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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  close your eyes and make a wish; ruan
    Oh, it had been far too long since she’d pestered her Uncle Roo. Kali probably should’ve checked in with Mom or Dad first, or at least mentioned what she was up to, but she’d been sneaking off to explore by herself since she was tiny, and anyhow Uncle Roo’s was the safest place she could be except home. Or out on the ocean. So she didn’t bother, just slipped away and strolled across the sea to visit her favorite uncle.

    Mmm, and what a lovely fall day it was, too. The sea was grey and gorgeous, matching the soft dove-grey patches of her painted coat, and the waves rolled so gently beneath her feet, lapping at her ankles almost playfully. Made her heart light in her chest, and she danced merrily along the stretch of ocean that swept from her island home to her forest one. After all, she was in and out so often it was as good as home.

    Well except when she got there, apparently Taiga was feeling a little grumpy, because instead of waltzing right across the border like always, Kali almost face-planted into a big thorny wall or some shit? “Um…?” She backed up a step, shook herself, and tilted her head, staring at the edge of her second home. “Taiga? Are you feeling okay? I know it’s been a little since I came to see you, and I’m sorry about that. I’ve been very, very busy. Could you maybe let me in? Pretty please?”
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl
    a ghost in the darkness.
    If the wall would not stop them then he would take matters into his own hands. At least now with the thick twisted roots and gnarled branches locked within each other, it deterred those so eager to disrespect himself and his kingdom. He was growing tired of their impertinence, there were other things he needed to focus on and rustling up intruders was a time waster as much as it was an annoyance.

    It doesn’t matter that she is but a child. She looks as if fairies are constantly dancing about her head, an untainted girl. He could fix that easily. As his ghostly figure prowls along the outside of the barrier, moving intently towards her, he hears her girlish questions. Definitely not the brightest bulb in the shed. Glittering malicious red eyes, a twisted snarl on his lips. This is what greets her, not her dear old Uncle Roo.

    ”I don’t think she will let you in.” The cold hard voice slipping towards her as his hooves eat up the last remaining distance between them. ”Who is it you’re looking for?” He doesn’t care who this child belongs to or where it came from. At once he is instantly thinking of seizing her as his own and trapping her behind this very wall she had bumped into. The nasty things he could do to her dance along his mind and the twisted snarl turns into a devilish grin as he stares down at her. Perhaps that would send the proper message, there would be no need for a wall.

    ”As the new King of Taiga, I could let you in if you ask nicely.”


    Just an FYI that I double checked with Kortnee and anyone that's not a member of Taiga can be interrupted in a Private thread by Gryffen. As Ruan is a captive, he's not really a member nor can he come and go outside of the wall as he pleases. If you would like her to be a captive with him then by all means let me know =)
    Taiga was pissed about something. It was pretty clear talking wasn’t going to do any good. The thorns didn’t give way just ‘cause she asked for it, and Kali was already beginning to suspect something was very wrong before the stranger showed up.

    He was a small man, at least compared to her dad, pale with blood red eyes, and she gave him a wary once-over as he approached. Probably she should leave--not run. Predators like to chase, and there was a sharpness to the snarl on his face that had her thinking predator wasn’t terribly off the mark. But leave, that would be smart. Dad would for sure agree, and so would Khari.

    She almost did, too. Almost turned and walked back out across the sea right then and there, satisfied that it was the right move just based on that creeping little inkling that crawled up her spine. But that last bit caught her attention, kept her there when she should've walked away. “The new king, huh? What happened to the old one? Ruin, or maybe Rune, was it? I’unno.” She shrugged, buying herself time to think. “I’m looking for Jinju. D’you know her? She’s big and black, and has red eyes like you do.”
    Kirby and Lacey's
    little whisper girl

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