks by small groups of her fellow sisters, she would stop to say hello, but she is on a self appointed mission.

Her compact black body careens through vine and moss covered trees and hooves crushing through the fresh spring undergrowth. She is calm, so far nothing seemed out of the ordinary. No disturbances to be seen or heard. Every step of the way she is more and more satisfied with the calmness and indifference. Though, soon enough a young sounding call made its way into swiveling black ears. Naga whipped around toward the call, picking up her pace to a lofty trot. Her head held high as she searches between the trees and lush tall ferns that adorn the territory.


She is practically blinded, the filly was….sequins? Naga’s green eyes are wide, this filly managed to draw in the most curious of equines. She walks closer to the filly and stands in awe as she begins to speak.

At their service?? Oh….yes...Prague..that was the mare she had seen in the field. She remembered her from when she was recruiting and came across Prague inviting the mare, her daughter, to the jungle. Though she has yet to speak to Prague, she now knows who she is. Naga smiles warmly, and her deep, silky voice is welcoming.

”Oh, Prague has had you come here? If it is not too much to ask, but what do you mean by bargain? Well anyhow, welcome to the Amazon’s jungle. My name is Naga, I am a diplomat here…..wait, did you come all the way here...ALONE?

She pauses, giving the sparkling filly time to respond. Her curiosity is more than piqued. She wonders what bargain the elusive Prague has made with this very flashy filly. And where in the world were her parents!? Though, this wasn’t strange to her at all. She herself came here as a filly, trying to run away from her completely batshit crazy mother. She begins to wonder if this filly is doing the same. If so, maybe she would make a friend in this filly.

The compact black feline-esque mare steps a bit closer to offer her muzzle in formal greeting. She wonders if the filly will stay. She then flicks her tail slightly in the direction of the kingdom and takes a few steps. She looks over her shoulder to the sequin filly and speaks again.

”Well, how about we bring you up to the kingdom and we will find Prague and or Lagertha. Can’t very well leave you out here at the border by yourself.

She begins to walk forward, looking behind her and smiling lightly.

So, what is your name? You have a lovely coat.”

With that she falls silent, leaving the rest to the filly. Naga smiled, in her mind the filly looked like a disco ball. How she knows what a disco ball is? No one knows. But it would be nice to get to know this filly. Maybe she did come here under similar circumstances.


the jungle panther of atrox and shadowmere

RE: into the lions den--any - Lagertha - 12-09-2015

I am iron and I forge myself

The Jungle is a unique place; it has always seemed to have more magic than other lands, even though they are all now equal. There are parts unexplored, and a thousand different creatures they don’t even have names for  at the moment; their sounds create a continuous cacophony unlike any other. Every other Kingdom’s noise is silence in comparison. That’s purely speculation, of course, and a blatant bias. She’d never been to the blinding sands of the Desert or to the burned husk of the Valley. She’s never felt the Chamber pulse beneath her hooves. But every time Lagertha leaves the Jungle and then returns, there’s something that settles in her, something that she likes to think recognizes her and her lineage, and knows her heart in a way that even Rhy does not. Why else would it give her immortality, with the caveat that she must serve the eternity of her days for her Kingdom? Not just for the time that she reigns as Khaleesi - but for forever.

She will have to live with the outcome of this war for all of time, so they better fucking come out on top; stronger, and without regrets.

Lagertha and Naga are very different, which means that the panther-sister is probably a far better welcoming committee than the gunmetal gray Queen could ever be. She represents the harder side of the Sisterhood, the stereotypical iron fist and attitude and pride, while the younger woman is loquacious and enthusiastic. Anyone who could persevere beyond an initial meeting with the two of them would be a valuable asset. The Khaleesi moves quietly through the dense brush, no longer hindered by arcing, striated horns that rustled the flora unnecessarily. The monkeys and bird keep to their usual chattering, used to her presence beneath them. They call out to warn their earth-bound, four-legged friends of danger and strangers, not to betray their presence. Lagertha picks out a different sound now - voices - and turns to make her way towards the border. There must be a visitor.

She doesn’t quite make it, though, when she is suddenly blinded by some stray rays of light that made it through the canopy, falling on  - she blinks furiously, side-stepping to get out of the way of the twinkling lights. “Jesus christ!” Lagertha identifies Naga, and addresses her concerns to the sister. “Naga. Who is this… bright girl?”


warrior queen of the amazons

RE: into the lions den--any - Imogin - 12-09-2015

Well now in all of Imo's eight months of life this was certainly exciting! One moment she was the pukey green gross pony but she was something! Glinting and practically glow with every step, her little head up as the stubby silver threaded tail follows behind. It was a small blessing to the young girl that Naga had heard her, sought her out. Little girls did not survive well alone in the world.

Naga's face says it all. Imo was certainly making a splash and she gave silent thanks to Prague. The pretty ebony woman talks to Naga nicely. She is the first to be so kind. The youth attempts to explain herself to this nice female. Her smaller sparkled nose bumps the larger velvet black one just as a 'Jesus Christ!' comes bellowing out. Dark eyes flick upward to a steely gray woman who talks over Imogin. The younger female smiles to both women. "I'm Imogin!" Her voice is a bit too excited, too enthusiastic but she can not hide it. Finally she was beginning to feel like she belonged. "I made a deal", she begins, "with Prague and now I am here to fulfill my promise..." A crooked smile touches her lips,  bits of light reflecting. Her small heart beats erratically, the scar from Prague's lion claw on her chest throbs slightly with the movement. "For two years." She finished with a small girlish smile as dark eyes move Naga's face to Lagertha's. Imo is young and does not know what she could potentially have gotten herself into but things were looking up for the once abandoned filly. Perhaps sequins and Amazons could be the best thing that had ever happen to her.


silver white sequined daughter of giacomo and yoal

RE: into the lions den--any - Lagertha - 12-31-2015

I am iron and I forge myself

All Lagertha can think is that it’s a damn good thing that they aren’t feral beasts who rely on camoflauge and subtlety to stay alive. A green girl like that might do well here - but a bedazzled one would be easy prey for anything big within a fifty foot radius. She’s personally never cared whether or not she was beautiful, trading in muscle and stamina for long, crinkly locks and slender, lithe frame any day. Her type of partner would see the beauty in her strength, elegance in her hard lines and a riveting story in her scars and onyx crown of thorns. She has yet to meet whoever this ideal partner is… but so long as Lagertha serves the jungle, she has all the time in the world. Even after she ceases to be Khaleesi.

“I see…” Interesting. Interesting indeed. She isn’t against a little bit of indentured servitude, though really, let’s not call it that. Instead, Lagertha gives the sparkly girl a curt nod and a half-smile. “Welcome, Imogin. I’m Lagertha. When you get a bit older, we can find something for you to do.” There is always something to do, even for someone who isn’t sure if they’ll stay. “Naga is a good guide. I’m sure she’ll do well at showing you the ropes.”

Lord know Lagertha doesn't have the time to do it right now.


warrior queen of the amazons

RE: into the lions den--any - Imogin - 01-05-2016

baby, you were born to sparkle
Imo looks to the older mare and sees a rawness in her that the young bedazzled mare does not possess. Imo knows this is one of the many reasons that she is the queen of the wild mares. But on the hindsight, Imo feels that perhaps Lagertha does not care much for the sequined girl and it's slightly hurtful in her young years but there is a life lesson somewhere in the murk that Imo will remember years from now but let's move along from that...

Bright eyes looks to the inky black woman with a crooked little smile and back to the queen mare and she follows the hard woman's curt nod with her on. Imo would try to be more like this woman for she was queen for a reason and the youth would try to mimic as so if she wants to make a better impression. "I'm ready whenever you need me." Tones are low and soft but solid. The young woman is almost scared to meet Lagertha's gaze but forces herself to if she is to be brave and helpful to the sister mares. It's time to crawl out from her shell.