“What do you fear, lady?' he asked. 'A cage,' she said.”; Ashara - Printable Version

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“What do you fear, lady?' he asked. 'A cage,' she said.”; Ashara - Ygritte - 03-01-2016


The salmon pointed mare did not waste any time escorting the golden woman from the field. Tinted lobes flicker without any pause as Ygritte stands beside Ashara. The palomino had happened upon Beqanna in a time of turmoil. A slight smile touches the bay mare's lips as she moves, encouraging the honey colored mare to follow suit. Though the bay was now visibly pregnant, she still moved quickly.

A few moments pass before Ygritte speaks, relaxing more so once they put some space between them and the field. "The Falls is a wonderful home, Ashara. You will be happy there." Her tones are genuine but touched slightly with a bit of worry. She chooses to speak no more as the pair pass through the edge of Forest Frontiers and the Cascade.

The scent of the mist is what first greets them on the very cusp of the Falls territory. A smile crosses Ygritte's lips and she sighs softly as the slender limbs (a bit swollen) pick up and the wide belly swings in return. "Home sweet home, my friend." Visage cast over a shoulder to witness the palomino's reaction to the thick foliage and freshness of the waters. Each hoof-fall draws them to the center, the very source of their name sake. At first it is a lull like static on a channel-less television but the closer they drew the louder it became till a roar, a throb, a heartbeat.

"We are a small kingdom but we are growing..." Her smile fades and her features cloud, brow furrowed slightly. "The past king...he was preoccupied with other things." Ygritte speaks methodically, plucking her words like the prettiest roses. She would be civil despite recent events. Hell, Ygritte knew when he stepped up it was only because Shatter Me had abandoned the kingdom and her daughter never seemed to have taken the crown at all and so the old grizzled bay took their places just for that- a place marker. Like a strip of faded paper in an old book.

"You are free to come and go as you please should you desire a herd life as well. But should you feel to want to dedicate yourself to the Falls we have a caste system, sides, if you will. Sides consisting of a balance between warriors and diplomats. I hope perhaps either of those sounding appealing." She shifts her weight, belly swaying slightly. Ygritte wished to end her introduction but there was still more she needed to inform Ashara. "On the outside of our land is a war going on between the Gates and the Chamber. Other sides such as the Amazons, the Dale, and the Valley have allied themselves with their chosen side. The Falls has decided to remain neutral though we extend our waters to everyone." The healing powers of the Falls was indeed a great asset. "I believe the war to end soon." Her words are steely and certain. Beqanna could not continue to rage or it would tear itself apart like in the old times.

Ygritte gives herself a shake, flicking the salmon hued tresses in a lively splay. Spring was finally embracing Beqanna and the warmth of the dappled sunlight along with the light humidity of the waterfall's mist warmed the mare's flesh, thawing her bones from a long winter. She straightens herself now, smoothing bits of flowers that stuck in her mane. The sounds of fresh spring chicks reaching them in the crispness of the late morning.



RE: “What do you fear, lady?' he asked. 'A cage,' she said.”; Ashara - Ashara - 03-03-2016

The past events still felt like a dream she’d soon wake up from; The winged equine, the unusual colourings of the confident mare, and now the sight of the falls. It was a breathtakingly beautiful scene. Years of seclusion given up for not just a herd, however small, but for a residence to put down roots, a place to relax.
The golden vixen carefully took in the details of the journey home: the scents and landmarks should she ever leave. That was a well learned skill, subtle social cues on the other hand, were not.
Ashara hung on to every word like it was life or death while amber orbs were on the terrain. There was something very enchanting and royal about the expectant mother. Honey coloured cranium nodding slightly, and encouragingly as the other spoke. A soft smile touching her lips at the absence of a king. Brute’s acted like a whole different breed with all that testosterone and ego anyway, would be nice to have all the benefits without the consequences. The news of war would have been troubling if the messenger wasn’t so calm and neutral. The palomino trusted her and she felt a strong obligation to contribute, to prove her loyalty and gratitude. Silence lingered for a moment to allow processing of the data. ”I would be interested in mediation. Please tell me more?” Although unafraid and adept to fighting if need be, this eccentric and foreign world would surely squash such an insignificant adolescent. But she would learn and grow to make this mother figure proud. And peace is so much easier than war. If it wasn’t the Flaxen femme would still be fighting wolves in solitude.

Wherever I am, is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

RE: “What do you fear, lady?' he asked. 'A cage,' she said.”; Ashara - Ygritte - 03-04-2016


Ashara brings a warmth with her as she enters the Falls. Ygritte can feel it and it helps to welcome her more easily into the bay's home. Kreios was off protecting his family and the little kingdom only seemed to be livened by Ygritte. It seems as months had passed since her mate, Mandan, had been there but he too was now gone without so much as a goodbye. Ygritte did not blame him nor was she upset for his abandonment had forced her to be strong. You must always try to see the silver lining.

Amber pools watch as her new friend relaxes in the spring sunlight. Her features  currently occupied by her surroundings. Ygritte knew that it could be very overwhelming. Ygritte did not know much of the honey colored woman but she hoped in time Ashara would come to tell her the story of her life before Beqanna.

"The diplomatic side, as I'm sure you realize, is our peace caste. We are in charge of attending meetings on behalf of the Falls. Other responsibilities are to conduct steals, friendly or unfriendly, as well as recruiting new kingdom members." Coral and sienna woman speaks with a slight curl to her lips, her own voice sounded much more confident than before. Perhaps she was getting the hang of this whole queen thing. But nonetheless she is glad that Ashara was here with her. It would be nice to have a friend. "I'm glad you decided to joins the Falls, Ashara. We may be small kingdom but perhaps with your help we can grow." Ygritte gives her a little smirk and a nod to punctuate the sentence.


[sorry this is short, beginnings threads can be weird lol]

RE: “What do you fear, lady?' he asked. 'A cage,' she said.”; Ashara - Ashara - 03-08-2016

Friendly Steals? This world was certainly strange; seemed to be very conflict orientated, but what did she know. Recruiting sounded like a fairly safe task to start with and her loyalty and proficiencies would only grow with each experience. Hearing her name from another’s vocals felt kind of nice, maybe she would get the hang of this whole social thing after all. The bay surely made it easy.
Amber pools lingered on the falls after being satisfied with the rest of the atmosphere. She was still curious how a liquid could hold powers. Focus eventually shifting back to the royal, observing her relaxed and confident stature. ”Thank you for extending the offer, Ygritte, I am very grateful to be here. In fact, it is so pleasant I wonder why I had avoided it for so long.” Impressed with the collection of her own tone, being this was probably the most she had spoke in years. ”I will dedicate myself to your cause but I am still curious how herd life and kingdoms are separated? Forgive my lack of understanding, herd life and solitude are all I have ever known.” Her lack of expertise made her feel immature, like a child learning the basics of conversation and politeness. Some day the strengths from her remote life before would become useful.

Wherever I am, is exactly where I'm supposed to be.

[Mines even shorter even though I have been working on it for days... Maybe she should just wander off...]