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  • Beqanna


    Assailant -- Year 226


    "But the dream, the echo, slips from him as quickly as he had found it and as consciousness comes to him (a slap and not the gentle waves of oceanic tides), it dissolves entirely. His muscles relax as the cold claims him again, as the numbness sets in, and when his grey eyes open, there’s nothing but the faint after burn of a dream often trod and never remembered." --Brigade, written by Laura

    and when i breathed - lagertha, diplomats
    They are shrewd in their responses to his proposal. He had expected no less. Scepticism in the face of such a proposal was to be expected. The Tundra had been quiet lately. But only a fool would equate quietness with weakness, and he does not believe these women fools. The Tundra had been slumbering, but even now, it begins to awaken.

    The drums of war have begun to sound faintly in the distance. This always seems to have a way of filling ranks. And though Hurricane has yet to commit himself to any side in the coming war, it seems inevitable that he will need to at some point. The Amazons had traditionally been their allies, but should they wish to sever their ties, he has no doubt another will wish to take advantage of whatever strength the Tundra might have to offer.

    Of course, it would be his preference to ally with these women, hence his proposal. But he is flexible. He needs to be, as king.

    His head dips slightly in response to Rhy’s words. Lagertha responds then, questioning how such an arrangement might benefit the jungle. He levels a hard, steady look upon her, a pregnant pause hanging in the air before he finally responds.

    ”Aside from the additional sisters it would bring to your ranks, you mean.” Pause. ”We would provide them training. In battle, primarily.”

    A one time amazon had offered her services for such an endeavor, in fact. He does not mention this however. Not until he knows more.

    He glances between the two women, considering them for a long moment. He wonders then, if he might be wasting his time here. If his efforts might not be better spent elsewhere. He hopes not.

    ”If you are willing to take this to your sisters, I will present it to the Brotherhood and we will go from there. If not, then I suppose we are done here.“

    He has never been one to mince words, nor will he start now.
    There is never a day that goes by
    that is a good day to die.

    Slight time jump, but I figured it was better to move this along Smile

    I am iron and I forge myself

    They do not lack for Sisters, or for active recruiters. Keeping a kingdom growing is important, but she does not doubt the ability of her women to keep the good ones coming in. Every now and then they’re wrong about a candidate, but thus far it seems like their number are holding pretty steady, if not increasing. So his promise of burgeoning numbers isn’t quite as tantalizing as he might think, and Lagertha doesn’t give a damn about tradition if it doesn’t help them in some way or another.

    Her lips crease into a thin line as she debates whether or not to reveal her secret, that is not so much of a secret, just something she’s never said aloud because it never really mattered. It still doesn’t, it’s just a test to see if the Tundra can follow through. “We’ll do a trial run. My son was sired by Crito, so it wouldn’t seem unnatural. I expect a daughter of yours in return.” A prince for a princess. And if Hurricane doesn’t have one… he should make one fast, lest he be unable to fulfill his boasts. Wouldn’t that be embarrassing?


    warrior queen of the amazons

    ha, i did one too. safe to say this thread is done?
    Excellentttt. Hurricane says 'Deal'. Insane is lazy

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