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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    I am capable of anything and everything; Anaxarete
    so you wanna play with magic?
    Camrynn has always been fascinated by the other magicians in Beqanna. In their presence, she is almost an entirely different creature. She is respectful of their boundaries, unwilling to even try to delve into their minds, or even to delve into their pasts. She is curious, she is polite – in short, she's a model citizen in a way she rarely is around those who don't have the power.

    It's not that she fears for herself. Especially not now, after she'd taken the power trapped in her Grandmother's heart and folded it into herself. Now, she stands on par with the oldest magicians, old like Eight and perhaps even like Evrae. It's that she respects them as her equals, knowing that they hold the power to play with life and death like she does, to unmake and remake the universe. And it's just impossible not to respect any horse who holds that kind of strength.

    Fascinated as she is, she feels it the moment Anaxarete makes her entrance back into Beqanna. She falls like a pebble into the pool, and all Camrynn has to do is feel the ripples. She knows then that she wants to meet this mare, in the same way she wants to meet all the magic users. She has done a pretty good job of it too: she's met Eight, Evrae, Yael, Jason, and Isilya – if only in the young girl's dreams.

    She waits within the meadow, shaded by a tree. She had considered waiting within her magical cave, the place she'd first met Eight and Evrae. But that had seemed just a little wrong for a meeting with this latest magician.

    She knows something about Ana, in the same way she knows something about all of the magicians. It's part the stories that fly around Beqanna, but it's also the way that she can use her magic to peer into the collective memory. A story comes to her from the Dale, not so long ago (long being relative in the life of a magician), where Anaxarete and Evrae had sat the throne for a time. She can feel the ire of the horses at the sudden appearance and takeover. But in Ana, Cam senses a darker cast to her magic than had been present with Evrae. Whisper-memories appear of aliens and space and strangeness, things that Camrynn longs to know more about.

    As she shelters beneath the shade of the tree, Camrynn appears much as she always does. She is pitch black, with no markings save for those she bears by magic. On her chest, a gold crook and flail shines in the dappled sunlight, the physical manifestation of her reign as the Deserts' co-queen. Across her left cheek a string of diamonds and other precious stones trails gently, like a necklace. This was a gift from Eight, the equine equivalent of a lover giving his beloved a diamond necklace. And finally, there are her eyes. They change color, today a sweet, dark, seafoam green.

    And so, calm and cool in the summer heat, she waits, hoping that perhaps Ana will be as curious about her as she is about Ana.
    co-queen of the deserts, magical, mother of badassery


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