Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - Printable Version

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Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - TEALi - 03-21-2016


    TEALi had not managed to be here long. Quickly she was with foal to a stallion. Yes it was crazy but it was instinct. We must pass on our genetics we will live through them forever. Population is at the core of are existence and we can not deny that. 

   Before to long her body would begin to expand and become uncomfortable. She decided it would be best for her and her foal if she went to live at the falls with the foals sire. She would need protection in this time. However she was not ready to give up her princess status so if she did not like it here after her babe was old enough they would leave.

  As she reached the falls she grew exhausted. She supposed it would be like this for a while. Kids take a lot out of you they say. The sun was warm and the colors of autumn was painting a beautiful picture wherever one went.  She started to snooze lightly dreaming about what her foal would look like. Would it be a rusty color like its father? Light hued like her? Maybe it would be a glorious middle ground of the two some how. 

  A sigh slipped from the maidens lips. She was sure the king was busy so she figured she would simply wait here and snooze until he found her or she mustered up enough energy to find him. No matter what for a brief moment in time the neurotic mare was calm and at ease.

Image of Innocents

RE: Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - Kreios - 03-21-2016


don't you tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash

Though I have no shortage of children, I’ve always tried my best to do right by them. Teali is little more than an alluring stranger, but despite our attraction and the temptation of autumn, I would not have coupled with her were she not also coming to the Falls. The idea of there being a child raised without me is bothersome, and so I am waiting – somewhat impatiently – for Teali to arrive at the Falls.

Despite the coming winter, the sunshine is warm on the fall afternoon. It warms my coat and turns the yellow meadow grasses to gold, and the soft breeze ruffles my mane. A gust of wind brings a familiar scent, and I look up to see Teali standing at a distance, seemingly asleep. With a pleased snort, I move from my causal grazing to approach her, but stop at enough of a distance to not startle her when she wakes.

There is no sign of the foal growing in her belly yet, but I know that by the time spring arrives there certainly will be. The foals I sire tend to be large and spotted despite their mother’s genetic influence, and I wonder curiously what this one will look like, unaware that Teali is even now thinking the same thing.

RE: Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - TEALi - 03-21-2016


          A soft scent came wafting on the breeze which slowly brought the pale princess to consciousness. Her maw stretched out into a yawn and she shook her trying to ward the grogginess off. A smile drifted onto her visage as her eyes focused on the large rusted colored stag. It must have been easy to spot the hueless mare with all the bright reds and oranges of fall.

       TEALi was not sure how long she would remain here in the falls. She knew this was not what she had come here to seek. However this was the hand dealt and now she had to play them and see if the hand is a winner or not. She was sure the stud was pleased with himself to see her here though.

       After all she did make a good trophy wife she thought to herself. That is what a princess is good for anyway. She reached down and nuzzled her belly gently as if trying to feel the little thing growing inside her but she may have to wait a bit longer for that. She could not wait to meet her little one. Part of her was rittled with fear. Having to care for another life form was not something she felt she was ready for. Part of her said when the little one arrives everything will come naturally to her.

      It was all a wait and see game at this point. "How nice of you to join me."

Image of Innocents

RE: Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - Kreios - 03-23-2016


don't you tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash

She wakes slowly, but I am patient, and take the time to grab a few mouthfuls of grass until she’s fully awake. I do feel rather proud – she could have run off between our coupling and her arrival in the Falls, but she had not. The position that I’d offered her still stands, of course, but despite the foal that I know is growing in her belly, it cannot imagine a mare like Teali ever truly content with the herd life (even the herd life in a kingdom setting)

“Of course,” I reply with a small chuckle when she speaks, “Where else would I be?” There are plenty of places of course – patrolling the border, practicing my battle skills, being diplomatic – but the way that I settle my weight to one side and lazily flick my long tail seems to say that this is the only place that I’m needed. It is nice, I will admit, to be able to pause for a while. The presence of another warrior has halved my shouldered responsibilities and therefore doubled my free time.

“Where did you live before you came here?” I ask curiously. Was she the product of a small herd or some glorious kingdom? Perhaps she is a princess in her own right, not simply a common-born mare who aspires to royalty. My time outside the edges of Beqanna had been deep rather than long, and I know very little of the outside world.

RE: Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - TEALi - 03-25-2016


    Life can be funny. It can lead you down so many roads. Some you take knowing what is at the end of them. Some of them you take hoping the adventure is worth while. Each one has a different plot twist for those who choose to travel down it. We always hope for the good but we also have to take the bad with the good on occasion. 

   The white femme knew it was only a matter of time before he would ask her that question. The truth is a funny thing. What can be truth to one person could be perceived as a complete lie to someone else; even if they shared that experience. What is real to one may not be to another being. Perception is a remarkable thing really.

   "Well you see I come from a very lush mountain side that is far from here. My father was a king of a very large herd. I was his last born, his princess. My mother died giving birth to me. When I was two a gang of younger studs battled my father and won taking his herd. My sire was too old to recover from the beating of the group of renegade bachelors. All chaos broke loose because they had no idea what they were doing and as they were trying to round up all the mares I escaped to be by my sire as death took him. I was too afraid to return so I have traveled searching for something. What I am not sure."

   That was her story and it was up to him to believe her or not.

Image of Innocents

RE: Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - Kreios - 03-28-2016


don't you tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash

I’ve no reason to distrust Teali, so as I listen to her story I take her words as truth. What reason would she have to lie, after all? I’ve no way of corroborating her story, abut also no need to. I listen, and as she continues a frown appears on my face and deepens. Her story is a tragic one, and echoes my own in some ways. She speaks candidly though, and frankly, so I am unsure whether to comfort her or express condolences.

“My mother died bearing my sister too,” I tell her, and glance – only for a moment – at her widening belly. Our child will be large, I know, but we are in the Falls. Any injury she might suffer, any danger she might be in from giving birth can be mended by the healing waters. She’s safe here, I tell myself, safer than my mother was in the woods of the Dale.

Though I have lost my father too, fate (or Yael) has returned him from the dead, and so I do not speak of it. It seems too much like ill wishing, like reminding the underworld that it no longer has hold of my father’s soul.

“I hope you find what you’re looking for,” I tell her honestly.

RE: Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - TEALi - 03-29-2016


   It was ironic the parallels in life sometimes. Death was a large part of life in the wild, in life, anywhere. Mortality was not something that could be escaped by most. Eventually the grim reaper would come rapping upon your metaphorical door to lead you away to the grave. It is also ironic how life and death go hand in hand sometimes. Both mares had died to give life. Tragic none the less at least they could leave something beautiful behind in their wake.

  Teali attempted a soft smile and nuzzled him lightly. Although she was reaching for the crest of his mane she would have to do with his neck as she was just too short. She tried to bring her thoughts back to a happier place. She was about to give the miracle of life herself. This excited the hueless horse and scared her all at the same time. As the time ticked away she began growing more and more nervous about the idea. She tried not to let it show.

  "I was thinking about names. I have a feeling its a colt. Do you have any names you prefer? I was kind of thinking Shaman, if it is a boy."

Image of Innocents

RE: Dreams of Royalty [Kreios and any] - Kreios - 03-31-2016


don't you tame your demons, but always keep them on a leash

“I like the name Shaman,” I say. It slides easily off the tongue, and I can easily imagine a boy by that name romping around the Falls, bold and handsome. Pleased by the thought, I lean forward to press my pale muzzle against Teali’s side, hoping to be able to feel the foal there. It might be too soon, I know, but I have always been enthralled.

“Do you like it here, in the Falls?” I ask Teali, pulling back to meet her eyes. She has said she is looking for something, and while my desire is to keep her here with me, I cannot help but wonder if she is happy here. I want her to be, of course, and I enjoy having her around. She is as beautiful as the day I’d found her in the Field, and while there had been a brief internal battle with myself at the idea of having other stallions in the Falls, I’d adjusted.

“Have you met Ygritte yet?” It occurs to me that the bay queen had mentioned wanted to meet Teali, and I’m not sure if she had had the time yet. Part of me wonders if it is simply jealously, if Ygritte only wants to check out her competition. There is none, of course. I am not a monogamous man, and will take and protect all of the mares closest to me. It might cause contention of course, but something tells me that Teali might thrive on that sort of discord.