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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    [private]  A certain darkness is needed to see the stars [Gale]


    It is growing rather late but Gale doesn’t seem to mind her company. He speaks of entities and of course she was interested, these magical objects were not anything she had ever heard of before. Still she can’t help but wonder if she might be taking too much of his time. Besides, what of Mazikeen? Gale had seemed quite smitten with Hyaline’s alpha from their last conversation. Would she mind if he was gone all day? Or had something happened? She can’t help but voice that concern, not wanting to feel guilty if she was keeping him away from her and he was simply trying to be polite. “I’ve honestly never even heard of such a thing. Of course I would love to see it if you have the time. I know it’s getting late and I’m sure Mazikeen is waiting for you.”

    There is no jealousy on her end, although Gale was handsome her heart did not quicken in his presence and nothing fluttered in her stomach. Ciri had her fill of love triangles back in her younger years, when the pain of Castile and Amet had shattered her naive view of matters of the heart. Besides, he was simply kind and inquisitive Gale, one of the first friends she had made on her return with the sun. If anything he came off like a brother. Someone she could turn to with a question, someone who seemed reliable. Someone that maybe she could count on when things got tough.

    Speaking of capability, about these entities… “Gale how did you acquire such things in the first place? You said you brought them here.”

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was

    I don't know either but you may take the wheel lmao
    this is going to break me clean in two --
    this is going to bring me close to you

    The star-strewn mare sounds intrigued at the prospect of viewing the future, and the Curse smiles in delight. It has not yet tried to foresee, unsure how doing so might affect its host. Gale is almost entirely subdued, and it knows that within a few weeks he’ll be broken entirely.

    But he’s still strong enough that the Curse has no choice but to tell the truth, so it says about Mazikeen simply: “We had a...disagreement recently.”

    He shakes his dark head dismissively. The iridescent navy hair of his skin glitters in the glow emitted from his cremello markings and scars, and when he meets her eyes again he’s shrugging in answer to her questioning.

    “I’m very resourceful.” It tells her. “I asked, and then I asked a little more firmly.” He’d slashed into Chemdog’s tender underbelly and then took the alarm that Mazikeen had asked for. Gale’s brindle shoulder’s shrug casually, and he does not gesture to the pale gold and glowing scar across his face where the pied stallion’s hooves had scraped away both white and navy skin. He really had just asked Desire for the others. 

    “I have nothing but time.” Says the ageless non-being, a dark mass of magic and anger and blood. Gale smiles again, tilting his head charmingly and taking a step to lead the way toward the pine. It burns near the lake’s edge, illuminating both the statue of Starlace and the entity of Anatomy and Craft at the southernmost shore.




    A soft sigh of understanding escapes her darkened lips, a sad knowing look in the swirling mercury of her eyes. She reaches out to the navy stallion, a gentle touch of her muzzle to one of those glowing scars that cast a faint golden sheen to the dark ocean of his pelt. “I’m sorry Gale.” She empathizes, knowing too well how hard the battle of love can be. “If you want to talk about it I don’t mind listening.” She offers, not wanting to pry into what had happened with the horned white mare but allowing him a shoulder to lean on if he should need it.

    For the moment, whatever had happened with Mazikeen is forgotten and instead he focuses on the totems he had acquired. Resourcefully. There’s a tone to his words that makes her raise a brow but she doesn’t press him on what exactly “asking more firmly” involved. She had noticed the new nicks cut into his flesh but had not thought it worth mentioning. It shouldn’t surprise her that Gale could be fearsome in a battle if his shifting alone was anything to go by but it seems to go against his kind and gentle nature. It’s hard to imagine him fighting anyone.

    She merely smiles in acceptance as he speaks of time, thinking that maybe he just needed the distractions to keep his mind from whatever had happened with his lover. “Me too.” She says with a slight laugh and a toss of her stardust mane, following his lead to this burning tree. “Have you looked into it yet yourself? What future did you see?” She teases lightly, enjoying the cool air that comes with the evening that settles firmly around them, her stars bright and a stark contrast to the shadows that fall around them. They dim slightly as they near the bright fires burning near the lake and she can’t help but admire the tree in all it’s glory. How on earth had he gotten it here? “So how does it work exactly?” She asks while considering the magical entity, completely focused on it and not on her navy companion.

    all of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was


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